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Name: Drogana

version 1.0

Signature Quote: "We have no banannas, we have only Zuul."

Personal Email Address: kaiju_jutsu@worldconquer.org

  • Height: Variable. Typically hangs out just under seven feet tall when with humans, but can shrink to 2" or grow to 900ft (~280 meters, the height of Godzilla according to Godzilla 1985.) In a mecha battle she'll scale to whatever size makes it an even match.

  • Weight and Build: Also variable, obviously. Varies from a few ounces to a few hundred tons. At normal size, 350lbs. Essentially the same as ClassicDrogn aside from being female.

  • Appearance: Basically human proportions, but coated in soft, medium grey fur except for her wings, which have slightly darker grey pinions and small feathers in matching grey. Build is somewhat muscular, like a gymnast or swimmer. Add to that a head that's almost pure aardvark in shape albeit with a higher, humanoid forehead, a tail that's 2/3 as long as her current height, and a pair of gull-like wings that at full extension are 3.5 times her height.

    She typically wears a partial suit of armor in gunmetal grey and copper, including a utility belt. The armor is functionally identical to ClassicDrogn's otherwise, though proportioned for a female body. She has all the same toys and gimmick gear as he does, also.

    Alternate Appearance: green/silver armor to match ClassicDrogn's

  • Fighting Style: artificial looking video game martial arts - this wouldn't be too out of place in the actual game (though the reviewers would probably pan it as an attempt to justify skipping a better set of motion capture sessions), but in person it's a bit surreal to see someone instantly shift from a generic ready stance to the beginning of a punch, instantly shift from a ready stance to flying foreward horizontally and spinning, or jump high and do a flip then hold at 45 degrees untill they get close enough to the ground for the landing animation. The reason for this is that she's literally using moves programmed into himself like a fighting game character.

  • Button Style: Slightly modified Toshinden III, as the only game I'm familiar enough with to even remember. Specifically, the controller is set up with the left top buttons being screenwards and antiscreenwards dodge, the right top buttons as two of the special attacks, (pressed together without enough energy) the third special, or (with enough energy) a Super.

  • Bio: Drogana is an alternate-universe version of ClassicDrogn, originally exactly identical except for being female. However, their histories have diverged somewhat since the first contact between the two, leading her to a change in color scheme, a slightly less moral attitude, and a different fighting style. The biggest difference is that she uses two pairs of energy-sheathed tentacles that sprout from each wrist in combat instead of a sword, being more comfortable with the chaos demon part of their parallel origins.

  • Theme Songs:

    • Game Theme: Edit (Blue Nothing)

    • Alternates: Disintigrate (Def Leppard), Warning (Queensryche), Chasing Blue Skies (Queensryche), The Power Cosmic (Joe Satriani)

    • Vs. ClassicDrogn: Who Made Who? (AC/DC) ( o/~ "The video games they play me..." o/~ )

  • Stage: The Summer Palace of the Sultan of Oboi - This 'palace' is actually more of a howdah on the back of an enourmous tortoise (not a turtle - turtles drag thier shells, tortoises lift them off the ground and walk) wose shell is approximately 60 feet across the short way, 75 the long way, with another 30 feet or so, between the head and tail sticking out the ends. It's built in the style of a classic persian castle but is mainly just frame, the only real enclosed space for humans is the throne room and the Sultan's bedroom, everythin else is either full of tortoise or storage for the tents and supplies of the servants and Summer Court. At the corners of the palace are four round turrets, each topped by a brass dome supported by pillars, and with room for a few guardsmen or spectators when there is something going on in the courtyard below. At the front edge centered is a larger dome over the Upper Thronewhere the Sultan himself and his favored courtiers observe such proceedings. The rest of the upper surface is an open courtyard boudned by a low battlement, about forty feet square, which is the actual arena area. The 'palace' is always in motion during the day, but since Hazared The Deliberate (that's the tortoise) moves at a blazing half-mile per hour when he's feeling frisky there's not much danger of being blown away or thrown off. The only real danger is meeting a female tortoise, but as they are somewhat noticeable before the procession is right on top of them (ahem) that's not usually a matter for sudden alarm. The Sultan's domain is actually a largish island in a warm, shallow sea, with great beaches on the downwind end, which he is in the habit of touring during the summer abourd his rather unconventional mount. Technological level overall is similar to modern day earth, but there are almost no motor vehicles of any kind on the island, the only exception being a few taxis and two seaplanes owned by the Sultan and used mainly for shuttling tourists from an airport on the mainland. The overall feel is very storybook-Arabian, though the actual social norms and culture are little different from average western society, aside from the main language being Arabic. Women are not espescially discriminated against nor required to cover their faces, however a single gauzy veil is considered quite fashionable, in a Hollywood Arabian sort of way. The planet is not Earth nor a close alternate, so there aren't any local Muslims to be offended by such an apparent mockery of their teachings. (Speaking metareferencially for a moment, i hope no one will be offended by the setting IRL either. I'm not making fun of anyone, I just only know about hollywood depictions of such things.)

    Alternate Stage: The sandy chamber at the bottom of the volcano in the Blue Gecko's grottos.

    Mecha battle stage: The city of Tokyo or the escort carrier DuQuesne, as for ClassicDrogn

  • Weapon: Drogana fights barehanded, barring the videogame glitch.

  • Special Resources: Time Loop as ClassicDrogn's, Superdimension Game Controller replaces Superdimension Yo-yo

  • Openings: As for CD

  • Taunts: Note: Taunts may be picked by holding down Select and then hitting one of the combinations listed for each line, or randomly picked by just holding Select. If a taunt does not have a combination, it must be left to random chance. Many of them are the same as CD's, but there are a few changes.

    • after an opponent's taunt: "I cast a llama in your presence, oh grating one!"

    • (R1+A) Droganaana extends one tentacle without the energy charge, and the liplike tip mock-kisses the opponent on the nose or forehead.

    • (R2+X) "Say, do you have any jellied ants? This is taking so long I'm getting the munchies."

    • (R1+O) Drogana forms the Elder Sign with her tentacle whips.

    • (R1+[]) Drogana points and says, "Is that a two yen piece?"

    • "You're cute, but not very agreeable."

    • (R2+O) "So tell me, what's your fighting style called? Dance of the Pregnant Water Buffalo?"

    • "Ever tried making a sandwich with turkey, cream cheese, vegemite, and peanut butter? It's great!"

    • "You should work harder on your defense. And offense. Speed, agility... your face could use a bit of work, too."

    • (R1+X) Drogana produces a large fish and waves it threateningly.

    • Drogana forms the words "you are really lame" with her tentacle whips.

    • "Please take a number and prepare to be stomped."

    • (R2+[]) "Could we get on with this? Ultra is on in a few minutes and I don't want to miss it."

    • (R1+R2) "You fight like a cookie."

    • (R2+A) Drogana pulls out a videogame controller and opens a window to the reality it controls, where Ellis (from Battle Arena Toshinden III) is whooping up on Juni (from Cardinal Syn, and who also fights with paired daggers, in very similar ways to Ellis) See also Glitches. (That's right, Drogana has a second level of Superdimansion Yo-yo taunt/glitch pair... fear!)
  • Finishing Poses & Victory Quotes:

    • Standard: Arranges the opponent so they're lying in a relatively comfortable position, then tentacle-kisses them on the forehead and waves in n exaggeratedly cutesy fashion, saying "Ni-night!"

    • Time Over: Drogana looks down at her watch. "Pi past a walrus? Not already!"

    • Draw: Looks at opponent. Looks at the camera. "Well, that was pointless. Fun, though."

    • Using Time Loop super: As soon as the opponent's power bar is depleted, another Drogana Loops in and performs a Train Wreck, then another Loops in and pulls out a Ten Ton Tin O' Treet, before the opponent finally falls, crushed under it. All the Droganae dust off thier hands, look from one to the next to the next to the next and back, then giggle maniacally, pick up the opponent, and run offscreen. Opponent later has bright Anime Dye Job hair, pink, green or lavender, depending on what's furthest from their norm.

    • Desperation: Drogana falls into a catcher's crouch and pants, then produces an oversized bean bag chair and snuggles into it. A man-sized green and mauve duck with a butler's tray walks onscreen wioth drinks for everyone still conscious.

    • Perfect Victory: Drogana tosses the opponent over a shoulder and vanishes in a flash of golden light. The opponent is later found glued to a wall as part of a large mural composed mainly of condiments and spreadable foodstuffs, dressed in a silly animal costume.

    • "Mecha" battle: Drogana takes off and circles once, finishing off any still-standing structures with the wind blast, then flies away towards a volcano visible on the horizon (whether there should be one there or not).

    • So-rare-the-fandom-argues-over-whether-it-exists alternate: Looks speculatively at the defeated opponent, tentacle-whips partially extending and retracting, then grins widely and carrries them off. Opponent is later found wearing nothing but a jetpack, a few smears of chocolate, and a glazed grin, with no memory of how this state of affairs came to pass. (Attractive opponents only, no gender requirement. No, not even Mecha-Charles or Wyvern Classic is safe in that respect, but I Suroe need not worry.)

  • Character Strategy: Essentially the same as ClassicDrogn, though she's just a smidgen faster to compensate for taking a little more kockback due to her slightly lighter build.

  • Combat Moves:

    • Launcher: up-fwd-triangle: Skyhook - Drogana leaps over the opponent and grabs them with her tentacle whips, then spins them both so she lands back on her feet and the opponent is tossed high in the air.

    • Normal moves:

      • Triangle: tentacle lash (strong punch)

      • Square: fist strike (fast punch)

      • X: axe kick (strong kick)

      • O: basic waist-height kick (fast kick)

      • Though not an attack, bouncing back from a throw is still a normal action. Hitting X while in the air will let Drogana land on her feet and balanced, any of the other normal attack keys will let her bounce off the wall in an immediate counterattack. Damage is done before landing/bouncing.

    • Command normals:

      • up+square or triangle: Wing swat

      • down-X: Tail sweep

      • Though not really an attack, blocking is still a normal action, back+down. Drogana crouches a bit and brings her wings foreward to block.

    • Throws: None of these moves can be blocked or interupted with an attack, only dodged.

      • Triangle+O: Almost the same as the Skyhook, but with an extra half-twist for greater momentum before slamming the opponent back into the ground. 10%

      • back+triangle: Super Wind Blast - Drogana glows for a moment then claps her wings foreward and generates a powerful gust of wind that blows the opponent off their feet. As her wings are fairly long this can be performed from a little outside normal striking range, up to about one bodylength away. 8%

      • back+X: Super Kick - Drogana glows for a moment before leaning back and unleashing a kick that would make Van Damme turn green with envy. 10%

    • Specials:

      • right1: Chao Flame - a gout of black flames edged in green that fans out in a narrow, rough cone. 10%

      • right2: Thresher - Drogana does a foreward flip and kicks the opponent back with each foot, then extend the tentacle whips with chao flame dancing around them as she comes upright again to lash them repeatedly. 15% total from seven hits.

      • right1+right2 (not enough energy to do a Time Loop): Time's Rigorous Constraints - Drogana tosses a 3x3 grid of glowing blue lines, which deform to become a cube around the opponent then constrict and hold them for a few seconds before fading. 15%

      • back-back or fwd-fwd: Viper Striking, not a damaging move in itself, but a useful way to move around the area, and the basis for his charging attacks. Basically, she vanishes from where she's standing and reappears two bodylengths away with a streak of green light connecting the two points. Basically a flat wire-fu superleap at BLAZING SPEEED!! As the opening of her charge attacks, it makes them very hard to block or dodge, since she's usually already in the opponent's face and striking before there's much time to react. Anticipation counters or combo-breaker moves will work as usual, of course.

      • fwd-fwd-triangle: Viper Drill - Viper Strike charge spinning like a corkscrew with the wings pulled in tight, arms extended foreward with fingers laced and limned green fire. 15% but will leave her piling into the ground facefirst if it misses.

      • fwd-fwd-square: Viper Hammer - charge while spinning like a corkscrew and deliver a single, nasty punch that can knock the oppponent back a step or two. 10%

      • fwd-fwd-X: Viper Tong - charge, then flip airborne with a sweep of the wings and do a nasty double kick. 15% and will leave Drogana flat on her butt if it misses. Knocks the opponent down.

      • fwd-fwd-O: Viper Wheel - charge, then turn it into a wheel kick. 12% Staggers the opponent.

      • up-up-keep tapping up regularly: Fly - this is listed under Specials only because it changes the behavior of most of the other attacks to do something more than just their normal damage or do it at range. Drogana cannot do her Launcher, Command Normal, Command Throw, or Flash Finisher moves while flying. Any Super attack will automatically land her after the move is complete. Altered commands are below:

        • triangle: Wind Blast - does punch damage but also knocks the opponent back a bit.

        • square: Willy-willy - kicks up a dust devil that does no damage but spins the opponent around, so they can't attack for a second or two. Great time to toss a few distortion balls, or even set up for a Firefall, ne?

        • X: punches alternating with tentacle whip strikes, mainly useful for juggling.

        • O: Alternating kicks. Does the phrase "Boot to the head!" mean anything to you?

        • right1: Fires a wider cone of Chao Flame, still 15% but harder to dodge.

        • right2: How Do *YOU* Like It, Dojiboy? - Drogana wraps the opponent in her tentacles and strangles them while smashing them against the floor. Four hits plus asphyxiation, 3% each.

        • right1+right2 (not enough energy to do a Time Loop): Viper Press - essentially the same as the Viper Drill only it goes straight down instead of horizontally, and is actually easier to recover from if it misses - a simple handstand kippup is all that's required, taking no appreciable time. 15%

    • Supers:

      • right1+right2 with one energy bar: Time Loop - Drogana appears near the opponent; they and a second Drogana replay the last three seconds of action. Doubleteaming with yourself! Wai! Time this carefully and you can have up to four Droganas on screen at once, as long as you have three full power bars. No inherent damage.

      • X+O with one energy bar: Chao Barrage - fires a massive wave of Chao Flame, blanketing a good third of the screen. 30% damage

      • up-up-down+X with one energy bar: Tainted Kiss - Drogana extends one tenticle and uses it to kiss the opponent on the lips, doing 35% energy drain damage and making them slow and suggestible for a few seconds.

    • Desperation: back-fwd-back-triangle: The Consuming Fire - A brilliant red column of flame bursts up around Drogana, and all her meters (super and life) go down to nothing before being completely refilled in roiling red fire, and all energy effects that would normally be green are red, and visibly burn and scar the opponent as they do damage. All Normal and Command Normal attacks do double damage for the duration. However, her lifebar goes down at about 7% per second just standing there, so she has 15 seconds to win or fall over unconscious. No inherent damage, but the flames are an impenetrable shield while the energy bars drain and refill.

    • Ultimate Attack:

      • On the ground: down-down+fwd-fwd-X with two energy bars Scale Up - Drogana gets three to five times taller, depending on how much space is available, and all normal or special attacks do double damage (up to 55%). Lasts eight seconds. Logically, this should not require energy to use, since Scaling is an innate ability, but dealing double damage without that as a limiting factor would be cheesy in the extreme. Only requiring 2/3 of the energy bars I can justify, though, as Supers each use up one, and firing off a double-damage Super is the only way to get to the 55% max-per-attack limit, with any other attacks you can pull off in the remaining few seconds a nice bonus.

      • In the air: up-up+fwd-fwd-square with full energy bars: Firefall - Another direct ripoff of Gaia, this time of her Soul Bomb attack, this fires a bodylength-wide column of greenish-white energy straight down from an outstretched hand. Too nasty to block, but you can dodge. 60%

    • Flash Finisher: fwd-up-fwd+up-back-right1+right2: Die NOW! - Droganna leads in with a Dojiboy to start, but instead of four hits and release she flares with streamers of black energy and makes a huge tear filled with red hellfire open in the arena floor, then hurls the opponent inside and lets it slam closed, before a rock spire surges up again with them impaled on it. If the arena surface is not in contact with the ground (top of a building, on a ship, wierd spaces) she'll simply toss him into the air and have a pair of huge meteors slam into him from either side, the crushed rubble falling into a pile with a sharp point jutting upwards for them to be impaled on as they fall. Drogana will only use this move on an opponent who has inspired actual hatred, even though with the Focal Point's medical capabilities having this amount of damage done still requires no more than overnight treatment.

    • Team Helper:

      • All Tied Up: Drogana hops onto the screen and tangles the opponent in her tentacles, letter her teammate get a free shot with any Normal, Command Normal, or Special attack. No inherent damage.

    • Team Supers:

      • Team edit: Time Drops a Stitch - uses one super bar from both partners, but BOTH of them are time looped and able to take free shots while the opponent(s) play out the last few seconds with the "originals." No inherent damage.

      • Team Kaiju: G-Stomp - As Drogana is a female counterpart of ClassicDrogn, so too is she taking part in a gender-reversed GMCA. As such, she is teamed with MaRaMeLle, AKA Skribula, D'Stacked Dragon Scribe, and has practised the G-Stomp with her enough to readily adapt to doing it with our Skrib. Drogana calls out to Skribulous, who enters the screen. She then says, "Are you ready?" Skribulous replies with, "Let's go!" Both of them superleap upwards and out of the screen. Moments later, the two of them land -- but since they are both in their giant forms, only their feet can be seen onscreen as they take turns reducing the hapless opponent to a messy smear on the floor. 45%

  • Glitches:

    • If Drogana is attacked while doing the game controller tuant, it will be hit and destroyed in a small explosion that blows both opponents off their feet. Drogana will burn with greenish flames in anger, the black hearts of which will swiftly shrink away leaving only the greenish white of normal ClassicDrogn. She will retract her tentacles and not use them again this fight, instead drawing the ornaments off of her boots and wielding them as paired daggers. This requires altering part of her movelist, as follows:
      • Combat Moves:

        • Launcher: Dagger Drogana uses the Flaming Crescent instead of a no-damage launcher.

        • Normal moves:

          • Punches and tentacle strikes are rplaced by stabs and slices for strong and weak attacks, respectively.

        • Throws: None of these moves can be blocked or interupted with an attack, only dodged.

          • Triangle+O: Flaming Crescent - Droganna goes into a crouch and slides on a carpet of green energy, leading with a blade which she sweppes upwards when reaching the opponent, like an armed Dragon Punch crossed with the Viper Strike. 10%

          • back+triangle: Tornado Aerial Arc - Drognana somersaults foreward then springs up at the opponent's feet to kick them in the head and do a backflip, returning to her starting position as they fly backwards. 8%

          • back+X: Kicking Fury - Drogana slides foreward like a Viper Strike move but slower, delivering four kicks that drive the opponent back and off their feet. 10%

        • Specials:

          • right1: Chao Flame - a gout of black flames edged in green that fans out in a narrow, rough cone. 10%

          • right2: Sugar And Spice - Drogana holds her arms out straight with dagger blades pointing down, wings and tail pulled tight, and throws off green sparklies while spinning like a top and advancing into the opponent. 14% total from seven hits.

          • right1+right2 (not enough energy to do a Time Loop): Time's Rigorous Constraints - Drogana tosses a 3x3 grid of glowing blue lines, which deform to become a cube around the opponent then constrict and hold them for a few seconds before fading. 15%

          • back-back or fwd-fwd: Viper Striking, not a damaging move in itself, but a useful way to move around the area, and the basis for his charging attacks. Basically, she vanishes from where she's standing and reappears two bodylengths away with a streak of green light connecting the two points. Basically a flat wire-fu superleap at BLAZING SPEEED!! As the opening of her charge attacks, it makes them very hard to block or dodge, since she's usually already in the opponent's face and striking before there's much time to react. Anticipation counters or combo-breaker moves will work as usual, of course.

          • fwd-fwd-triangle: Viper Drill - Viper Strike charge spinning like a corkscrew with the wings pulled in tight, arms extended foreward with fingers laced and limned green fire. 15% but will leave her piling into the ground facefirst if it misses.

          • fwd-fwd-square: Viper Hammer - charge while spinning like a corkscrew and deliver a single, nasty punch that can knock the oppponent back a step or two. 10%

          • fwd-fwd-X: Viper Tong - charge, then flip airborne with a sweep of the wings and do a nasty double kick. 15% and will leave Drogana flat on her butt if it misses. Knocks the opponent down.

          • fwd-fwd-O: Viper Wheel - charge, then turn it into a wheel kick. 12% Staggers the opponent.

          • up-up-keep tapping up regularly: Fly - this is listed under Specials only because it changes the behavior of most of the other attacks to do something more than just their normal damage or do it at range. Drogana cannot do her Launcher, Command Normal, Command Throw, or Flash Finisher moves while flying. Any Super attack will automatically land her after the move is complete. Altered commands are below:

            • triangle: Wind Blast - does punch damage but also knocks the opponent back a bit.

            • square: Willy-willy - kicks up a dust devil that does no damage but spins the opponent around, so they can't attack for a second or two. Great time to toss a few distortion balls, or even set up for a Firefall, ne?

            • X: Alternating dagger strikes, mainly useful for juggling.

            • O: Alternating kicks. Does the phrase "Boot to the head!" mean anything to you?

            • right1: Fires a wider cone of Chao Flame, still 15% but harder to dodge.

            • right2: Energy Heart Eruption - a shower of firey red hearts set the opponent on fire and leave visible burns... This ain't no Pink Sugar Heart Attack, but even Ellis's version isn't quite that nasty; unfortunately Drogana's attacks are color coded for a reason, and she can't do red that's not hellfire-type energy. Neither can ClassicDrogn, for that matter.

            • right1+right2 (not enough energy to do a Time Loop): Viper Press - essentially the same as the Viper Drill only it goes straight down instead of horizontally, and is actually easier to recover from if it misses - a simple handstand kippup is all that's required, taking no appreciable time. 15%

        • Supers:

          • right1+right2 with one energy bar: Time Loop - Drogana appears near the opponent; they and a second Drogana replay the last three seconds of action. Doubleteaming with yourself! Wai! Time this carefully and you can have up to four Droganas on screen at once, as long as you have three full power bars. No inherent damage.

          • X+O with one energy bar: Chao Barrage - fires a massive wave of Chao Flame, blanketing a good third of the screen. 30% damage

          • up-up-down+X with one energy bar: Tainted Kiss - Drogana leans in close to kiss the opponent on the lips, doing 35% energy drain damage and making them slow and suggestible for a few seconds.

        • Desperation: back-fwd-back-triangle: The Consuming Fire - A brilliant red column of flame bursts up around Drogana, and all her meters (super and life) go down to nothing before being completely refilled in roiling red fire. All Normal and Command Normal attacks do double damage for the duration. However, her lifebar goes down at about 7% per second just standing there, so she has 15 seconds to win or fall over unconscious. No inherent damage, but the flames are an impenetrable shield while the energy bars drain and refill.

        • Ultimate Attack:

          • On the ground: down-down+fwd-fwd-X with two energy bars Scale Up - Drogana gets three to five times taller, depending on how much space is available, and all normal or special attacks do double damage (up to 55%). Lasts eight seconds. Logically, this should not require energy to use, since Scaling is an innate ability, but dealing double damage without that as a limiting factor would be cheesy in the extreme. Only requiring 2/3 of the energy bars I can justify, though, as Supers each use up one, and firing off a double-damage Super is the only way to get to the 55% max-per-attack limit, with any other attacks you can pull off in the remaining few seconds a nice bonus.

          • In the air: up-up+fwd-fwd-square with full energy bars: Firefall - Another direct ripoff of Gaia, this time of his Soul Bomb attack, this fires a bodylength-wide column of greenish-white energy straight down from an outstretched hand. Too nasty to block, but you can dodge. 60%

        • Flash Finisher: fwd-up-fwd+up-back-right1+right2: Kiss Kiss Kiss - Droganna glows brilliantly, then surges inside the opponent's guard and stabs them a buncha times stright down through the top of the shoulders. No anticipation countering on this move. She does not announce the name of the attack, waiting until the opponent falls, then making kissy noises and patting her butt.

        • Team Helper:

          • Flaming Crescent as the throw.

        • Team Supers:

          • Team edit: Time Drops a Stitch - uses one super bar from both partners, but BOTH of them are time looped and able to take free shots while the opponent(s) play out the last few seconds with the "originals." No inherent damage.

    • Special Flash Finisher Vs. Charles: Same as for CD

    • Vs. any character who smokes in the ring: Drogana will fall to her knees, coughing and hacking, then suddenly stop, get up, and say, "Oh, I forgot I don't have to breathe. Heheheh..." Action continues as normal.

    • Vs Kat: If Kat performs her "It's so tiring to be out in the daytime..." taunt, Drogana will reply "You should try wearing one of those Amulets of Protection from Holy by the Blue Gecko's entrance - you might fnd they do you a world of good."

    • Vs Epsilon: If Epsilon does his Dash Attack at the same time Drogana does a Viper Striking, they'll go into a 'pushing war' - onscreen the two of them dash sideways vying for a better striking position, while the players madly mash buttons - whoever hits the most before the enimation ends strikes with thier strongest normal and knocks the other down, in addition to doing the normal attack damage.

      Likewise, if one does their rushing attack on the other while she is stunned (and the player of the stunned character reacts instead of slumping and "knowing" there's nothing she can do about it) the dizzied one will get it togtether enough to toss a barrage of mini-fireballs, forcing the dasher to weave around the ground explosions as they charge. Again, whoever masheth the most buttons shall smite their enemy most furiously as the animation doth end.

    • Other glitches will no doubt appear as the story is written.

  • Motivations: Drogana's reasons for being in her own GMCA are the same as ClassicDrogn's, her reasons for coming HERE will depend on the circumstances under which she's introduced.

  • Speech & Action: Essentially the same as CD, but not as uptight about sexual topics.

  • Secrets/goodies: Winning the game in various modes with Drogana (singleton mode) or teamed with certain other characters (including Team Kaiju, of course) will unlock her parts of the art and sound galleries, her home stages, FMV sequences, and encyclopedia/bio entry.

    Pocky is the hat. I whomp you.

  • MUAHAHAHAHAHA! And now, while you are distracted by the pretty lights, I will steal your cheez!