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Saturday, 27 September 2008
You Can Fool All Of The People
Topic: Demo Fables

Abraham Lincoln said: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

There a Lies and there are Lies that transcend to the level of Art,

Recently there has been an excellent example a Lie that contains nothing but the truth. What you will see in the Video was actually spoken, but as you will also see the "meaning" of what was said has been altered by creative editing.

Please View

Rep. Roy Blunt:

McCain stopped the bailout deal

"Clearly, yesterday, his position on that discussion yesterday was one that stopped a deal from finalizing ."
Now that does sound like he (John McCain) jumped right into  a Congressional Deal and brought it to a screeching halt and there may be some truth in that.  However a 9 second cut, might leave some important
things out so, let us look at a longer and more complete version?

Rep. Roy Blunt

Says Democrats Are Uncooperative On Bailout

Ah there are a few words left out?
"Clearly, yesterday, his position on that discussion yesterday was one that stopped a deal from finalizing
that no House Republican in my view would have been for, which means it wouldn't have probably passed the House. "
I don't know what other's might think, but to me what was left out makes a profound difference,
They say the Best Way to Lie is to Tell the Truth, but Selectively. This appears to be a perfect example of that art.
Hat Tip: Big Lizards

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:07 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 28 September 2008 1:02 AM CDT
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Obama Outsourcing
Topic: Demo Fables
 Update: Not all the work is being outsourced.
"When they got in touch with the Democrats the party jumped at the chance. And the coins have proved such a hit that locally produced versions have already been launched to compete with the UK originals"
Just caught this on Hot Air
 Democrats already minting Obama presidential commemorative coin
Now it refers to this article in a Birmingham Newspaper
Birmingham firm strikes Barack Obama presidential coin
Intricate work on the Barack Obama coin

A company in Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter is making commemorative coins for American presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

And if the Democratic candidate is elected to become the most powerful man in the world on November 4, it could open the floodgates for millions of pounds worth of business for the firm.

Windsor, Elizabeth & Windsor has already sold more than 300 limited edition commemorative silver coins to the Democratic Party to hand out to key members of the campaign to elect Obama.

The contract is worth about £100,000 to the company, based on Warstone Lane, Hockley.

And a spokesman for WEW said they expected thousands more coins to be bought if Obama becomes president, which could bring millions into the small firm.

WEW is producing limited edition runs of gold, silver and platinum Obama coins, and plans to produce new ones in other finishes for public consumption if the demand emerges.

The Barack Obama coin

The coins already sold to the Democrats will be presented to the senators, congressmen, governors and other politicians they are being given to within the next two weeks.

There will also be a television advertising campaign launched in the US.

Now of course there has been a lot of comment that this is premature, but what stuck out to me was this,

The contract is worth about £100,000 to the company, based on Warstone Lane, Hockley.

Yep this Newspaper is NOT in Alabama, it is in Great Britain !

The Obama Campaign is OUTSOURCING  this job,


Now this comes right on the heels of a statement by Joe Biden that

We’re not supporting clean coal” and “No coal plants here in America” —

Someone should ask the leadership of the UMW for a statement on that position.

However the Obama campaign and a Biden spokesperson have already done one of this, "We were against it before we supported it now" DNC flipflops we are all so familiar with.

 Video: On clean coal, Biden takes bold stand against, um, Obama’s position; Update: McCain launches coalition to protect coal jobs

Boy I tell your what these guys sure stand behind the American Worker don't they?

Maybe Union members should keep their backs up against the Wall when they are around though.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:17 AM CDT
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Updated: Wednesday, 24 September 2008 10:00 PM CDT
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Look For The Union Label
Topic: Out of Flyover Land
Well there are ALL KINDS of Firsts this year

It seems that Gov Palin or maybe I should call her Sister Palin
since I am a member in good standing of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers



The first unless I am mistaken to ever be even nominated to this high an office
instead of someone from the Bosses

So I rewrote the International Ladies Garment Workers
Rally Song in her honor

Boy I would like to get it on youtube LOL

Look for the Union Label
When you go to Vote this Year

If you look for the Union Label
Then your choice is very clear

Palin's been working real hard
Raising 5 kids just like you

So look for the Union Label
Vote what's right for the USA


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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:53 AM CDT
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Updated: Saturday, 30 August 2008 6:25 AM CDT
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
You Raise Me Up So I Can Stand On Mountains
IMO a most moving and beautiful tribute to the People and City of Cedar Rapids.

 I received A DVR disc from a young woman who has been working tiredlessly in the rescue and recovery of our City from the recent flood.

She had a concept and a series of photos and had a friend create the disc.
 I wanted to put it on Youtube, but alas I do not have the skills.

 But I was able to upload all of the files into my website directory and have created a page from which it can be viewed.
I regret that it is necessary to download a 16 Meg EXE file so it will be difficult for those with dialup modems and I do not know how it will play for anyone with that type of connection.  Sorry
Cedar Rapids Flood of 2008

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Trackposted to Perri Nelson's Website, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Leaning Straight Up, , Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Faultline USA, third world county, Allie is Wired, The World According to Carl, , The Pink Flamingo, , Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:45 AM CDT
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Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2008 5:40 AM CDT
Friday, 4 July 2008
Just Pull the D Lever
Topic: Demo Fables
A few nights ago, I was watching a discussion on CNN of all places (Not Fox) about the increases in Oil Prices, Drilling in our Off Shore Fields, ANWAR, the Coal Tar and Shale Oil Deposits out West and Liquification of Coal.

During the portion on Drilling off shore, a Democratic Strategist with a smirky smile pronounced in a self satisfied manner that drilling off shore would not lower the price at the pumps but would only increase the profits of


I have been thinking

Do I want my hard earned money to increase the profits of some Filthy Capitalistic Greedy Big Oil Compay?

H&*L NO!

I want MY hard earned money to

increase the profits of some Greedy Dictatorship,

Fund Totalitaran Oppression,


and Interntational Terrorism BY GOD!!!!

Just think

Without the valiant efforts of some in Congress to stem the tide
towards Energy Independence for the US

My Hard Earned Money might actually go to

Create Jobs for Americans

Reduce the National Trade Deficit

Increase US Tax Revenues

Elimiate our need for MidEast Oil

and lighten the load for Working Families?

Now we just can't have that can we?

So if YOU do not want your hard earned money to
end up in the coffers of some American Big Oil Company

Rather than in the Hands of those who

Truly Hate us, Desire to Destroy Our Way of Life
and see All of Us Dead?

Then you have only ONE choice.

This November march right into that voting booth and

Pull the D is for "Death to America!" Lever!!!!!!!!!!
Or if you have other opinions you might want to listen to this

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:47 AM CDT
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Updated: Saturday, 30 August 2008 6:08 AM CDT
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Neo American Gothic?

Well it seems like one of our Presidential Candidates during a talk with some Marin County Ultra-Rich Constituents
gave a description of his concept of what Flyover America is like

Obama on small-town voters: Bitter, xenophobic, religious;

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them…And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.
And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations

I would expect that when Ole Bama looks at this iconic American Painting



What he sees is this

Halp Us
















Obama put his foot in it again today, saying that:

And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

So, in celebration of his discovery of my bitterness and anger, here is a photo from my small town today; complete with the general sentiment of those who live here

So my small town agrees (as does the media). Just a bunch of gun toting, bible reading, unemployed hicks waiting for our Jesus to come along and save us from our world of pain and suffering.

It doesn’t bug me that Obama thinks this about small town folks (is anyone -really- surprised that he thinks this?), but that he doesn’t even have the audicity (of hope) to tell small town folks to their faces that he wants to spread his message. Hey, Obama, if you are gonna bring hope to these downtrodden people, I suggest you begin them on their 12 step journey; help them see that they are xenophobic protectionist gun toting bible thumpers who stroke their rifle because jesus tells them too. Help them see the error of their ways. But do it to their face, not to a bunch of billionaires in San Francisco.


I Can Haz Crypto-Marxism?

CNN's Balanced Coverage Includes Three Panelists Who All Claim Obama Didn't Mean What He Obviously Meant:

Bonus points to Jack Cafferty for likening the same economic desperation that drives Pennsylvanians to Jesus to the poverty that drives Saudis to Al Qaeda:

Actually, Jack Cafferty and Jeffrey Toobin both get doubleplus bonus points for first claiming that Obama never meant to imply that economic privation drives people to Jesus, firearms and xenophobia, and then immediately adding "But Obama's right, economic privation does drive people to Jesus, firearms, and xenophobia."

Ummm.... Jack and Jeffey, I know you're really super-smart guys, being on TV and all, but I'm afraid if this is as "simple" and "obvious" as you assert, you're going to have to choose between the defenses 1) he didn't mean anything so patently offensive and absurd and 2) but by the way he's 100% dead-bang balls-on right.

Fair and balanced, CNN! I love how they focus almost exclusively on the "bitterness" remark (just as Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama decreed,, so it was heralded, so it shall be) and also also accept, entirely uncritically, Obama's explanation that when he said that small-town Americans are driven to xenophobia and hatred of outsiders, he meant that as a good thing


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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:11 AM CDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 15 April 2008 7:41 AM CDT
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Journey to Freedom

On March 15, 1973, John McCain was released as a POW from the "Hanoi Hilton"



Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary's Thoughts, Right Truth, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Cao's Blog, Leaning Straight Up, InvestorBlogger,, Nuke Gingrich, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate's Cove, Global American Discourse, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:36 AM CDT
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Updated: Saturday, 15 March 2008 12:01 PM CDT
Monday, 21 January 2008
Sense of Honor

The Few The Proud


It was the sound of machine guns that woke me that night all those years ago.  Machine gun fire and tracers lighting up the night sky.  I was 8 years old my Father was in the Navy and we were stationed on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, called appropriately Midway Island.

I do not ever recall being so scared in my entire life, but when I saw the base Marines running toward the beach, I felt safe. I knew that they and my Dad would never let anything bad happen to me.

I wish every American could have the experience of knowing deep in their soul what it means to have these brave men and women standing guard protecting us.

I have never forgotten how I felt that night.

I want to thank Michelle Malkin for reminding me with her Sunday night inspiration

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:38 AM CST
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Updated: Monday, 21 January 2008 8:07 AM CST
Saturday, 5 January 2008
Happy Happy New Years

A Strange thing happened on the way after the Surge.

Casualties in Iraq plummeted









Need I say more?


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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:51 AM CST
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Updated: Saturday, 5 January 2008 4:59 AM CST
Thursday, 25 October 2007
You Knew What I Was When You Picked Me Up
Topic: Demo Fables

My good friend Buster Block over at Inmuscatine sent me a thought provoking request yesterday

I need some help on a story about Hillary Clinton ceding powers if elected President. She said : > "Other presidents like Lincoln have had to take on extraordinary > powers but would later go to the Congress for either ratification > or rejection." > > She continued: "There were a lot of actions which they took that > were clearly beyond any power the Congress would have granted or > that in my view that was inherent in the constitution. There were > other actions they've taken which could have obtained congressional > authorization but they deliberately chose not to pursue it as a > matter of principle." > > Here I asked whether a sitting president, once invested with such > powers, could really give some of them up in the name of > constitutional principle. Clinton said: "Oh, absolutely, Michael. I > mean that has to be part of the review that I undertake when I get > to the White House, and I intend to do that." > I simply do not have time to do the research necessary to do this justice, but I know this is right up your alley. Do you feel like a cross-post with me if you can shed some light on this? Oh, and by the way - the MSM is ignoring this completely, so we have to do something about it.

My first reaction was that the concept of a Clinton ceding power boggles the mind and I should form a new topic for Demo Fables and put this in with:


And then the Evil Republicans huffed and puffed and blew the poor people's houses down.




Evil Republican Magis influencing voters with mind control 

But why don't we explore this issue and then go over to Buster at Inmuscatine and see what his take on it is?


Here are the pertinent URLs

'I'm going to have to review everything they've done'

Clinton vows review of executive power

'You can't lump all terrorists together'


Clinton says would cede some presidential powers

 It is very easy for a politician to make claims, lets look at one of them

"Well, I think it is clear that the power grab undertaken by the Bush-Cheney administration has gone much further than any other president and has been sustained for longer," Clinton said.

So what power grabs could she be speaking of and has Bush indeed pushed the envelope further than any other president


Well one issue that comes to mind is waging War against a Non-State Association of Muslim Terrorists without a Declaration of War. Further complaints on this issue have been worded "How can you declare War on an entity that is not a State?"

It turns out the Nation has faced this very same issue in the Past. As a matter of fact the very first Land Military action by the United States after the Revolutionary War was against a Non-State Association of Muslim Terrorists named the Barbary Pirates.

Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and the Congress of the Day discussed whether or not it was necessary to issue a Formal Declaration of War and decided that since our Sovereignty, and our Citizens had been attacked we were in fact in a State of War and while a Formal Declaration might be needed to initiate a War the point was moot.  So Jefferson sent in the Marines to deal with the matter.

 Notice that they did not even discuss whether or not they should respond militarily??


What other Presidents have exceeded their Constitutional Powers?  Well when Andrew Jackson decided to move the Cherokee Nation upon being told that the Supreme Court had denied him that power, replied "John Marshall has made his decision; let him enforce it now if he can"


I don't recall Bush ever going to that extreme, but I do recall Dick Gephardt telling Rainbow Push after the Surpreme Court issued a ruling he and they did not agree with that

When I'm president, we'll do executive orders to overcome any wrong thing the Supreme Court does tomorrow or any other day.

But maybe that does not count, because he was never nominated, much less elected thank God.

Mention was made of Lincoln.

 "Other presidents, like Lincoln, have had to take on extraordinary powers but would later go to Congress for either ratification or rejection

Could she have been referring to Lincoln's suspension of Habeas Corpus?

With Congress not in session until July, Lincoln assumed all powers not delegated in the Constitution, including the power to suspend habeas corpus. In 1861, Lincoln had already suspended civil law in territories where resistance to the North's military power would be dangerous. In 1862, when copperhead democrats began criticizing Lincoln's violation of the Constitution, Lincoln suspended habeas corpus throughout the nation and had many copperhead democrats arrested under military authority because he felt that the State Courts in the north west would not convict war protesters such as the copperheads. He proclaimed that all persons who discouraged enlistments or engaged in disloyal practices would come under Martial Law. 

Among the 13,000 people arrested under martial law was a Maryland Secessionist, John Merryman. Immediately, Hon. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States issued a writ of habeas corpus commanding the military to bring Merryman before him. The military refused to follow the writ. Justice Taney, in Ex parte MERRYMAN, then ruled the suspension of habeas corpus unconstitutional because the writ could not be suspended without an Act of Congress. President Lincoln and the military ignored Justice Taney's ruling. 

Now here is an interesting factoid about the above suspension

Finally, in 1866, after the war, the Supreme Court officially restored habeas corpus in Ex-parte Milligan, ruling that military trials in areas where the civil courts were capable of functioning were illegal.

April 9, 1865 - Gen. Robert E. Lee surrenders

April 15, 1865 - President Abraham Lincoln dies

Notice habeous corpus was not reinstated until long after the War was over and Lincoln was dead?

There may be some mutterings about Gitmo, but there are NOT thousand of War Protestors in prison camps and none of them have been sentenced to be executed.

FDR had his camps too,  Japanese, Italian, Germnan-Americans many of them citizens interred.

I will not debate here whether it was Constitutional I just wish to point our that the statement

"The power grab undertaken by the Bush-Cheney administration has gone much further than any other president and has been sustained for longer," she said. "Other presidents, like Lincoln, have had to take on extraordinary powers but would later go to Congress for either ratification or rejection."

Would be ideal to plow into the ground to inspire turnips.

What I, myself find most interesting is that in responce to this question

 I want to start with some questions about foreign policy and terrorism. If you become president you'll enter the White House with far more power than, say, your husband had. What is your view of this? And what specific powers might you relinquish as president, or renegotiate with Congress - for example the power to declare a US citizen an enemy combatant

 She replied

Well, I think it is clear that the power grab undertaken by the Bush-Cheney administration has gone much further than any other president and has been sustained for longer. Other presidents, like Lincoln, have had to take on extraordinary powers but would later go to the Congress for either ratification or rejection. But when you take the view that they're not extraordinary powers, but they're inherent powers that reside in the office and therefore you have neither obligation to request permission nor to ask for ratification, we're in a new territory here. And I think that I'm gonna have to review everything they've done because I've been on the receiving end of that. There were a lot of actions which they took that were clearly beyond any power the Congress would have granted or that in my view that was inherent in the constitution. There were other actions they've taken which could have obtained congressional authorization but they deliberately chose not to pursue it as a matter of principle


Some one point out to me where in the above she responds to what specific powers might you relinquish as president, or renegotiate with Congress????


As far as I can tell she definitely said she would review Presidential Powers but she is real shy about what she want to get rid of.

As to her desire for Power itself?  Is not one of her major campaign planks a plant to Nationalise an Industry that comprises 1/7th of the US Economy?

Now that is what I call a Power Grab. I would like someone to show me where in the Constitution the Federal Govenment has the right to do that?

There is an old Fable that goes

  ”It was really cold and a nice lady had a warm blanket. A poisonous snake nearby was shivering and begged the lady just to pick him up long enough for him to get warm. She resisted saying "you are a poisonous snake and you will bite me and I'll die!" He begged and pleaded and promised not to bite her so she finally gave in and picked him up and wrapped him in the blanket. He bit her and as she was laying there dying she asked "why did you bite me - you promised you wouldn't?" As he slithered away he looked back and said: "Lady you knew I was a snake when you picked me up



I submit that before we pick up this viper and hold it to our breast, we need to think real on what we know about it.


Now let's see what Buster;s take is over at Inmuscatine


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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:04 AM CDT
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Updated: Thursday, 25 October 2007 5:26 AM CDT

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