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Saturday, 23 July 2005
Death to the Crusader Infidels!
Topic: Islamic Jihad


Lots of folks mocked Bush when he made his
so called "either with us or against us" speech.

Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make.Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. (Applause.) From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.

But what those fools do not understand is
People like this really MEAN it.

Man linked to London bombings threatens Sweden

This is not the first time Sweden receives terror threats. The man is perfectly right when he says that the London bombers "are not terrorists, as they are doing what Islam requires”: Jihad against the infidels:

Man linked to London bombings threatens Sweden

The 39-year old Swede suspected of involvement in the London bombings has said that Sweden would be “punished” if he was handed over to a foreign power. The man, who is originally from Lebanon, has lived in Sweden since he was 18. In an interview with Dagens Nyheter last October,----

He admitted, however, that he had lived with Abu Hamza, a controversial Muslim preacher at the Finsbury Park mosque in London, who is currently awaiting trial in Britain on terrorism and race-hate charges. The Swedish man says that he lived with one-eyed, hook-handed Hamza “for medical reasons, as a nurse.” While denying involvement in the London bombings,

the man said that the suicide bombers who attacked three underground trains and a bus were “martyrs,” adding that he hoped also to become a martyr one day. “They are not terrorists, as they are doing what Islam requires,”

Sweden, he said, is not threatened by al-Qaeda, although he told Expressen that this could change if the Swedish government handed him over to the British or American authorities. “If Sweden hands me over to another country then it will only have itself to blame. Sweden will then be punished with the greatest punishment.”

Now let's wait for the same talking heads who made so much fun of President Bush explain to us how uncultured and intolerant this fellow is.

Better not hold your breath.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:15 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:09 AM CDT
Friday, 22 July 2005
It's All
Because of IRAQ

Topic: Islamic Jihad
At least 45 killed in Egypt resort bombing spree

And of course this is
ALL because of Iraq.
If Egypt had not

invaded another Sovereign
Nation and Over threw---

Wait a minute EGYPT has not invaded anyone, Has it?

But aren't these atrocities supposed to be the Arab Streets Outrage at the overthrow of Saddam Husein?

All this is really confusing particularly since almost all the bombing attacks by the FOREIGN rephrased NON IRAQI Jihadists have been killing IRAQIS.

Yes the message of the Jihadists seems to be

"We will fight the Crusader-Infidels to the LAST DROP of IRAQI BLOOD!"

So if Egypt is not the one who invaded Iraq then why?

Saturday, 23 July , 2005, 06:43

Cairo: At least 45 people were killed and around 150 more wounded in a string of bomb attacks overnight in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, medical sources told AFP.

"There were several attacks at around 1:00 am (2200 GMT Friday) in the centre of Sharm el-Sheikh," a police official told AFP.

"For the moment, we don't know whether they were car bombs or bombs planted under parked cars," he said. "We are not ruling out the possibility of suicide bombings."

The blasts rocked the popular Sinai resort at the peak of the summer tourist season and several foreigners were believed to be among the victims.

According to police sources and witnesses, one of the deadliest bombs went off in a car park between the Ghazala and Movenpick hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh's Naama Bay area.

"The side of the Ghazala hotel facing the sea was badly damaged by one of the blasts and part of it even collapsed," Sharm el-Sheikh resident Hossam Osman told AFP on the phone.

"There are lots of bodies covered with blood-stained white sheets around the hotel. Lots of people rushed to the scene to see what was happening but up to 600 policemen are cordoning off the area," added Osman, who owns a photo laboratory.

The attacks came on the 53rd anniversary of the 1952 revolution and scores of Egyptians were also on an extended holiday weekend in Sharm el-Sheikh and other resorts.

According to police sources, there were up to seven almost simultaneous blasts, mainly in Sharm el-Sheikh's old market area.

One went off near the Marriott hotel and another near the Marina Sharm, witnesses said.

According to an AFP reporter in the Sinai, police forces immediately tightened security along the peninsula's coastline road, with sniffer dogs checking vehicles at every checkpoint.

The bombings were the bloodiest such incident since 34 people, including several Israeli tourists were killed in triple bombings against Taba and two other Sinai resorts last October.

Sharm el-Sheikh is Egypt's largest resort and sits at the southern tip of the Sinai peninsula.

The October 7 bombings had targeted the Hilton hotel -- which lies next to the border with Israel at the north of Gulf of Aqaba -- as well as two other resort camps in Nuweiba, further down the coastline.

The October bombings were the first major attack in Egypt since 58 tourists were killed in an attack on the southern town of Luxor in 1997 and sparked a massive crackdown by government troops in the Sinai.

The trial of three men suspected of involvement in the October bombings opened on July 2 at the high state security court in Ismailiya, northeast of Cairo, and was due to resume on Sunday.

One of the men is still at large and being tried in absentia.

Because its less trouble and EASIER to bomb Egypt than to go all the way to the US, Italy, Denmark, the rest of the Coalition of the Willing
(all 30 plus Nations) or UK again?

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:31 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:09 AM CDT
To Be
or Not To Be

Topic: Islamic Jihad
This just in on the Tube shooting in London.

British police kill one suspect at a subway station; another is arrested

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair said the shooting was "directly linked" to the investigation.

"The man who was shot was under police observation because he had emerged from a house that was itself under observation because it was linked to the investigation of yesterday's incidents," police said in a statement. "He was then followed by surveillance officers to the station. His clothing and his behavior at the station added to their suspicions."

Of course there is concern in the Muslim Community, and I WILL stipulate that for the majority they are probably hard working honest good British citizens, some them do however fail to understand the realities of this situation.

Muslim community worried about reprisals as tensions mount in London

This pops out to my mind.

"They didn't need to shoot him five times. They could have shot him once or twice, maybe in the leg, so that he couldn't get away," Asim said.

"There's another worry now, a big one that I think Muslims fear," he said, "that after 7/7, unnecessary force would be used to curb radicalism which would, though, breed more radicals

When someone may have a bomb you want them DOWN, the UK is NOT like other parts of the world the man's concerns would be valid there and there would ALREADY be blood in the streets in retribution

"We are getting phone calls from quite a lot of Muslims who are distressed about what may be a shoot-to-kill policy," said Inayat Bunglawala, Muslim Council of Britain spokesman.

One caller, he said, asked: "What if I was carrying a rucksack"

Well? Then DON'T carry a rucksack, I mean PLEASE anyone carrying into the London Tube something that looks like what the terrorists used to bomb it is crazy.

"Guner Bahadir, sitting in a prayer room for women, said she felt solidarity with Muslims involved in conflicts around the world and with Britain's involvement in the Iraq war, she wasn't surprised by the attacks.

"This is the war and now it is here," said the 40-year-old Bahadir, who immigrated from Turkey five years ago.

"They (the West) say they're helping us but they're not. They're killing us," she said.

"We don't need their help."

That's priceless, Solidarity with Terrorists, no Dear WE are not killing you THEY are killing you. Emigrated from Turkey 5 years ago, she must have missed the Terrorist Bombings there? No Solidarity for her new home I take it?

I got on a dust up recently on an international Bulletin Board on the subject of Capital Punishment.

The usual suspects showed up, what if they are innocent, No one has the right to take a life not even the State.

You know? In the case of a Terrorist carrying a explosives, caught in the act? I do not think we have to worry much about presumption of innocence do we? Except for intelligence gathering I see nothing at all immoral about a quick shot to the head.

However, despite my support for Capital Punishment in cases BEYOND ANY DOUBT, with a deeply religious fanatic, I am willing to make an exception.

I would look them in the eye and say. "No quick trip to Paradise for you m'boy, look around and get used to what you see here, because you will be looking at it for a LONG time, and when your body starts giving out? We will put you on life support, if possible we will do all we can to make certain you NEVER die and go to paradise.

Isn't the paradox sweet? What is the Left going to complain about we would be TOO Humane?

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:55 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:08 AM CDT
Do you feel Lucky?
Topic: Islamic Jihad
More excitement in London
UK police shoot man at underground station

Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:10 PM GMT

LONDON (Reuters) - London police said on Friday a police officer had shot a man at the Stockwell underground train station but declined to comment on reports he was a suspected suicide bomber.

"I saw them (police) offload five shots into the person on the floor," eyewitness Mark Whitby at the station told BBC television. "I saw them kill a man."

Police would not give any further details.

Police were hunting for bombers on Friday after an apparently failed bid on Thursday to bomb London's transport network.

On July 7, 56 people were killed in bombings on the underground and bus network, including four bombers.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:27 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:07 AM CDT
Thursday, 21 July 2005
Skinwalkers of Today or the Worshipers of Molech?
Topic: Islamic Jihad
My ancestry includes American Indian. The First Nations all have great reverence for the Dead and those who disturb sacred burial grounds and use the dead for their ends are an abomination.

In Iraq a suicide bomber tried to kill the mourning parents of all those children who died not long ago.

In London another bombing attack has occurred during the memorial service for 7/7

I have not decided whether these slime are Skinwalkers or Modern Day worshipers of Molech, those who sacrifice children to their God.

The have been there from the Dawn of Time it appears they have not changed, just assumed different disguises but their actions are the same.

Yes now that I think Skinwalkers are in the tradition of MY ancestors,

Molech is their past, present and future.

Two Arrested in London Subway, Bus Blasts

LONDON - Small explosions struck the London Underground and a bus at midday Thursday in a chilling but bloodless replay of the suicide bombings that killed 56 people two weeks ago. Police made two arrests in the case.

No one was injured in the coordinated lunch-hour blasts, which shocked and disrupted the capital and were hauntingly similar to the July 7 bombings by four attackers.

Police Commissioner Ian Blair said forensic evidence collected from the crime scenes could provide a "significant break" in solving the case, and hours later police announced two arrests in connection with the latest attacks.

One man was arrested near Downing Street, site of the prime minister's residence, and the other near Tottenham Court Road, which is near the Warren Street subway station where one of the incidents took place. Police said the men were being questioned.

"Clearly, the intention must have been to kill," Blair told a news conference. "You don't do this with any other intention."

He also said it was not clear if the two sets of attacks were connected

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:21 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:06 AM CDT
Thursday, 4 November 2004
Now to unfinished business
Topic: Islamic Jihad
Today is the 25th anniversary of the day the jihadis declared war on America. On Nov. 4, 1979 Islamist students in Tehran overan the U.S. embassy and took 66 Americans hostage. The hostages were held for 444 days. They were released on Jan. 20, 1981--the day Ronald Reagan was sworn into office.

From My Pet Jawa

Let us take a moment to remember the Fallen.
For me it will be my Cousin, Casey Puckett
Beirut, 1983.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:04 PM CST
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 5:51 AM CDT

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