Monday, 22 May 2017
Democratic Marxism

Recently in a Town Hall the Republican Member of the House of Representatives for the First District of Iowa, said
"Why should a 62-year-old man have to pay for maternity care?”
Which prompted a response that is said to have gone viral
Iowa woman's letter to the editor about Rod Blum goes viral
You can find the full uninterrupted text at
Letter: Why should I pay indeed?
Congressman Rod Blum in a Dubuque town hall (Monday) night asked, “Why should a 62-year-old man have to pay for maternity care?”
I ask, why should I pay for a bridge I don’t cross, a sidewalk I don’t walk on, a library book I don’t read?
Why should I pay for a flower I won’t smell, a park I don’t visit, or art I can’t appreciate? Why should I pay the salaries of politicians I didn’t vote for, a tax cut that doesn’t affect me, or a loophole I can’t take advantage of?
Why should I pay for a flower I won’t smell, a park I don’t visit, or art I can’t
It’s called democracy, a civil society, the greater good. That’s what we pay for
I feel I need to reply to her, Because what she calls Democracy,
Is Not.
What she expressed was a variation of
From Each According to their Abilities, to Each According to their Needs
It is a slogan that Karl Marx made popular in his writing Critique of the Gotha program, published in 1875. The German original is Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen.
Maybe it could be considered a statment of democratic principles in the former DDR or Deutsche Demokratische Republik. also known in the West as East Germany, but IMO not in America.
It is one of the Fundamental Principles of Leninist Marxism ie Communism.
It is a sad state of affairs that our educational system is turning out citizens who confuse them with us.
In my mind Congressman Blum brought up one of the minor problems
To me the effect on Young Working Families has been far worse.
I was speaking to a young lady who works were I often like to eat about this,
She and her husband do not qualify for subsidies,
They had paid the fine because it was cheaper than the premiums, but you know how nasty the State can be when it does not get all the money if feels entitled to
So now they pay the exorbitant premium and have such a High Deductible that they have to pay for all their healthcare out of their own pocket.
You know for " the greater good"
As a result she told me she has to be REALLY ill before she goes to the Dr.
This was not the first young working person I have had this discussion with,
The tale is usually the same,
They had a Catostrophic Plan that was inexpensive and affordable, now not available
They now have burdensome Premiums and Deductible so High they never qualify for any assistance from their Insurance
Obamacare MADE them get Insurance under penalty of Law but it did not provide healthcare
So much for. "I make this promise to the American People, If you like your Dr and you like your healthcare you can Keep them PERIOD"
All of this done for the Greater Good.
Makes the Taste of the phrase Greater Good sour in my mouth,
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Humpty Democrat Sat On A Wall

Humpty Democrat Sat on a Wall
Humpty Democrat Had a Great Fall
And All of Schummer's Asses

Or Pelosi's Fems

Could Not Put Humpty
Together Again.
You know there was a time when a President's pick for the Supreme Court
Was confirmed as a matter of course
Until that Tradition was brought to a Screeching Halt
By the Democrats
Over the Confirmation of a Judge Named Bork
Bringing a New Word to our Lexicon
gerund or present participle: borking; gerund or present participle: Borking
obstruct (someone, especially a candidate for public office) through systematic defamation or vilification.
"“We're going to bork him,” said an opponent"
Likewise there had been a Tradition to not use something called
The Nuclear Option to clear a Fillibuster
The Logic went like: It is not a good idea for a Party to use the Nuclear
Option to Clear a Fillibuster with a Simple Majority of 51% instead of a
Super Majority of 60% because the Other Party could retaliate latter by doing
the same thing.
Or at least that was the thinking until Harry Reid used it.
So now the Democrats are threatening to Fillibuster
Trumps pick for an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court'
Which is ANOTHER thing that has never happened in the Senate.
Not for an Associate Justice
So what is going to happen?
There is an age old quote that fits the situation perfectly

Not that the Democratic Party has been paying much attention to what they
have been sowing
If they were they would have noticed that since Barack Obama has been elected
They have lost over 1000 seats in State Legislatures around the Nation

Republicans control the presidency and both chambers of Congress after Donald Trump took office on Jan. 20.
The GOP will also hold the governor’s office in 33 states starting in 2017, the most in 24 years. And Republicans control both chambers in 32 state legislatures, while Democrats have control of both chambers in only California, Delaware, Hawaii, Oregon and Rhode Island.
Donald Trump had nothing to do with this state of affairs,
No Barack Obama and the Democratic Party managed all by themselves
To create a Poltical Map of the US that looks like this,

Humpty Democrat Sat on a Wall
Humpty Democrat Had a Great Fall
And the Democrat Leadership
Keep doing the same things over and over
Expecting different results
Thursday, 15 December 2016
We're From The Government And We're Here To Run Your Life

They say that
Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”
It appears that one of the other sort
Bruce Nesmith, a Coe College professor and longtime resident, a member of a Rezone Cedar Rapids advisory committee,
was biking home one day (why am I not surprised >)
When he saw GASP
TWO Anti-social Homes!!

So he Blogged about them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you might wonder, What makes a Home Anti-Social?
Well Our City Council Woman Ann Poe can tell you that.
“We don’t like the design of the garage being the focal point of the home,” said Ann Poe, a Cedar Rapids City Council member and chairwoman of the council’s development subcommittee. “I don’t know if banning them is the appropriate term, but we have an interest in what we can do to discourage the development of snout style homes so the focal point is not the garage.”
Yes SHAME on those tacky people for making a garage a focal point of their home!!
It is OBVIOUS to the Spiritually Evolved that creatures of this sort Cannot be left to make their own decisions!!
Some view snout houses as unwelcoming, garage-lined streets as unsightly, and the design in conflict with a goal to create a walkable, bikeable community.
Myself I don't recall every being asked if I wished to live in a hive

Commute to work via mass transport and at home live in a walkable, bikeable community.
Or did I want to live in my own home and drive where I wished to.
I suppose that is something that is best decided by our betters such as Ann Poe and Bruce Nesmith,
We not being able to decide by ourself what is best for us and the Planet,
Being the Deplorable Anti=Social types that we are.
Turns out that
The homes are being built by the nonprofit Neighborhood Development Corp. of Cedar Rapids through the ROOTS housing program, a city-backed program created to replace homes lost due to the flood.
The snout design allows builders to give homebuyers more home for their dollar with larger kitchens and common areas, as well as laundry rooms, tucked behind the garage, said Randy Dostal, of Thomas Dostal Developers and past president of the Greater Cedar Rapids Housing and Building Association.
Design is dictated by the lot size, he said. The cost of ground has gotten more expensive, so lots have become narrower, he said. City zoning requirements control how far the structure must be set back from lot lines and the city is moving away from alleyways, which would facilitate a garage in back, so the garage sticks out in front, he said. It’s the most efficient, cost-effective design, he said.
And that is the CRUX
The design gives WORKING FAMILIES Better Larger Nicer Homes and Poe and Nesmith cannot abide THAT
It would interfere with their goal to create a walkable, bikeable community.,.
I mean if they let the peasants decide what kind of house they have for a home they might make the garage and their car the focal point
And forget what their places are.
What I think is that we need to REPLACE Poe and Nesmith and any other City Council Member or City Employee.
Who wants to decide for everyone else how they should live and what kiind of home they deserve
With people who can remember that they are supposed to be Public SERVANTS
And should spend their time on the necessary functions of Government and keep their Stuck Up Noses out of the Public's Private Business,
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Rules for Tuesday Meeting
 David Chung
Rules for Tuesday MeetingTo my friends in the Linn County Republican Central Committee:
I am sorry that I am not able to be with you at the November 15th LCRCC meeting, I am spending the week working at a client site in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I am writing this letter to give my input on the proposed rules for the election of officers. While I have serious reservations about the wisdom of adopting these rules, I will limit my comments to the parliamentary issues surrounding their adoption. - The proposed rules require slates to be submitted to the Secretary by 7:00pm. The problem is that the rules are still proposedtherefore they must be approved by the body before they take effect. Since the time called out is the scheduled time for the meeting to come to order, the proposed rules, should they be adopted, will have the effect of requiring an action to have occurred in the past. As a parliamentarian I would advise that such an ex post facto rule be considered out of order.
- Since our county constitution and bylaws do not state how officers are to be elected, elections are governed by Robert’s Rules. Under Robert’s Rules individuals have a right to make nominations from the floor and offices are voted on individually. Since the proposed rule takes away the rights of members to nominate, run, or be voted on individually it requires 2/3 vote for approval.
I trust that the LCRCC will follow its parliamentary authority (RRONR) and put this rules proposal to a vote requiring two-thirds for its adoption. |
Saturday, 12 November 2016
A Marked Deck Of Cards

At some point every Father should explain to a son that someday a Man will come up to you with a deck of cards whose seal has not been broken and invite you to play a friendly game,
On November the 10th two days after a historic National Election many members of the LCRCC were offered a hand from a marked deck of cards.
While most of us had all of our attention and energy focused on an election that we felt might determine the course of the Nation for generations to come,
It would appear that our Executives were spending their time plotting a completely different Election,
Unless we are to believe they woke up Nov 9 and said to each other
HEY Let's have a LCRCC Officers Election and we have only ONE DAY to get the notices in the Mail!!
No my friends call me cynical but I surmise the spent quite a bit of time on this effort rather then the General Election,
They have in the past sprumg surprises on the Committee like this
There is usually some overwhelmlng emergency that requires us to ACT NOW.
In this caee we got the notice on Thursday, they want the election on
Tuesday and Oh yes they want the Rules to limit who can run for office
To only people in a full slate composed of a Chair Co-Chair, Treasurer
and Secretary
No we cannot allow anyone to just run for an office by themselves
Also they don't seem to be eager for anyone to run against them.
The little more than 4 days notice combined with the Slate requirements?
If not a Marked Deck looks a lot like Stacked Deck or maybe Loaded Dice?
We need to take time to reflect, examine and ponder our options,
THIS Time I say enough,
I say we REMIND them that the
Constitution of the Republcian Party of Linn County
The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.
That THEY work for us and at our pleasure not the Reverse
Friday, 11 November 2016
None So Blind

Everyone is so focused on the National Elections the State and Local Elections get over looked
The above map is shows the balance of power in State Legislatures BEFORE Tuesday :?
That changed. Here in Iowa we flipped SIX State Senate Seats and took control of BOTH Houses in the Legislature
State Senate Results for Iowa
There are two things to consider here,
First Donald Trump had nothing to do whatsoever in the creation of the situation we see in that map.
Sedond, After the Election there are more Red States,
Solid color Red or Blue means one party controls both Houses, Yellow the Legistlature is split,
So despite how things looked about the House of Reprsentatives the Presidency, the Senate and how those last two might affect the structure of the Supreme Court.
When I would hear earlier this year langauge about How the GOP was finished?
I would look at the balance of Powers in our State Capitols and think'
In what Universe?
It boils down to this folks
Either the GOP is doing a Lot of Things Right.
Or the Democrats are doing a Lot of Things really Really REALLY
But I don't think they even see that,
November Surprise

All of us who have engaged over the years in elections are familiar with the phrase October Surprise
That being something sprung at the last minute in October before an election with the intention that the opposition would have no time to respond,
Well it would appear that our Executive Committee has decided to spring a November Surprise on the Central Committee.
On the 10th of November after we were winding down from an exhausting election we got notification that they plan an Officer's election at the November meeting on the 15th.
It would appear they choose to justify the short notice because they found a sentence in the Constitution of the Republic Party of Iowa which says
Each member of the County Central Committee shall be given written notice at least five days in advance of the time and place of any meeting scheduled for the election of officers.
Before I go further into Constitutional Issues let me say. Never has the LCRCC Officers Elections to my knowledge been held in the Fall.
Never to My Knowledge has an Executive Committee given such short notice,
Yea I raalise tht Article VI Section 2 of the Constitution of the Republcan Party does say that is all that is REQUIRED
But it would appear that previous Administrations have been more considerate of the Central Committee.
Bear in mind we do NOT have an election until the COMMITTEE says so,
Our County Constitution reads "
The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee
In addition the notification quotes Article VI Paragraph 2 of the Republican Party of Iowa Constitution as justification for the 5 day notice
BUT they have over looked a following section which says
The term of office of an officer begins upon his or her election and continues until the organizational meeting two years later and until the officer's successor is elected and qualified, unless the officer dies, resigns, or is sooner removed by the County Central Committee for any
So HAS the 2 year period term of office been fulfilled?
Not hardly.
Now last Eelction was at its time unique too,.
It was the only one to my knowledge that had nominations and an election in the same meeting.
Upcoming LCRCC Nominations & Elections
Previously we had nominations in Feburary and Elections in March.
This was to give Members time to find out about the candidates and maybe launch their own campaigns
Something it seems our Exectutive Committte wishes to avoid,
I submit if they insist on using the Constitution to justify a short 5 day notice before the Election?
They are bound by the rest of the requirements of that Same Constitution.
Accordingly I would support a Motion to Remove the proposed Eelction from the Agenda and postpone it til Feburary with Nominations in January.
Five days IMO is not sufficient time particularly when it is being sprung on us 3 to 4 months before we have ever had these elections.
Call me cynical but this smacks of a power grab and quick and unethical practices,.
Some of us have been asked why there is such division and can we not work together?
I feel this is a perfect example of the main problem.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
No Wages Are Not Living Wages

There has been a lot of talk lately about Minimum Wages
Quite a few people, with the best of intentiions favor raising them.
Their assumptions are that this will allow people who are now making
the minimum wage to have a higher income and that their lives will become
What if they are wrong?
At present we have the Lowest Labor Partition Rate in almost 40 years
That means a lot of people looking for jobs
Some of them were making minimum wage,
Some were making $10 to $15 an hour.
There are reasons for the difference
We all know these reasons so there is no need to go into them here,
The point is that in the past people making a minimum wage
were not competing with the people that an employer would offer
$10 to $15 and hour.
They will will be in the future.
So what does this mean?
For the people who were already making $10 to $15 an hour
There will be a lot more jobs out there for them,
Their Lives will get better,
For the people who were making the Old Minimum Wage?
Their Lives will get just a little bit harder.
I heard the County Supervisor vote on the Second Reading was 4 to 1.
I want to commend John Harris for his principled stand
To try to protect the ability of our lowest wage earners to find jobs,
But I do not expect him to suceed,
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Brother Third Party's Magical Revival and Political Healing Camp Meeting
Yes Brothers and Sisters Come on IN!
To Brother Third Party's Magical Revival and Political Healing Camp Meeting
Let the Hand of the Libertarian ease your brow.
If you have
If you
Your afflications will be lifted From You!
No longer will you have the burden of choosing between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton!!!!!!!!!
You can Vote for a Third Party
And a Candidate who
And who shall wear the starry crown?
Saturday, 4 June 2016
Elections Are Binary

Or perhaps Trinary.
I have not figured out who will come out ahead on the Democratic side.
In any case there are a lot of upset people out there.
There are those on the Left who voted for Bernie,
There are those on the Left who voted AGAINST Hillary,
They are not however of the same mind,
There are those who used to be on the Left who plan to vote for Trump
UMW members are among that group. The Democratics insistence
that the Coal Industry be destroyed has had consequences.
There are those on the Right who do not like Trump at all,
Despite the FACT that the GOP nomination is all but over they still insist on explaining why he is not qualified to be President
I have no earthly idea what their goal is.
Third Party candidates in the past have only been a gift to the Left.
In fhe end to paraphrase the Highlander

Yes folks afer Tuesday, November 8, 2016
There can be only One
President Elect.
Maybe you did not get what you wanted,
You might get what you need
Or not,
I don't want to hear anything about Trumps qualifications from a Conservative
Just answer ONE QUESTION
Of the AVAILABLE choices?
Would be the Worst outcome for the Nation?
If you truly believe that would be Trump
Then you have no Ethical choice but to do what you can to prevent that,
If you believe other than that?
What is your Goal?
If years from now my great or great great nieces and nephews ask me
What did YOU do Uncle Danny to try to prevent what would be the Worst Outcome for the Nation?
I do not intend to tell them
I stayed home and pouted
Because the person I wanted to get the nomination Lost
YOU have to decide what YOU will tell those that come after what YOU did,
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