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Name: Clint Milton

Signature Quote: "What? Me? You've got to be kidding."

Personal Email address: cmilton@gci.net

  • Height: 5'8".

  • Weight: 128 lbs.

  • Appearance: Clint dresses in his work uniform, which is a blue denim-like shirt with the Toy's R Us logo on the left side, black jeans, and black Nike tennis shoes. His brownish-blonde hair just barely touches his shoulders, curling slightly at the tips. He also wears wire frame glasses (oval frames, not square), which don't hide his brown eyes. A look of nervousness is plainly visible, as he feels vastly outclassed.

  • Alternate Appearance: AKA. Rebel Clint, he wears a black T-Shirt, black jeans, a black leather jacket (open, of course), and a Navy Blue baseball cap with the S.T.A.R.S. logo (from Resident Evil). Instead of his glasses, he wears mirrored sunglasses and contact lenses.

  • Fighting Style: He has no fighting style per se. Instead, he relies on a hodgepodge of moves that he's collected over the years either by formal study or by watching television. He calls it "Luck Fu," mostly due to the fact that if he ever wins a battle, he considers himself very lucky.

  • Button Style: NeoGeo Pocket Color version of "KOF" style. Basically, two buttons. Tap for weak attacks, hold for strong.

  • Bio: Clint was just your average Toy's R Us employee, working in the Home/Youth Electronics department. Though his job didn't really pay the bills, he was happy. His creditors weren't, but he was. His bills were causing a strain at home, though, and that didn't make his folks happy. After all, they had their own bills to worry about. Suffice it to say it wasn't pretty.

  • Intro: Clint doesn't really know what he's doing here. He doesn't have much of a fighting style; he never made it past white belt in Tae Kwon Do. He knows for a fact that he's outclassed in this, and what little professional wrestling moves he does know probably won't help him that much. But, for some reason, it feels right and natural that he should be here.

  • Theme Songs:

    • Game Theme: Asskickings R Us (Blue Nothing)

    • Home Stage Theme: The Memory Remains (Metallica) (He likes the haunting vocals by the old woman towards the middle of the song.)

    • Vs. users of magic: Dark and eerie organ stuff (think "Phantom of the Opera").

    • Vs. Self: Dreamweaver (???)

  • Stage: The electronics department at Toy's R Us. He's very careful that none of the merchandise in the background is used in the fight, not only because it's dishonorable but also because he doesn't have the money to cover any damages.

  • Special Resources:

    • Near unbelievable luck. I'm not kidding; for some reason or another anything he really, REALLY needs just happens to show up. He can't explain it, but he's got this feeling that he's going to have to pay for this someday. In the meantime he enjoys it as it comes.

  • Openings:

    • 1st Round: Clint appears in a flash of light. He blinks, sees his opponent, and mutters something about being late for work while he brushes his clothes free of dust.

    • Standard: Clint walks on screen, brushes his hair back, pushes his glasses up his nose, and smiles. He then says, "For luck," and rubs a coin he has.

    • 2P Standard: Clint walks on screen, sighs, touches the tip of his cap in a mock salute, and says "Let's get this over with."

    • Vs. Self: Both Clints appear in a flash of light. They both point to each other and say "What? But that's not possible." They then sigh, shrug, and say "But then again, life's full of impossibilities. Let's do this," and strike a battle pose.

  • Taunts:

    • Taunt 1: Clint arches his right eyebrow while looking down at his opponent over his glasses. Rebel Clint does the same, only over his sunglasses.

    • Taunt 2: Clint stares at his hands and says "I did that?"

  • Finishing Poses:

    • Standard: Clint stops, tries to catch his breath, notices his opponent lying on the ground, smiles, and flashes a "V is for Victory" sign.

    • Draw: Snaps his fingers and kicks rocks around him.

    • Time Over: Drops to his knees, panting.

    • Desperation: Slides to his knees, throws both fists into the air, and screams at the top of his lungs.

    • Perfect Victory: Snaps his fingers and walks off, saying "Of course I won. I'm just... lucky that way."

  • Victory Quotes:

    • "You... you mean that's it? All I have to do is... that? Nifty."

  • Character Strategy: Clint is an interesting character in theory. In practice, however, his inherent weaknesses stick out like a handful of sore thumbs. As far as strengths go, Clint is lucky. That, and his fighting style -- or lack thereof -- make him hard to read. His basic moves and low level specials don't telegraph, so it's tricky to block them. His Supers, however, telegraph like nobody's business. You'd have to be blind not to see these coming. It's sick, really.

  • Attacks:

    • Launcher:

      • Clint puts his fists together and nails his opponent with an uppercut.(down + punch)

    • Command Normals:

      • Standing Clothesline: Clint puts his left arm out and nails his opponent in the throat. (towards + punch)

    • Throws:

      • Clint grabs his opponent by the neck, turns around, nails him/her below the belt, and tosses him/her over his shoulder. (10%) (towards + kick)

    • Specials:

      • Low, Mid, High Kick: A three hit kick combo. (9%--3% per hit) (qcf+kick)

      • Rapid Punch: Five quick punches to the stomach. (15%--3% per hit) (qcf+punch)

      • The Equalizer: A below the belt kick. (10% + stun on male characters. He can't use this move against himself, it's too... freaky) (down, h-up+kick)

      • Neckbreaker: He grabs his opponent by the neck, spins them around, and falls, slamming his shoulder into their necks. (12%) (hcf+punch)

      • Chinbuster: Slams his opponent's chin into the top of his head. (10%) (hcb+punch)

      • Spear: Launches himself head first at his opponent. (15%) (b, f+punch)

      • Counter: Sets himself up to counter an opponent's attack. (10%) (b, d, db+punch)

      • Tae Kwon Kick Combo: Unloads with every kick he learned from his lessons (15%--3% per hit) (5 hits, hcb + kick)

    • Supers:

      • Rising Lucky Strike: Clint glows with a blue battle aura, crouching down. He flips a coin and launches himself at his opponent, catching him/her in the jaw. If the coin lands heads, he does 35% damage. If tails, 20%. (d, b, d, f + punch)

      • Raging Diamond Cutter/Stone Cold Stunner: Grabs his opponent by the neck, reaches up to the top of his/her head, and slams their chin into his shoulder. (30% + stun) (close to opponent, qcf, qcf + punch)

      • Slashing Lucky Kick: Same as [Lucky Strike], only Clint aims for the chin with his foot instead of his fist. (35/20%) (d, b, d, f + kick)

    • Desperation:

      • Desperate Lucky Blaster: Clint flips a coin. On heads, he puts his hands together and fires off a blast of energy. On tails, nothing. (60/0%)

    • Ultimate Attack/Summon:

      • Ultimate Combo: Clint launches himself at his opponent and unloads with every move he knows. (60%)

    • Flash Finisher:

      • Style Over Substance: Clint flicks his opponent, knocking them out.

    • Team Helper:

      • When Clint is on a team, he jumps in as Rebel Clint and nails the opponent with a [Chinbuster].

    • Team Supers:

      • Team Edit: Grabs a Dreamcast gun and fires off a huge beam of energy. He then stares at the gun in amazement before disappearing.

  • Glitches:

    • None to speak of. Yet.

  • Motivations:

    Clint wants to win the tournament to prove to himself he's more than he lets himself be. He knows he's got some skill, but he doesn't know how far he can go. If he can win, he'll be able to get a decent job and maybe start that writing career he's been looking at since junior high.

  • How Clint talks:

    Clint is confident in his speech. When he does talk, he gives the impression he knows what he's talking about. He doesn't talk much, though.

  • How Clint acts:

    Very withdrawn. He keeps his hands in his pocket and tries not to say much. Even in Rebel mode, he's a bit of a loner.

The character "Clint" and all attributes thereof are TM and © 2000 to Clint Milton.

MUAHAHAHAHAHA! And now, while you are distracted by the pretty lights, I will steal your cheez!