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Saturday, 11 February 2006
The Return of the Worship of Molech.
While reading the events concerning the recent Cartoon Jihad a passage in Captain's Quarters caught my eye and stuck in my mind.

"The police finally withdrew and allowed the crowd to burn down the Danish embassy. Although they set the building alight, they had time and the forethought to bring a large banner to place on the building before it burnt down, announcing that the protesters were ready to offer their children in sacrifice to Mohammed."

Now Human Sacrifice, is not unknown in History, the Sacrifice of Children is not unknown, particularly in that region, though it has been almost 3 millennium since it reared it's ugly head and it was considered an abomination by all Cultures save the ones who practiced it.

The Adherents of Molech

"Molech was a fire-god and many things were sacrificed to him by burning. Ancient sources mention food and drink, birds and animals, and of course, humans occasionally. However, the practice most spoken of was the sacrifice of young children to the fires of Molech. This practice was especially abhorred by the ancients, and not just the Jews. The Greeks and Romans also mention this inhuman rite in derogatory terms. "

The Bitter Irony of this all is that the very rationale for the fanatic response by Salafah Islam to these Cartoons rests in part on an iconoclatic world view that rejects totally the deification of anything and anyone save Allah/God.

In all Cultures Children are considered precious to be cherished and protected. A Warrior will willing to lay HIS life down to defend them because they are the Future. Only pallid things more like that found under a rotten log would be willing "to offer their children in sacrifice to" another Mortal.

We can have respect for the Man, but all religions reject the Deification of Mortals even those in the service of the Divine.

There is an old story of a sale of odd second hand goods. On one table was a battered and worn violin.
People picked it up, but it had no physical beauty and it was out of tune.

An old man lifted it, twisted a few knobs, and played music that was so lovely it transfixed all who heard it.

The lesson was, that even the most humble instrument in the Hands of a Master can play divine music.

The Glory is not to the instrument, but to the Master.

To Deify a Mortal is a Blasphemy in all Religions. To Sacrifice Children to such a one is an Abomination in all Religions, Islam included EXCEPT

The Worship of Molech, which is a Darkness not seen for some 3 millennium.

It would appear it has returned.


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Saturday Open Trackbacks 02.11.06 at Gribbit's Word
Pride: Open Trackback Post at the 7 Deadly Sins
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Into The Great Wide Open at Stop the ACLU
Weekend Open Trackbacks at Right Wing Nation


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:17 PM CST
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Updated: Saturday, 11 February 2006 11:45 PM CST

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