Humpty Democrat Sat on a Wall
Humpty Democrat Had a Great Fall
And All of Schummer's Asses
Or Pelosi's Fems
borkbôrk/verbUSinformalgerund or present participle: borking; gerund or present participle: Borking
obstruct (someone, especially a candidate for public office) through systematic defamation or vilification."“We're going to bork him,” said an opponent"
Likewise there had been a Tradition to not use something called
The Nuclear Option to clear a Fillibuster
The Logic went like: It is not a good idea for a Party to use the Nuclear
Option to Clear a Fillibuster with a Simple Majority of 51% instead of a
Super Majority of 60% because the Other Party could retaliate latter by doing
the same thing.
Or at least that was the thinking until Harry Reid used it.
So now the Democrats are threatening to Fillibuster
Trumps pick for an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court'
Which is ANOTHER thing that has never happened in the Senate.
Not for an Associate Justice
So what is going to happen?
There is an age old quote that fits the situation perfectly
Not that the Democratic Party has been paying much attention to what they
have been sowing
If they were they would have noticed that since Barack Obama has been elected
They have lost over 1000 seats in State Legislatures around the Nation
Republicans control the presidency and both chambers of Congress after Donald Trump took office on Jan. 20.
The GOP will also hold the governor’s office in 33 states starting in 2017, the most in 24 years. And Republicans control both chambers in 32 state legislatures, while Democrats have control of both chambers in only California, Delaware, Hawaii, Oregon and Rhode Island.
Donald Trump had nothing to do with this state of affairs,
No Barack Obama and the Democratic Party managed all by themselves
To create a Poltical Map of the US that looks like this,
Humpty Democrat Sat on a Wall
Humpty Democrat Had a Great Fall
And the Democrat Leadership
Keep doing the same things over and over
Expecting different results
Updated: Wednesday, 5 April 2017 5:19 AM CDT
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