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U,D,T,A: Up, Down, Towards, Away
P, K: Punch (any) or Kick (any)
WX, MX, HX: Weak, Medium or Hard Punch or Kick
X-Y-Z: Move controller smoothly from position X to Y to Z
X+Y: Be pressing X and Y (either the controller of a Punch or Kick) at the same time
X, Y: Tap X, release, Tap Y

Name: Omega Epsilon

Signature Quote: "I am Omega and Alpha, the End and the Beginning..."

Personal Email address: tzubi@ns.sympatico.ca

  • Height: 6'1"

  • Weight: 175lbs

  • Appearance: Omega Epsilon resembles regular Epsilon in a peripheral sense. He is light skinned and tall. He has spiked hair, long and jet black, styled in a wave that arcs over his head. His eyes are monochrome gray, all iris with not cornea or pupil to be seen. They change color depending on a few factors. His physique is impressive but unexceptional. His armor is made up of a black body suit, made of some skin tight material. His armor has protective plates that curve over his forearms, shins, upper chest, waist and crotch. Flaring shoulder pads compliment the design. A coarse black belt with a thick green buckle wraps around his hips. The buckle has an "epsilon" inscribed on it. His sword is a meter long European style broad sword made of green metal with a guard and hybrid grip.

  • Alternate Appearance: It is not possible to play Omega Epsilon in a two-player game.

  • Fighting Style: Kagirinai Kanbishita Jissen Jutsu (Unlimited Perfection Fighting Form)

  • Button Style: Street Fighter Alpha 3

  • Bio: A being of seemingly infinite malice. Omega Epsilon has no soul, and exist outside the established reality, making him immune to all but the crudest physical attacks on his person. No one knows quite where Omega Epsilon came from, or why. His goal seems pretty clear. In his own words. "I will attain all knowledge, all power, all identity. I will will myself into existence, and in so doing become the Last, and the First!"

  • Intro: Omega Epsilon appears when Epsilon makes a very big mistake. It ends up turning out to be everyone's problem.

  • Theme Songs:

    • Game Theme: Critic-al Damage/Omega Remix (Blue Nothing)

    • Main Theme: Fear (Disturbed)

    • Pre-battle Theme: Dark Fact's Theme (Ys)

    • Battle Theme: Termination (Ys 2)

  • Stage: The Omega Point - Read the Openings section for a description of it.

  • Weapons: Epsilon's sword and armor are special, in that they adapt to suit whatever abilities he is currently using. Thus they can both change form and format fairly quickly. Also, both are considered "part" of him and can't be removed from him unless he allows it. Even then, he'll always know their location.

  • Special Skills:

    • Epsilon is a soul devouring menace. His one ability is the ability to eat the soul of someone. In so doing he gains all their memories, experience, power, skill and inborn ability. He does not gain abilities that the victim only has a potential to develop, only actual abilities they have at the time of his attack are granted to him. He can (and does) have the ability to combine various abilities he has gained from multiple sources, however. Epsilon's victims are dead, and no known method can revive them.

  • Openings:

    • 1st Round: First, unlock -all- other secret characters in the game. Then go to the Story Mode on highest difficulty and win every match without losing a partner and finishing off at least one of the other fighters with a move the drains a whole Super Bar. When you defeat the final boss Epsilon will appear (even if you have him in your team) before the post battle point wrap up and the following occurs:

      Epsilon: "You're pretty good. This calls for a special surprise!" (Epsilon pulls something out of his armor but we can't see what it is) "I summon the ultimate cliche, hidden, nigh-unbeatable, final boss character!"

      Epsilon throws the object into the air and suddenly it sparks with an intense light. The light glows and grows and and steadily form into a humanoid figure. It begin to fall to the ground, leaving streamers of incandescent energy that slowly peel from its body like silk from a cocoon. When he lands Omega Epsilon is fully formed. (Begin the "Dark Fact Theme")

      Epsilon: "What? This isn't the one I wanted..."

      Omega Epsilon: "She's here. I can follow her anywhere."

      Epsilon: "Who the heck are you!?"

      Omega Epsilon: (turns, noticing Epsilon for the first time) "You are... me? No..."

      Epsilon: "Must be some avatar I never got around to fleshing out..."

      Omega Epsilon: "You. You're the missing piece I've been looking for!" (suddenly Omega Epsilon draws his sword and runs Epsilon through, Epsilon gasps in pain) "With your soul, I will finally be complete!"

      Epsilon: "No..."

      Bright multicolored motes of light begin to o emerge from Epsilon and float into his Omega counterpart, at this point the winning team looks aghast and makes some reaction of dismay.

      Omega Epsilon: (discards Epsilon's corpse) "Now, nothing can stop me." (he flexes his fingers) "I will remake existence in my image!"

      At this point both of the players team members are on screen, both pose and shout out the equivalent of "Over our dead bodies!" with different variations for each.


      Epsilon: "Damn you! -I- was the destined to be the final villain of this drama!"

      Dan: After Omega Epsilon kills him, Dan will run to GMCA Epsilon's side and try futilely to shake him awake. Realizing Epsilon is dead, Dan will lay his body down gently, and remain on his knees with a black expression on his face while his partner does their intro. He'll then stand slowly and silently take his stance, all the while glaring at Omega Epsilon with a dangerous look in his eyes. If his partner is Akane, he'll put his hand on her shoulder and say quietly: "Ikuze, Akane-san." before taking his stance.

      Yun: In addition to the team members the KSP come on screen. Yun, I and Ch'oe are dumbstruck. Noe is celebrating Epsilon's demise.

      Yun: "Chònggu, SHUT UP!"

      Noe looks confused.

      Noe: "But, Epsilon is dead. Isn't that what you wanted? Isn't that what you've been trying to do since we got here, take out Epsilon?"

      Yun: (nods) "Yeah, I wanted to take him out. I wanted to beat him senseless, maybe even cripple him. But I never wanted to kill him. I don't care what he did in the past, he didn't deserve to die." (he motions for the KSP to leave the area) "This is gonna get ugly, guys. Go back to Korea."

      Noe: "But..."

      Yun: "This is gonna be messy. If I'm gonna die, I want you three [Note: he says "four" if Keori is his partner] to go on without me."

      Noe nods and he and I turn to leave. Ch'oe puts his hand on Yun's shoulder.

      Ch'oe: "Good luck, Ch'òlsu."

      If Keori is Yun's partner she says something about being his partner and she's not going to abandon him even if he asks her to. He smiles and nods. She then does any intros she decides to add if any.

      (V)ajin: (\/)ajin/Cyrus closes his eyes in thought and says "You remind me of someone." He then opens his eyes glares a Omega Epsilon and says "It doesn't matter though, because I will stop you."

      Teotl: "So, what are you? Some kind of... astralvore?"

      Omega Epsilon: "Label me if it makes you feel better."

      Teotl: (to his wristcomm) "If my implant dies, nuke the joint. Everything you've got, Time On Target." (To OE) "Okay, little boy. Let's mamba."

      Replica: (frowns) "Hmph. How... annoying."

      Omega Epsilon: "Is that all you have to say?"

      Replica: "Shush. You don't deserve my words."

      Sean: The Cult of Guru Sean will be in the background as per one of his normal scenes as Omega Epsilon's entrance plays out.

      Sean: (to the Cult) "...Go."

      Kevin: "But, Guru Sean-"

      Sean: (angrily) "GO!!! If there's anything left after this, you can come back should you still want to."

      The Cult bows to him in unison, then vanishes in a flash of light. Sean turns back to Omega Epsilon.

      Sean: (bitterly) "'Complete...' Could you really be any more lame of a DBZ ripoff? And you're just as meaningless, and empty, and awful as it was. I suppose stopping the universe from becoming like you is as good a thing to die for as any...." (He materializes the Silence Glaive.)

      Omega Epsilon: (notices Glaive, smiles) "Oh, that thing again. When will they learn."

      Reader: (looking slightly pale) "Bloody..." (starts to fumble in robes) "Maybe..."

      Alyss: (looking even paler) "Won't work. It doesn't have a soul for a Morganti to eat. In fact... I think it's the other way around."

      Reader: (waves, forming a portal a little behind them) "In which case... look after the cats and my place if-"

      Alyss: "You think I'd just leave you?!"

      Reader: "Alyss... you could die here. I mean, that... thing over there... It's not would, but SHOULD. If you stay..."

      Alyss: "You're not going to do this alone, okay?" (in a much smaller voice) "And you're not going to leave me alone like this."

      Reader: (collapses portal) "...thanks." (in very formal tones) "I, in turn, shall endeavor to prove myself worthy of such regard." (turning to face OE) "All right then, time to see if the previous practicals paid off..."

      Kurt: (KM watches in shock as Omega Epsilon appears and casually kills Epsilon. When Omega Epsilon finishes making his speech, KM steps forward) "I have a problem with that."

      (Feel free to come up with your own!)

      At this point, if Akane is in the Team she steps forward.

      Akane: "You bastard!" (an aura of power starts to form around her) "You ruined my life! I won't forgive you!"

      Omega Epsilon: "So it -is- you. Haven't you learned you can't defeat me yet?"

      Akane: "I don't care how powerful you are..." (clenches her fist and raises it up, suddenly her aura burst outs and creates a crater, rocks begin to float into the air around her) "Ryouga, Tenchi, Konatsu, Goku... my friends... my FAMILY! For them all... I will not lose this time!"

      Omega Epsilon: "Heh. A nice speech. But I have no more need for you. This will be our final battle."

      After Akane (or all the characters) have made their speeches Epsilon slashes with his sword in the air.

      Omega Epsilon: "Enough words! You can not stop me, but you are welcome to try!" (he raises his sword) "Witness my true power. Omega Point!"

      Suddenly the stage begins to tremble and shake. Then it seems to be pulled apart. It becomes clear that a massive black hole has suddenly sprung into existence nearby and is absorbing all reality around it. The players are left standing on a piece of floating rock, in the background the huge black hole pulses like a heart. Objects of all sizes, from people to galaxies, can be seen spiraling into oblivion behind them (the bigger they are, the slower they go). Omega Epsilon then smiles and drops into his Standard Form stance.

      Omega Epsilon: "It's only a matter of time now."

      (Begin "Termination" and the fight).

    • Standard: Omega Epsilon's eyes glow and he draws his sword before settling into his Standard Form (hit the appropriate button to cause him to start off in another form).

  • Taunts:

    • Epsilon says "Feh!" and turns his back on the opponent for a moment.

  • Finishing Poses:

    • Standard: Omega Epsilon returns to his Standard form. He holds out his hand and the fallen opponent flies into it. Motes of light begin to swirl from the victim to Epsilon. This continues until the screen shifts.

    • Time Over/Draw: Omega Epsilon looks the opponent up and down. "I'm impressed." He vanishes into a swirl of energy.

    • Perfect: Omega Epsilon rolls his eyes and says, "You're not worth my time!" before walking off the screen.

    • Flash Finisher: As above but Epsilon only calls up the crystal to his hand then vanishes with it.

  • Victory Quotes:

    • "You will add to my being."

    • "I am not complete yet..."

    • "You didn't stand a chance."

    • "This is my destiny."

  • Character Strategy: Omega Epsilon is (say it with me now) an incredibly cheap final boss character that is all but impossible to beat. He actually has six (6) forms or fighting styles which he can switch between, all with different strengths and weaknesses and strategy involved. His Health bar is twice as "full" as anyone else's, so even an attack that does 60% damage only takes off about 30% of his bar. His damage is also higher then most. In the Omega Mode you play as him (and only him) and have no partner, so that will come in handy.

  • Attacks:

    • Command Normals:

        Note: Omega Epsilon's Command Normal change animation in each form but each is basically the same, executed with the same command.

      • Launcher: (D, D+P) Omega Epsilon performs some sort of uppercut with a short range that launches the opponent skyward for an air combo. (8%)

      • Block Break (High): (F, F+P) Omega Epsilon does a long animation setting up for a strike. If it hits it goes right through a blocking characters Guard (but not an effect which renders a character invincible). Its aimed to high to hit most crouch blocking characters. (8%)

      • Block Break (Low): (D, DT+P) Omega Epsilon does another long animation, this time striking lower and defeating most crouching Guards. Can be easily jumped over. (8%)

      • Pursuit: (U, D+K) Omega Epsilon leaps up and comes down on an opponent. Will hit opponents who have fallen to the ground. (6%)

    • Throws:

      • Throw Command: (B, B+P) The animation of this varies from form to form, but Omega Epsilon performs a basic throw that ends up with his opponent on the ground.

    • Specials:

        Note: Epsilon has six forms, each with four Specials and one Super unique to it. His Desperation, Flash Finisher and Ultimate do not change. In all forms he can do his Teleport special.

      • Teleport: (A-DA-D-DT-T+Button) Epsilon teleports from one place on the stage to another in a swirl of light. Position relative to the opponent determined by the button pressed. WP = In front and far, MP = In front and above, SP = In front and near, WK = Behind and far, MK = Behind and above and SK = Behind and near.

        Standard Form (Weak Punch)
        Appearance: As above.

      • Ougi Kogetsu Zan: (T-D-DT+P) OE takes a step forward and then launches skyward, doing a series of 360 degree sword slashes. Exactly like Hoahmaru's move. Does between 10 and 15% damage.

      • Psycho Crusher: (A-D-DA+P) OE flies forward, parallel to the ground with his sword extended and covered in a vicious purple aura. Almost exactly like Bison's move. Does anywhere from 10 to 15% damage.

      • Slash Corridor: (D-DT-T+P) Omega Epsilon performs a long string of slashing attacks (similar to Slash from Waku Waku 7 or Ukyo from Samurai Showdown). This attack has a vacuum effect when it strikes, often sucking opponents caught on the periphery in for the full damage (or near it). Does from 8% to 16% damage.

      • Reppu Ken/Double Reppu Ken: (D-DA-A+P) Omega Epsilon slashes his sword in a casual seeming manner at the ground. A green wave of light travels along the ground to hit the opponent. If the Hard Punch is used he shouts "Double Reppu Ken" and slashes twice rapidly, the wave is twice as big and twice as fast but does no extra damage. 10% damage.

        Reserve Form (Weak Kick)
        Appearance: As above but Epsilon places his sword on his belt and fights bare handed.

      • Ichimonji-Giri/Jyumonji-Giri/Iai-Giri: (Hold A, T+WP, MP or HP) Epsilon draws his sword for a rapid slash. Some of these are double strikes and some are faster than others. Basically Hyo's (Rival Schools) moves. (12% a piece)

      • Ryusei Raku: (Hold A, T+K) Dashes forard and performs a rapid two-hit kick combo. Exactly like the Kim Hapkwan move of the same name. Does around 15% damage.

      • Flash Kick: (Hold D, U+K) Launches from a crouch to an aeriel backflip kick with a flashing afterimage streak. Exactly like the same move performed by Guile/Charlie. Does around 15% damage if it strikes a nearby opponent.

      • Lightning Upper: (Hold D, U+P) Motions with his hand and causes a bolt of lightning to rise form the ground. Much like Kyosuke's move (Rival Schools) except that hitting a harder punch means the blast erupts further out from him, up to two character lengths away. Does around 15% damage.

        Magic Form (Medium Punch)
        Appearance: As above but he rises about an inch or so off the ground, his movement is floating back and forth. His eyes turn midnight black.

      • Enchant Sword: (D-DA-A+Any Button) Omega Epsilon raises his sword above his head and energy streams from the heavens to engulf it. His sword then has a particular magical effect attuned to it. The moment he strikes an opponent with the blade it release the charge (even if they block it, in which case the effect is wasted). The weapon remains charged until he strikes with his sword, until he uses a different Enchant Sword or he changes Forms. Damage from the attack is equal to that of his normal sword moves, plus any bonuses from the element.

        WP - Fire Sword, the sword turns red and is coated with flames. When he strikes he causes the opponent to burst into flames. The flames do 3% damage every second. You can put them out with a safe fall, roll, or any other action which might put out flames.

        MP - Ice Sword, the sword turns blue and tiny ice crystals follow along in its path. When he strikes the opponent they freeze solid, a condition which lasts for 1 second and leaves them open to follow up attacks from him.

        HP - Bolt Sword, the sword turns yellow and sparks of energy leap around it. When he strikes the opponent is hit for an additional 15% damage from the shock effect.

        WK - Poison Sword, the sword turns a noxious green and drips a vile looking fluid which hisses when it hits the ground. When Omega Epsilon strikes the opponent is Poisoned, for the next five seconds every time they attack they'll takes 2% damage.

        MK - Mystic Sword, the sword turns purple and seems to phase in and out of view. When it strikes it does damage to the opponent Super Bar in addition to his Health (equal to twice the damage inflicted to the Health).

        HK - Drain Sword, the sword turns black. When Omega Epsilon strikes the damage inflicted is regained to his Health Bar.

      • Flight: (U, U+Any Button) Omega Epsilon starts to fly. Pushing up causes him to rise into the air, down to lower him. If he touches the ground or taps (D, D+Any Button) he will stop flying.

      • Nightmare Lightning: (D-DT-T+P) Omega Epsilon does an underhand toss. A ball of dark electricity flies from his hands and arcs until it hits the ground. When it does a column of black lightning flies into the sky. The column does 15% damage to anyone caught in it. If the ball hits an opponent in mid flight it does 5% damage plus "catches" them and drags them into the pillar effect. Control the arc of flight with the Punch buttons.

      • Floating Sword: (T-D-DT+P) Epsilon throws his sword forward. It rotates in mid-air and floats about. Use the D-Pad to control its movement (to pursue opponents etc.). Tap any button to cause it to return. Does 10% damage if it hits and automatically returns. If the sword is Enchanted, it will remain so when this move is used.

        Shot Form (Medium Kick)
        Appearance: Omega Epsilon's armor becomes more streamlined and his sword changes into a bar of green light in his hand. His hair becomes stiffer and spikier.

      • Power Shot: (D-DT-T+P) Omega Epsilon holds out both hands. His sword collapses into a ball of green light which he fires as a fireball. Hold down the punch button to cause energy to be built up. Every second spent charging increases damage of the attack by 2%, up to a max of 6%. Does 10%, 12% or 14% damage (plus charge).

      • Wing of the Light Hawk: (D-DA-A+K) Omega Epsilon holds up his arm and a giant translucent white triangle of light erupts from the ground in front of him. As long as he holds down the punch, the Wing remains. So long as he holds it, he is immune to all damage. His Super Bar will be steadily reduced by any damage reduced on at a rate of half the damage inflicted. When he runs out of Super Bar he must drop the Wing.

      • Phase Strike: (A-D-DA+K) Omega Epsilon seems to be charging up for a Power Shot (1, 2 or 3 secs depending on button used). If struck he will phase out and appear behind the opponent to slash them for 13%, 16% or 19% damage. A nasty little anticipation counter.

      • Blast Wave: (T-D-DT+K) Omega Epsilon curls up into a fetal position and then thrusts his limbs out. A shockwave of power blasts out form him, doing a knockback/knockdown effect even if the opponent blocks it. Damage can run from 10% to 20% as he can hold the kick button to charge up damage (2% per second).

        Super Form (Hard Punch)
        Appearance: Omega Epsilon puts away his sword to fight bare-handed. His hair turns blond and rises up in a field of spikes. A gold aura surrounds him and his eyes turn blue-green. In this form hitting HP causes Epsilon to launch a tiny ki blast (Energy Dan) which he launches by flicking his fingers, it does about 4% damage if it hits.

      • Makankousappou: (D-DT-T, D-DT-T+P) Omega Epsilons brings two fingers to his forehead and gathers energy. When finishes he thrusts his hands forward and unleashes a beam of energy with a swirling secondary blast around it. This attack does 10 hits total, and goes through other energy beams like they weren't even there. The damage per hit is determined by how long he spent charging up. The minimum is one second and then it does 2% per hit. At 2 seconds he does 3% per hits and at 3 seconds he does 4% per hit. The punch button hit determines how long he spends charging up.

      • Renzoku Energy Dan: (D-DT-T+P) Omega Epsilon launches three rapid fire ki blasts, which will hit if the first one hits.

      • Zanzouken Elbow: (D-DA-A+P) Omega Epsilon dashes toward the enemy with a punch. However he fades out just in front of them and strikes them from behind with an elbow. Any attack on him while he is dashing go harmlessly through him because he is, in fact, not there anymore. Does roughly 15% damage.

      • Zanzouken Kick: (D-DA-A+K) Omega Epsilon does a similar animation to his Zanzouken Elbow but instead appears above and in front of the opponent to deliver a diving kick. Does roughly 17% damage.

        Phoenix Form (Hard Kick)
        Appearance: Epsilon's armor and sword take on a more yellow tint. Large wings composed of flame spring from his back and he floats like in his Magic Form. In this form Epsilon takes about 2/3 damage. Actually 1/3 of the damage is instantly regenerated after he takes it.

      • Koutei Kaen Yoku: (D-DT-T+P) Omega Epsilon pulls off one of his wings and flings it like a discus at the opponent. Does about 15% damage. His wing immediately grows back (since its made of flame, not hard). Perform the move a second time while the first is still in flight and Omega Epsilon will fling the second wing as well. It might hit, or might not, depending on the timing. It is not possible tot use this more than twice in a row.

      • Oniyaki: (T-D-DT+P) A step forward into a rotating uppercut. Exactly like Kyo's flaming uppercut but involves Omega Epsilon's sword so it has a much longer reach and better priority. Does about 18% damage total.

      • Phoenix Arrow: (In Air, D-DA-A+K) OE descends towards the ground in a tight ball covered in a damaging aura of flames. Exactly like Athena's move of the same name except he's covered in flames during the animation. Does about 18% damage if you get a good hit.

      • Phoenix Aura: (T-D-DT+K) Omega Epsilon holds out his arms and an aura of flame surrounds him. This is similar to Magneto's Move. Anyone who touches the aura takes 5% damage immediately but the flames disappear. If it comes into contact with a blocking opponent the aura also disappears. If you repeat the motion while Omega Epsilon still has the aura active he will cause it to explode out to about twice its diameter, doing 15% damage.

    • Supers:

      • Change Form: (T-DT-D-DA-A+Any Button) Epsilon changes combat forms. The amount of time it takes him to change forms varies. He can change to Standard or Reserve forms instantly. It takes him about a second to change into Magic or Shot forms and about 3 seconds to change into his Super or Phoenix forms.

      • Raging Storm (Standard Form Super): (D-DT-T-DT-D-DA-A+WP+MP+HP) Omega Epsilon thrusts his sword into the ground and causes 'teeth' of green energy to raise out of the ground all around him. Exactly like Geese's move except it is slightly faster than the original version. Does about 35% damage.

      • Beat Rave (Reserve Form Super): (Hold A, T, A, T+WK+MK+HK) Omega Epsilon does Andy Bogard's Zaneiken. If he connects but is blocked he does a backflip and recovers but otherwise nothing happens. If he connects he shouts, "Beat Rave!" then performs the following moves in Genocide Cutter (Rugal), Aerial Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Shotokan), lands, Crescent Moon Slash (Kim Hap Kwan), Rolling Crystal Flash (Vega) and finishes with a Maiden Masher(Iori Yagami). Does about 40% damage total.

      • Ultimate Gravity Press (Magic Form Super): (D-DA-A-DA-D-DT-T+WK+MK+HK) Omega Epsilon launches four black energy spheres that track the opponent (think Magento's Hyper Grab). If they catch an opponent and aren't blocked they are dragged to the ground. Omega Epsilon then holds up his hand and the ground beneath the opponent craters and they scream and collapse. Does 50% damage, about 4% if blocked.

      • Bright Light (Shot Form Super): (D-DA-A-DA-D-DT-T+WP+MP+HP) OE rises into the air and throws his head back. The screen is filled with a bright white glow that blocks out eveyrthing. Does damage to anyone onscreen who isn't blocking. Exactly like the Orochi's super move of the same name. Does 45% damage.

      • Super Meteo Crash (Super Form Super): (D-DA-A-DA-D-DT-T-DT-D+WP+MP+HP) Omega Epsilon does his animation for the Zanzouken Elbow but at the end does -not- fade out and instead delivers a straight punch. If it is blocked the attack does about 2% tick and he flips back. If it isn't he goes into an insane multi-hit combo. A hit counter appears and steadily increase. When it hits 3 hits it flashes the word, "Good!" At 5 hits, "Excellent!" appears. At 10 hits "Awesome!" appears. At 20 hits "Wow..." appears. At 30 hits "Ye Gods!" appears. At 40 hits "I can't look!" appears. At 50 hits "That's enough already!" appears. At 60 hits "Oh the humanity!" appears. At 70 hits "He can't take anymore!" appears. At this point Omega Epsilon stops and steps back, leaving the opponent staggering around woozily. An ellipses "..." appears under the hit counter then Omega Epsilon shouts "Kamehameha!" and does the move of the same name on the opponent, blasting them off the screen. Does about 5 more hits on the counter. Does 75% damage total.

      • Tenka Shunmetsu Koukyuu Dan (Phoenix Form Super): (D-DA-A-DA-D-DT-T-DT-D+WK+MK+HK) Omega Epsilon crosses his arms and is covered in his Phoenix Aura field. It does the normal damage if touched. He charges up for about one second and then unleashes a huge fireball attack that fills the whole screen (and the entire battlefield). The only way to avoid it is to Super Jump behind him while he's charging. The blast is massive, does massive tick damage and is basically really nasty. Does 60% damage (10% if blocked).

    • Desperation:

      • Regeneration!: (Hold WP+WK+MP+MK+HP+HK for 2 secs) Omega Epsilon instantly refills his Health by 50% of its maximum volume. Doing this causes him to loose one Super Level permanently (thus if he has 3 he goes to 2 max, then 1 then none for three uses total). The healing is instantaneous but his charge time is not. If hit while charging up (he is obviously doing that as he will stand with a large aura surrounding him) he is knocked out of it but doesn't lose the super meter.

    • Ultimate Attack:

      • Omega Buster: (A-DA-D-DT-T-DT-D-DA-A, T+WP+WK+MP+MK+HP+HK) Omega Epsilon cries "Enough!" and throws his arms out. He then basically shreds reality. Large rents appear in the screen, behind which can be seen some of the other game stages. He continues this, slashing with his arms and tearing holes in reality. If the opponent is standing in the path of any of these he is hit for 25% damage, regardless of whether or not you are blocking! The way it is set up you can be hit a maximum of three time (if you get caught early on and close to Epsilon). Also if you time you leaps and evasion just so, you can get out without taking any damage whatsoever. You can't get close enough to hit Omega Epsilon once he starts the move however. Finally Omega Epsilon tires of this and shouts "Omega Buster!" and rises his hands to the sky. A pillar of swirling distorted reality erupts around him and slowly grows to fill the screen. The view shifts to a long shot of the area, which is basically ripped to its component atoms by the pillar. Then switch back to the stage, which reforms itself with Omega Epsilon in the center. The final attack can not be avoided or blocked and does 10% damage.

    • Flash Finisher:

      • Heart Snatch: (WP, WK, T, MK, MP, A, HP, HK) Omega Epsilon rushes into the opponent and strikes with his open palm. If not blocked or avoided the opponent screams and a large gem flies out of their back. It is pink with six main spines connected by a bright white light in the center. The opponent collapses with the Heart Crystal falling behind them while Omega Epsilon laughs. If blocked then nothing happens (no damage whatsoever).

    • Team Helper:

      • Omega Epsilon can not be teamed with anyone.

    • Team Supers:

      • Omega Epsilon can not be teamed with anyone.

  • Glitches:

    • Omega Epsilon Mode: Defeat Omega Epsilon when you first encounter him and he will fall to his knees and say "What? How can this be..." Then he will look up at the winning team. "Maybe, I am not complete yet after all?" he will then vanish before anyone can stop him. Then at the mode select screen there will be the Omega Epsilon mode. In this mode you play as Omega Epsilon and fight every team in order. For the purpose of this mode secret/hidden characters will be teamed with each other randomly. The next to last fight will always be with whatever team defeated Omega Epsilon to unlock this mode. The final fight will be one on one with him versus Akane Tendo. They will do their spiel (see above) but Akane will transform into her Guyver form at the start of the match. She will, however, have access to all her normal form moves (including Supers) as well as her Guyver moves and will have a Health Bar as big as Omega Epsilon's.

    • Vs. Replica: If Replica's health bar drops below 10%, she'll escape into another reality, vanishing from the battle never to be seen again. This, of course, means her partner is screwed. This only happens if the bar "stops" in the 10%-area between damage; a sufficiently powerful attack may take her out before she tries to escape.

  • Motivations:

    Omega Epsilon seems to want to become God. Not just a god. Not just a powerful being. Not just the ruler of a universe or several universes. He wants to absorb all creation into himself. Once he's done that he will, in essence, be everything and everyone. He will be the only one supreme being.

  • How Omega Epsilon talks:

    Omega Epsilon is given to villainous dramatic speechmaking and ominous threats. He is usually civil, but isn't likely to speak to someone at all unless they are sufficiently more powerful than him that simply absorbing their soul wouldn't be an easy task.

  • How Omega Epsilon acts:

    Omega Epsilon will hunt down every member of the GMCA and steal their souls one by one until somebody stops him. Unfortunately, he has absorbed enough beings to have about fifty different forms of immortality and invincibility by this point, so that's no easy task.

The character "Omega Epsilon" and all attributes thereof are TM and © 2000 to Aaron Peori (Epsilon).

MUAHAHAHAHAHA! And now, while you are distracted by the pretty lights, I will steal your cheez!