" New Arrival "
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When she was eighteen months old, Jana use to sing this song.

" Welcome Baby Matthes "

These are the first two pictures I received of Baby Matthes..
The sonogram pictures Jana sent me..

This is a close up of baby at five weeks of age..

This is baby at 36 weeks of age.. and the proud momma... ;o)

And this is a picture taken at the Baby Shower that was held ...

Baby was due June 16, 2000...
The nursery is ready and waiting...

I'm Here!

Dear Friends and Family:

Just a quick note to let you all know that I have arrived. My name is Calvin Hale Matthes
I was born 1:30 pm on June 23, 2000. I weighed 7 pounds and 2 ounces, and measured 19 inches in length at the time of arrival.
I've included a few photos from today so that you can see me when I'm still hot out of the oven, getting weighed, my first bath, putting on my first outfit, and hanging out with dad.
Mom and I are doing great. Can't wait to meet you all!

If you want to see my 'other' web page, check out WebNursery ,
This is where the hospital made a web page for me.
You can even send me and my Mom and Dad a note on it. It's pretty cool.
But grammy says this is still my FIRST web page.. hehe..

This is me in the hospital WebNursery photo.
Dad takes better pictures, so I'm just gonna have him take all the rest.
"If I look like I'm waving, that's because I am"


Subject: Calvin Update!
Date: Tuesday, 11 July 2000 18:04 (6:04pm CDT)

He had his 2 week check up at the doctor today and he has gained 20 ounces! The doc made an oinking sound when he told me!!
Doc said he expects babies to regain only their birth weight by two weeks (actually it has been 18 days). So I guess we have an oinker on our hands!
He has grown an inch and a half, however that measurement is imprecise, at best. The nurse laid Calvin out and used a pencil to mark the top of his head on paper and then stretched his legs out to mark his feet and then measured the line!
But, I did see the scale do it's job and that was pretty precise! He is looking great! His umbilical stump came off today so he is all set!
He is so beautiful and I am enjoying him.

It is amazing how much he has changed in such a short time. He is looking more like me except with dark hair and skin. But he changes so much, one day he looks like Mark the next day me!
(excerpts from a letter from Calvin's mother)

Calvin update: July 19, 2000
Calvin is thriving!!! I took him to Mark's office to show him off to the nurses and they weighed him.
The little oinker now weighs in at 9 lbs. 4 ounces!
He has gained 14 ounces in one week! OINK.

OK floks, you ask for it .... Now you’ve got it..
I have more web sites than the President..
But then, I’m more important !!!...
Here’s my latest updates....
Pictures, pictures & more pictures of ME

"Holiday Honey"

First Halloween... October 2000..
"Sweetest pea in the Pod..."

Here's my SECOND Halloween... Halloween 2001

And here's my THIRD Halloween... Halloween 2002

First Thanksgiving... November 2000..
"Spoiled by Grammy..."

First Christmas... December 2000...
"Sweetest Baby Santa in the World..."

Easter Morning 2002....
This may not be my FIRST Easter,
but it's the one I've enjoyed the most so far..

Here's my Easter 2002 link.

Want to see the trip to Texas me and my folks took in February, 2002?
Then click on the link..

Want to see more Ador'E'ble pictures of me?

Page last updated November 10, 2002

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