This page is always under construction and is being created for people who want to learn the foundations of Law, without which it is impossible to win in the State and Federal court systems.

The contents of this page are taken from researchers around the country. Each contribution builds upon another. You will find the research well documented.

We do not give legal advice, but we share our experiences, what we know, and what we can verify, with the main objective of winning and regaining our liberties, which are undergoing a continuous assalt.

It cannot be stressed strongly enough the importance of your personal research and investigation of the contents of the information found here, and elsewhere, on the internet. There is no "silver bullet". You must KNOW what you are doing. This requires many long hours of study, frustration and anxiety!

When cases are being cited, or White Papers written by judges and attorneys are presented here, bear in mind that the legal community generally imparts dolus mixed with truth. Happily, the trickery is often the clue that leads us to solving the crime.

We are getting smarter.

There is a legal presumption that because an attorney is an agent for the government's court system, it is prejudicial to your standing in Law when using one. This axiom has led to two primary objectives. One is to possess a true understanding of Law (not someone elses interpretation), The other is to become skillful in our responses to attempts at legal warfare directed against us.

At the very least the information contained here will completely shatter any preconceptions you have concerning your standing in Law.

The evidence is overwhelming, that the Law in this country has its origination in Biblical principles. Thus, if you are a child of the One True God, your understanding of Law will be greatly enhanced. We believe, and can show, that the Eternal Son of God. Jesus the Christ, is the true LAWGIVER. All Law begins with him, and has a natural and and traceable heirarchy of authority.

We hope to educate and help all people, but especially those that are of the "household of faith", to be truly free.

Commentary and Editorials:

October 24, 2000

Fundamentals You Should Know:

Christians and the Civil Government
Essays on Christian obedience to civil government
written at the turn of the century. Essential reading.

De Legis et Gubernatis
What does Romans 13 really say?

Invisible Contracts
Written by the Honorable Judge Mercier, Retired

The Non-Ratification of the 14th Amendment
Written by the Honorable Judge A.H. Ellett, Retired

The Unconstitutional 14th Amendment
Written by the Honorable Judge Perez, Retired

The 14th Amendment: Tool of Usurpation
From the Congressional Record. Even the Government
Admits to it's own shenanigans!

USA,The Republic Nobody Lives In
Is America the new seat of Roman Jurisprudence?

A White Paper on the Common Law Jurisdiction, by Gregory Allen

Common Law vs Statutes
A White Paper By Bill Avery

The Law of Municipal Corporations
by John W. Smith, LL. D., Of the Chicago Bar, 1903.

Citizens are subjects
Is citizenship a good thing?

Our Status in America
A White Paper by Randy Lee.

An American Caesar
Where did the War powers REALLY come from?
by Greg Loren Durand

Precedents and Policy
Equivocation in the courts! Everyone involved in
litigation needs to read this. An excellent article
substaintiated with research By Geri Powers

Is the United States still a British Colony?
Compelling. Outstanding research also substantiates.

Court Cases Deciding Your Status:

Crosse V. The Board of Supervisors
U.S. citizenship not required for state citizenship

U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark

Van Valkenburg v. Brown
Clearly states the difference between State citizenship
and 14th Amendment citizenship.

Elk v. Wilkins
Outside Link.

The Slaughter House Cases
Outside Link.

Maxwell v. Dowell
Outside Link.

Common Law Pleading and Practice:

A Primer on the Common Law

Common Law v Civil Law
by Henry John Stephen, Sargent at Law. Don't Pass this up!

Equity Pleading and Practice:

Explaining Equity
By another excellent researcher

Extraordinary Writs:

The Great Writ, Habeas Corpus

Quo Warranto

Legal Research References:

Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856 edition

Find Law
Superb Web Site for legal Research

The Law Source
Also helpful for legal Research

Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
Completely indexed FCR's. Excellent!

United States Supreme Court Cases
Another excellent research tool

Constitutions, Statutes, and Codes

United States Code

The Uniform Commercial Code

Useful Case Cites on Various Topics

Websters Dictionary (1828)
Get insight as to language changes. Excellent.

Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedia
A pretty decent encyclopedia

Medieval Law
A collection of legal works from the Medieval Period

Sample Responses/Paperwork:

Basic Refusal Letter

Second Notice

Notice to Cure/Final Notice

Non-Statutory Abatement

On Line Library:

The Law
Fredrick Bastiat

No Treason
Lysander Spooner

Common Sense
Thomas Paine

Joseph Story's Commentaries
Published in 1833

A Rieview of Judge Stories Commentaries
This review of Judge Story's Commentaries on the
Constitution of the United States is perhaps the
ablest analysis of the nature and character of the
Federal Government that has ever been published.

On Liberty
by John Stuart Mill, 1859

Ancient Law
Henry Sumner Maine

Other Links for Further Instruction:

Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics

The Making of America
Collection of Early American Documents. Excellent.

United States Congressional Documents and Debates
From 1774-1873

Basic Legal Citation
A Cornell Law School Resource

Historical Documents

International Law
Lectures by Henry Sumner Maine

The Paris Peace Treaty

The Lieber Code of 1863

Understanding American Property Rights

Bill of Attainder Project

The Inquisition
Implemented by Civil Authority

Legal Discussion Forums:

The LawGiver's Forum

LawGiver Discussion List
Be informed when legal discussions take place on the Web.
It's for posting questions, submitting contributions and resolving Issues of Law.
This is the place for "continuing your education" of what you have learned here."
Just send an e-mail to the LawGiver Discussion List, or subscribe here.


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Last updated October 24, 2000 A.D.