Rules for Tuesday MeetingTo my friends in the Linn County Republican Central Committee:
I am sorry that I am not able to be with you at the November 15th LCRCC meeting, I am spending the week working at a client site in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I am writing this letter to give my input on the proposed rules for the election of officers. While I have serious reservations about the wisdom of adopting these rules, I will limit my comments to the parliamentary issues surrounding their adoption. - The proposed rules require slates to be submitted to the Secretary by 7:00pm. The problem is that the rules are still proposedtherefore they must be approved by the body before they take effect. Since the time called out is the scheduled time for the meeting to come to order, the proposed rules, should they be adopted, will have the effect of requiring an action to have occurred in the past. As a parliamentarian I would advise that such an ex post facto rule be considered out of order.
- Since our county constitution and bylaws do not state how officers are to be elected, elections are governed by Robert’s Rules. Under Robert’s Rules individuals have a right to make nominations from the floor and offices are voted on individually. Since the proposed rule takes away the rights of members to nominate, run, or be voted on individually it requires 2/3 vote for approval.
I trust that the LCRCC will follow its parliamentary authority (RRONR) and put this rules proposal to a vote requiring two-thirds for its adoption. |