Agents Name    						Cristian Appelation
co/ Agency of Agent					Aggrieved Party
Agents Mailing Location					General Delivery
City and State						Town Post Office
		 					City, State 

Dear Sir: The Aggrieved Party is in receipt, but not acceptance of the enclosed original CITATION # 206037 dated 11/6/98 which is being returned to you in a timely manner not intended to prejudice or delay and in good faith for good cause shown herein. Any legal citations quoted herein makes many presumptions, and The Aggrieved Party does not rely on __________ statutes or other contracts to obtain unalienable rights. However, YOU do rely on the STATE OF _________ Statutes and you, as an officer of the Government of the STATE OF ________ and the municipality of the CITY OF _________________ are bound to a plethora of legal and lawful agreements, oaths and other mandatory performance covenants to both the State and Federal governments. The Aggrieved Party does not believe there to be a requirement to enter into a contractual agreement to comply with any of the terms of said CITATION for several reasons: I. The CITATION was implemented by your use of threat, Duress and Coercion. The Aggrieved Party was coerced into receipt of the CITATION by your use of threat and duress, by your statement that you would take the Aggrieved Party to jail, if the Aggrieved Party did not agree to the terms as they appear on the CITATION. Forced performance is does not create a valid contract.
II. Constructive Fraud
You appear to be attempting to induce a constructive fraud under U.C.C. 3-305 (a) (1) (iii) by requiring the Aggrieved Party to accept said instrument. It is possible that FRAUD has been committed. The law presumes men and women, operate in good faith. However, if The Aggrieved Party is caused a damage, The Aggrieved Party will probably pursue remedies in the STATE and FEDERAL court system, naming you as an interested party.
III. There is No bona fide affidavit in support of the alleged complaint. _______ Statutes Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 21.22. [415] [479] [467] Information based upon complaint.
The CITATION states that it is a complaint, but it lacks the elements to convert it to an information. There is no signature by a duly sworn officer of the Instrumentality named on the Citation. As you are aware, the elements of a complaint require sworn testimony by you, regarding any allegations, as part of the requirement for the complaint to be complete. In order for a complaint to be converted to an information, the affidavit requires the signature of a duly appointed attorney with the appropriate jurisdictional authority. Such is not the case. ONLY AN INDIVIDUAL AUTHORIZED TO PRACTICE LAW can issue an information, based on complaint.
IV. The Aggrieved Party was not engaged in any commercial activity.
Since the CITATION is not an Information, The Aggrieved Party can only assume it is a commercial instrument. The Aggrieved Party was not engaged in any commercial activity, is not engaged in a commercial activity nor does the Aggrieved Party intend to participate in any commercial activities in the future.
V. No underlying bona fide instruments to support a claim.
You have no valid claim pursuant to a security, agreement, covenant or contract by which the Aggrieved Party can be held to specific performance. In short you have no instrument, by any legal description or definition, which can compel the Aggrieved Party to perform.
VI. Aggrieved Party is neither a U. S. citizen /resident nor a citizen/resident of any STATE.
The Aggrieved Party is not a resident or citizen of the STATE OF _____, nor is The Aggrieved Party a resident or citizen of any STATE or MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. The Aggrieved Party is not a U. S. citizen or U. S. resident.
VII. The Aggrieved Party is not the beneficiary, or recipient of a privilege.
The Aggrieved Party is not the beneficiary or recipient of a privilege of any corporate STATE. This includes, but is not limited to any trust formed by or privilege offered by the Act of the FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS, Session III, Chapter LXII. February 21, 1871.
VIII. The Aggrieved Party is not a fiduciary of any STATE trust.
The Aggrieved Party has not entered into any contractual agreement with any STATE creating a fiduciary or trust relationship, compelling specific performance on the part of the Aggrieved Party.
IX. Aggrieved Party cannot be forced to represent another.
The Aggrieved Party does not wish to "represent" the entity named on the CITATION. The Aggrieved party can not be compelled to function as a fiduciary or trustee for the party named on the CITATION. You have ten (10) days to respond on a point by point basis under the penalties of perjury and to show cause how your instrument may obligate _________________ to which you infer in your Instrument. Your failure to show just cause may constitute your acquiescence to the stipulations raised herein and you may be collaterally estopped from proceeding in this matter. If you need more time with which to respond, contact me at the above listed mailing location within the allotted time and an extension of time may be granted you with which to respond. If The Aggrieved Party does not hear from you prior to November 17, 1998, The Aggrieved Party will presume the matter closed and you are stipulating an estopped from pursuing the matter any further. Notice to the Agent is notice to the principal. Respectfully Submitted My Christian Appelation