Name: Pastel, Circuit and Comma.
Signature Quote: "..."
Personal Email address:
- Extremely strong and endurant, and somewhat agile as well.
- Same genetic advantages as Zenith.
- Good at evaluating the value of items.
- Has some skill with most weapons, ranging from guns and knives to improvisational weapons like bricks and chairs.
- Circuit is talented with electronics and machinery.
- Do as little work as necessary.
- Get drunk at the nearest bar.
- Get out of debt.
- Get laid.
- Nothing more. They're pretty lazy.
How the Posse talks:
Almost as talkative as Squall Leonhart. They're not very eloquent, preferring to use male-type grunts when communicating amongst each other. When they actually need to say something to others, they use basic and
simple sentence structure. The exception is Pastel, who at rare moments can become more talkative than usual.
How the Posse acts:
Being terminally lazy, the trio tends to do not very much at all. They prefer to slouch around, hang out in bars, or... well, I'm sure you get the picture. They accept the company of others without any problems, but anyone challenging them will meet a wall of indifference. They don't mind fighting, but will do so only if avoiding the whole deal takes more effort than the actual fight. They will grudgingly do whatever Zenith tells them to do, but will ignore most other people trying to boss them around.
The characters "Pastel", "Circuit", "Comma" and all attributes thereof are TM and © 2000 to Jonatan Streith.