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RADHASOAMI FAITH - A HISTORICAL STUDY: The Second Guru (contd.) - Systematization of Faith

Prof. A.P. Mathur
M.A., PhD, F.I.H.S., F.R.A.S. (London)
Former Vice-Chancellor, Agra University, Agra, India


Hazur Maharaj

To systematize the teachings of his guru, Hazur Maharaj gathered together the basic concepts and beliefs of Soamiji Maharaj and presented them in easy and simple narrative.

Concept of Creation

Creation, according to Hazur Maharaj, comprises three grand divisions-- spiritual, spiritual-material and material-spiritual. In the spiritual grand division - the highest and purest of all- the Supreme Being reigns over normal spiritual life. Pure spirit, uncontaminated with matter, exists in this division. It comprises of six sub-divisions, which are known as Radhasoami pad, Agam lok, Alakh lok, Anami lok, Sat lok and Bhanwar gupha.

This division is also known as Dayal desh or the region of mercy. Hazur also mentions this division as the region of Truth of Truths.; he says that it is the essence, spirit, soul and life of everything that has an existence. This division is boundless, unapproachable, unknowable (except by sants), unchangeable, unfathomable, source and energy of everything (perishable or imperishable) and an unlimited ocean of love and wisdom.

The second grand division is the spiritual-material region which contains both spirit and matter. In relative terms, matters exists in purer form in this division and is subject to and controlled by spirit; though spirit is here surrounded by coverings of pure matter, it predominates in its functions. Like the first division, this region also comprises six sub-divisions, named, Sunn, trikuti, sahasdal kanwal and their three reflexes which have been designated as and desh or regions of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh  respectively. This division is also called Brahmand or the seat of universal mind and  pure matter. Hazur points out that in the Vedic cult this is erroneously considered the final and eternal division while actually matter in purest form exists there; hence permanent durability and immunity from change, decay or dissolution should not be taken as for granted.

The third grand division is call material-spiritual region in which matter predominates over spirit. Here spirits are heavily shrouded with thick coverings of coarse matter; on account of this, the spirits have lost consciousness of their original place-- the first division-- and have engrossed in carnal desires and passions. The animates and inanimates which exists in this division are grouped into four classes: jeraj, andaj, swedaj and udbhij. To first three classes belong the animate bodies, while the fourth class includes mineral and other objects. This division is also called pind and has been divided into six sub-divisions and six ganglia related to human body. The pind is also known as expanse of the nine apertures and five sense organs. Hazur holds that so long as the spirit remains clothed in material coverings or bodies in the region of matter, it will of necessity be subject to the forces of nature or matter and have a downward and outward tendency. He further points out that in the spheres comprised in the third grand division, white light and the white matter of human brain represent spirit current; while blue light and dark rays or the grey matter of human brain indicate kal purush or brahman - the ruler of the coarse material regions.

It is clear, therefore, that fundamental units - the spirit, mind and the matter - partake in creation. Spirit is the primary constituent in everything and it is reflected both in the lower regions of brahmand and pind. It is the light-giver or sound. Mind is the main working factor in the second region, and it is reflected in the third region also. Matter occupies a prominent place in the third grand division and is energized and enlivened by spirit-force. Hazur says that the whole work of creation in various spheres is carried out through the instrumentality of emanations or spirits issuing forth from the Supreme Being, as rays from the sun, and this creation exists and subsists as long as the spirit maintains connection with the body or the form that it assumes; and that decay and decomposition follow the severance of this connection.......Matter within its sphere is also imperishable in its original form, namely, chaotic or atomic, but it owes its life and activity to the impulse from the spirit force.

The three grand divisions in the universe, according to Hazur, have a correspondence or are in the same plane with similar divisions in the human form which is just a miniature or microcosm of the great universe or macrocosm. The entire creation, indeed, is nothing else but emanation from the Supreme Being. Absolutely pure in the first grand division, the purity of the spirit decreases as it gets more steeped in mind and matter. It can regain its pure spirituality, if it attempts, only through the grace and mercy of the Supreme Being.

Concept of Supreme Being

Hazur's Supreme Being is the sole director of the entire creation and the whole universe is the creation of His will. He is present at every stage of creation - unlimited ocean of spirit, love, bliss, light, wisdom and mercy. He is all merciful or dayal. He is truth of truths or satpurush. He is the essence of essences, spirit of spirits and absolute spiritual source of all that exists or seems to exist. He is omniscient and omnipotent. He is omnipresent yet He rule over the entire creation from His own region - the first grand division of creation. As such Hazur calls Him ekdeshi and sarvdeshi both. He is personal as well as impersonal.

According to Hazur the Supreme Being, though nameless, has given his own name as "Radhasoami". He further says that the Supreme Being is formless, but He manifests himself through humanity in the form of Sant Satguru to grant salvation to the jivas. Upholding the theory of incarnation, Hazur categorically asserts that his guru, Soamiji Maharaj came to this world with a specific mission of revealing to the jivas their true home and the correct path leading to that region through the practice of Surat-Shabd-Yog and in reality Soamiji was Himself the Supreme Being. He further holds that God or Supreme Being of other religious sects and the vedas have their origin in the second or the spiritual-material grand division of creation, whereas Supreme Being - Radhasoami - reigns in the first and pure spiritual grand division of the creation. Thus in the former maya (matter in the purest form) is discernible, whereas in the latter their is not the least admixture of any maya. Radhasoami, therefore, as Hazur believes, is not one of the many names of the God, but on the contrary it is the name of the true and all-spiritual Supreme Being.

Radhasoami Faith
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