They say that
Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”
It appears that one of the other sort
Bruce Nesmith, a Coe College professor and longtime resident, a member of a Rezone Cedar Rapids advisory committee,
was biking home one day (why am I not surprised >)
When he saw GASP
TWO Anti-social Homes!!
So he Blogged about them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you might wonder, What makes a Home Anti-Social?
Well Our City Council Woman Ann Poe can tell you that.
“We don’t like the design of the garage being the focal point of the home,” said Ann Poe, a Cedar Rapids City Council member and chairwoman of the council’s development subcommittee. “I don’t know if banning them is the appropriate term, but we have an interest in what we can do to discourage the development of snout style homes so the focal point is not the garage.”
Yes SHAME on those tacky people for making a garage a focal point of their home!!
It is OBVIOUS to the Spiritually Evolved that creatures of this sort Cannot be left to make their own decisions!!
Some view snout houses as unwelcoming, garage-lined streets as unsightly, and the design in conflict with a goal to create a walkable, bikeable community.
Myself I don't recall every being asked if I wished to live in a hive
Commute to work via mass transport and at home live in a walkable, bikeable community.
Or did I want to live in my own home and drive where I wished to.
I suppose that is something that is best decided by our betters such as Ann Poe and Bruce Nesmith,
We not being able to decide by ourself what is best for us and the Planet,
Being the Deplorable Anti=Social types that we are.
Turns out that
The homes are being built by the nonprofit Neighborhood Development Corp. of Cedar Rapids through the ROOTS housing program, a city-backed program created to replace homes lost due to the flood.
The snout design allows builders to give homebuyers more home for their dollar with larger kitchens and common areas, as well as laundry rooms, tucked behind the garage, said Randy Dostal, of Thomas Dostal Developers and past president of the Greater Cedar Rapids Housing and Building Association.
Design is dictated by the lot size, he said. The cost of ground has gotten more expensive, so lots have become narrower, he said. City zoning requirements control how far the structure must be set back from lot lines and the city is moving away from alleyways, which would facilitate a garage in back, so the garage sticks out in front, he said. It’s the most efficient, cost-effective design, he said.
And that is the CRUX
The design gives WORKING FAMILIES Better Larger Nicer Homes and Poe and Nesmith cannot abide THAT
It would interfere with their goal to create a walkable, bikeable community.,.
I mean if they let the peasants decide what kind of house they have for a home they might make the garage and their car the focal point
And forget what their places are.
What I think is that we need to REPLACE Poe and Nesmith and any other City Council Member or City Employee.
Who wants to decide for everyone else how they should live and what kiind of home they deserve
With people who can remember that they are supposed to be Public SERVANTS
And should spend their time on the necessary functions of Government and keep their Stuck Up Noses out of the Public's Private Business,
Updated: Thursday, 15 December 2016 3:12 AM CST
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