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December 2002

Below are all of the news stories from December 2002.

More Archived News

.::Barracks Getting Ready To Usher in New Year     Posted 12-27-02 | 2:18 PM | DontGivUp
   With the new year coming it is going to mean some changes here at the Barracks.  Some will be routine house cleaning, others will be a bit more drastic.  The biggest change will be that we are moving from Angelfire to GP Hosting and will join the CNCNZ network.  We will be the only site fully devoted to Command and Conquer GOLD and its revival.  And there is plenty of reviving to do.  At last check, there were a total of three game channels open, two for tournament games.  I'm hoping that once the C&C Revival gets into full swing, we will finally get the tournament going, for which many have signed up for already.  Anyways, after the Barracks moves to its new domain, we have no major plans for an overhaul of the site; just an update to the main graphic and maybe a few other minor changes, but nothing major...........unless Ojo feels that we need to totally go hog-wild for the new year.  You may have already noticed that the main page has changed to accommodate our moving of the site, and you may also notice the ads.  We promise not to pepper bomb you with ads and pop-ups the way some sites do.  That is our personal pledge to you from us here at the Barracks.  As a reminder to you viewers out there, I would like to say that the poll for this month is coming down soon and we would really like to have 600 respondents to it.  Regardless of whether or not we get that many votes in the poll it is still our most successful poll ever and we hope that next month's poll will be even better.  Between now and the new year there will probably be only a few updates on the Barracks as we are busy doing behind the scenes work on the site and taking care of stuff in that annoying reality we call "real-life".  So until next time, this DontGivUp saying.......well I'm not exactly sure.  I was hoping for a good a catch phrase but I guess I'll have to think about.  Email me if you have good
.::FAQs Answered     Posted Christmas Eve Day 2002 | 12:45 PM | DontGivUp
   I received some FAQ questions over the past few days and answered them and posted those answers on the site.  I'm still looking for more questions, so make sure that you head on over to the FAQs and check it out.
   In other news, with the holidays approaching I probably won't be making any postings for the next few days, as both me and Ojo will be celebrating the season with our family and friends (and more than likely some C&C).  Our updates may also be restricted to whether or not we have power as there is a major snowstorm being forecasted for our area of the world and we stand a good chance of loosing power if the forecasts come through.
  We are also patiently awaiting the creation of our new domain where we will be moving the Barracks.  We plan on being hosted the CNCNZ Network.  If all goes to plan, we will be moving there on January 1, 2003 and we will be starting a new chapter in the History of the Barracks.  Also, with the close of the month approaching it is getting time to change poll.  There are only a few days left to vote in the poll and we have over 590 votes, our most ever.  Let's get it up to 600!!!!!
.::FAQ Error     Posted 12-20-02 | 3:27 PM | DontGivUp
   I have fixed the FAQ section and gotten the Email Tech Support Area of the site up.  It is rudimentary and likely to undergo drastic changes.  I also archived some news.  I'll be in the C&C GOLD channels tonight (all times on this site are Eastern Standard Time) and I hope to see you in their.  I'll pry be a bit rusty but I'll see you in there.
   Congratulations to MacMark on moving his site.  We wish you the best at your new address.  You can get to it by clicking on "The C&C God" in the Links section.  We still have to update our links to take you directly there, but you can still get to there from here.
.::FAQ Error     Posted 12-19-02 | 10:10 PM | DontGivUp
   Due to an error that I don't have time to correct right now, the submission for the FAQ has malfunctioned and I'm not receiving the questions.  I'll fix it this weekend and let you know then.  In the meantime please email all questions to me.  Just click on my name at the top of the article.  I received two questions.  To the people who sent them to me: Please resend them via email and I will give a personal response.  I'm sorry for the inconvenience.  GAME ON!- DGU
.::Site FAQs     Posted 12-15-02 | 8:57 PM | DontGivUp
   I got the FAQ section up today.  In it is a form asking you to send us your questions.  There are no questions or answers because you haven't sent us any.  Simple go to the area by clicking on it at left and then type up a question and hit "Submit".  It doesn't get much simpler than that folks.  So give it a try.
   In other news the site has picked up over 25,200 hits and is still growing.  We also have had over 585 people vote in out pole this month.  This is great.  Hopefully, I will have the Walkthrough and E-mail Tech Support areas of the site up soon.  Also, I tweaked the news archives a bit as, due to some minor HTML errors, the links leading to the Top Stories Archives were removed.  I hope to hear from you guys soon on the FAQs.
   And in case you were wondering about the advertisements on the front page, that is the only place they are, as they are needed because we are joining the CNCNZ network (but not quite yet, more to come).
   In an effort to keep the Barracks as the top place for tactics info, we are requesting that anyone who has a tactic to email it to us.  Even if it is a variation of one already posted that's fine.  Even if you are a retired player, I hope that you will send us your tricks of the trade to help remaining players. -DGU
.::All Sorts of News     Posted 12-14-02 | 7:06 PM | DontGivUp
   Today I went back and added the Tech Support section to all areas of the Nav Bar.  Though it is hardly noticed, it took me about an hour tedious work.  And yes, every time I update it you are gonna hear me say how tedious it is.  Anyways, the site is pretty much done, but because Westwood has dropped all useful tech support for the game we here at the Barracks are working on the most comprehensive Tech Support for GOLD and plan to have all three areas of the section up and operational soon.
   In other news, I received this email from Pieman1 a few days ago:

Hi there. This site was recently brought to my attention by an old friend who played with me back in the days when this was Wchat'smain game. He said I was on a poll list on the main page but didnt tell me any results. To my amazement that there was even a CnC Gold page running other than Macmarks site,I decided to venture here and check it out. I was somewhat surprised to see I lead the voting in your poll and am also humbled. I spent about 4 1/2 years playing CnC online starting with Kali then moving onto Wchat before I quit in 2000. Its good to see the game still has a following because it is still the most balanced game I have played to this day. And my travels have taken me to RA 1 and 2,all the dunes,Tib sun,SC,DR 1 and 2. Iam currently beta testing Generals to try and help them balance it like CnC was. Funny thing is that in CnC you had to cue units one at a time and that was hard for alot of people. Subsequent games let you queue units and made players lazy. But I am reminded of good old CnC by Generals because in a sense it forces you to do that again somewhat. I just want to say that you guys must love the game and I wish you nothing but success in this web site. BTW,where do you play online at? Thanks for your time and best wishes!

Thought you guys might wanna know.

REMINDER: We are still waiting to receive questions about the game from all of you faithful viewers out there for our new FAQs area of the site.  Send 'em in.
.::Site completed, more sections to come...     Posted 12-14-02 | 2:01 AM | Ojomym
   I finished the nod units section, again, as well as decided to add a few new sections to the site.  Because Westwood has pretty much abandoned this game, we will now offer FAQ's, Walkthroughs, and additional tech support for the game.  The links aren't up yet but they will be soon.  I also went though and more or less cleaned up most of the older pages.  Made some design changes I though were necessary.  Enjoy. Have a good one.  -Ojo
.:: Game FAQs     Posted 12-12-02 at 3:30 PM by DontGivUp
   Because of the vast amounts of people visiting the site now, there are sure to be some newbies out there who have no clue what is going on.  Therefore to help you out we have decided to put up and FAQ section on the site.  All we need now are questions to answer.  So here is how you can help.  Anyone who has a question (even if you know the answer) can email it to either myself or Ojo and we will compile a list and put up the answers.  No matter how basic they seem, make sure you ask them, because you never know which newbie may need an answer to a question.  We providing this service to help expand the Barracks' tech support for the game as Westwood doesn't do a very good job.  So get out there and start emailing us some questions.
   In other news, I updated the entire Nav Bar again to refelect the constantly changing face of the Barracks.  I also archived some older news that was clogging the site.
   REMINDER: We are still looking for the HTML for the Nod Units section.  If you have it, please email it to us.
.::A few updates     Posted 12-8-02 at 1:16 AM by Ojomym
    Due to some slight design problems, I re-did the media and essentials pages and put them on their own separate pages.  The new files we have posted, the C&C Demo, and the demo media files, are up and running.  Earlier in the week I fixed the colors on the forum, now they seem to follow the site design better.  Were still on the lookout for anyone who may have our old Nod Units section in their cookies and would be willing to send us the html.  If you could that would be great.  Once that is done, the site will be completed and well be making some changes.
.::Westwood Supports Tournament at The Barracks     Posted 12-7-02 at 9:06 PM by DontGivUp
     A few days ago I received this e-mail from Virtual Ted over at Westwood:

Hi DontGivUp,

Sounds great.   I'm glad to hear C&C Gold is alive and kicking.

As for how we can help, I'm glad to hear of any cheating issues which will help remove players that are competing unfairly.   However, I don't have anyone that I can dedicate to looking through each record and researching games played.   The most valuable way you can help is to help the community regulate itself.   Maybe you can organize your own tournament system and kick anyone playing unfairly as you deem necessary.  I believe I have a few items around here that I could loan out to such a contest.


     I would have posted this earlier had I not had FrontPage crash just before my main posting.  While on the topic of tournaments I want to remind you that the Tournament is filling up quickly and there are only 9 slots left open.  It is now a best of three format.  I urge you to check the rules on battle settings for each battle.  Of course, cheating will not be tolerated and you will be reported to Westwood in the event that you are caught cheating.
     In other news, The Barracks has joined the Command and Conquer 200.  Just click on the link at left to go and vote.  The picture is on every page, however the link only works on this page and the archived news page.  I hope to get around to updating the links to the site, but it is tedious and may come during another Nav Bar fix up which won't be for a while.
     I would also like to mention that the Barracks has received some fan mail.  Check it out:

     Hey I seen your site and I just wanted to say its the best c&c site I;ve
seen ever.. Awesum!  I had sum problems with a gdi mission.. it kept kicking
me back to windows.. weird.. lol but its the 2nd to last mission!! i dont
wanna start over.. so I downloaded ur gdi mission pack! lol you should def
update!! if u need any help.. lemme kno.. I am great with html and site
stuff.. great work!!  LaTaaa


     I did not edit it for grammar or spelling. :)
     On another note, I would like to unveil the new Media and Essentials area of the website.  It is the combination of both the Media and Essentials area of the site into one area.  The files that are located in the area are the original C&C GOLD demo put out by Westwood.  In fact, it's a direct link to the Westwood FTP server.  I got the links from the Free CnC site.  The first file is the actual demo, while the second is the movies and the music that correspond with the stuff from the demo.
     The news keeps coming in.  I received this email from the folks over at the DEN network after I emailed them a few days ago:

I'm going to give your site a plug on the DEN Games Network this weekend. Should help ya get some hits and get ya noticed. I get thousand of visitors to my websites daily. Of course, I don't believe there's a huge market anymore for the original CNC Dawn...but I suppose there's a few around that still play the game, and the service you provide is good for them.
Den Games Network

     This is great for the site.  We have already gotten a whole bunch of hits and the record number of hits continues to grow.  I'll try to get into WChat tonight and strike up a conversation with some you visitors tonight.  If I don't show up, treat yourself to a battle tonight.  After I post this article, I'm going to Archive some news so the site isn't overloaded.  I think I'll be able to go to WChat right after that.

.::HELP!!!     Posted 12-05-02 at 3:47PM by Ojomym
     Hey guys, we've got a problem.  Somehow, as a result of an error on our part, the Nod Units page was lost due to to an HTML overwrite problem, in which we completely replaced the page with that of out Nod Units/Structures Tree.  Rather than do the whole thing over, it would be a great help to us if someone who has viewed the Nod Units page prior to the error, was able to find the HTML for that page in their cookies and e-mail it to me here.  If you think you may have viewed the page before the error occurred (last Sunday), and don't know how to find it in your cookies, then you can e-mail me and I'll walk you though it.  In any case, if you may be able to help, don't load the webpage now as it will overwrite the original page that was in your cookies.  Blah, that was a mouthful.  If anyone could help out that would be great.  Thanks.
.::Site Within Spitting Distance of Completion     Posted 12-1-02 at 3:47PM by DontGivUp
     Great news for the Barracks!!! I have updated the Text area of the Files section.  This leaves us only needing to post the Nod Unit/Structure Tree.  There are dead links to the Media and Essentials areas of the Files section and I am waiting to hear from Ojo on whether or not to put something up there.  The only other dead link is to Westwood's Gold Headquarters and will be removed shortly.  To help avoid unneeded tedious work of the navbar, it won't be removed until a decision has been reached on what to do with the Media and Essentials areas.
     On another note, the program FreeCnC is beginning to appear as the next major development of C&C.  FreeCnc is a free program that is supposed to mimic C&C GOLD.  It will also work on many different OSes and will not likely work with WChat.  You can check out MacMark's site (The C&C God) to get a more complete description.  This program is quickly becoming the main option for C&C GOLD players as Westwood has not done anything to help the original game.  The C&C Revival may very well take place not with C&C GOLD, but with FreeCnc.
     In another area of news, the Web Site has picked up over 23,200 hits and growing!!!  Keep on coming to the Barracks for the latest on the C&C Revival.
     REMEMBER: We are accepting sign-ups for the tournament.  Also, please vote in our poll and talk in forums and sign our guest book.  Thanks for coming to The Barracks.

Made By Ojomym