"Ethan's last page"
And here's my youngest grandson...
Colton Ross, born in Hays, Kansas, on May 13, 2002.
"Colton Ross Mai"
This is my grandson, Trenton..
He was born on October 10, 1985, in Hays, Kansas.
Trent use to spend a lot of time with me, we were "fishin' buddies",
but like all grandchildren, and children for that matter, Trent has started to
'out grow' Grams...
This is my oldest grandson, Brandon..
He was born on June 8, 1982, in Hays, Kansas.
Brandon use to be a big grandma's boy.. But a few years ago he dicovered
'girls'.... Since then, he has traded Grams in on a new 'younger' model.. ha ha..
And last, but by no means least, here's my daughter, Jana...
Jana was born in Key West, Florida, on September 7, 1966.
Jana and Mark were married May 11, 1996.
Here's my third grandson...
Calvin, born in Des Moines, Iowa, on June 23, 2000.
Here's my FIRST grandDAUGHTER...
Olivia, born in Des Moines, Iowa, on August 12, 2002.
I'll end my family portion with a few poems that I refer to as my "Reflections"...
Because every time I read them, 'a little bitty tear lets me down'...
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This page was last updated, "Janurary 7, 2005"
My Other Links
"NewView Photo Labs."
"Land of the Free"
"Home of the Brave"
"About Me"
"In Loving Memory"
"Web Humor"
Links Belonging to
Family Members
"Brandon" , my Grandson.
"Annie's Tribute To The Lost Cousins"
This belongs to Linsey, my Grandniece.
"Linsey's Place"
This belongs to Jeff, my Nephew.
"Bare Back Jack"
My first cousin, once removed,
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