Zeyphus, www.celticjeweler.com

- Tal (Larry) Carter -
www.TalCarter.com & www.LCarter.com

Performing - 2024
Every Sunday morning
Star Living Center
Music from the '60s & '70s

January 14th - Jeannie & Tal
Replay Lounge, downtown Lawrence
With Matthew Mulnix, bass

January 27th - Forest Green
Burns Night, private event
with Cordelia Brown, violin

March 2, Jeannie & Tal
North Side Social, Lawrence
with Matthew Mulnix

March 6, KKFI Radio
Byron James & me, performing songs on
Steve Stemmerman's "Morning Buzz" show
Kansas City

March 14 thru May 28, Solo or Jeannie & Tal
Weekly opening act, Tuesday Concert Series
Lawrence Arts Center

March 25th, Jeannie & Tal and friends
East Lawrence Neighborhood Association YART Sale
with Bryan Hicks & Greg Pelligreen
New York School, Lawrence

April 14th, Jeannie & Tal and friends
Trivedi Wine
with Matthew Mulnix & Bryan Hicks

May 23rd, Jeannie & Tal
901 Concert Series, Lawrence
with Bryan Hicks, Matthew Mulnix
Mike Lawrence & Mick Palmer

Jeannie & Tal
Forest Green

Tuesday Concert, 2004-Present
Weekly - Concert series at the Lawrence Arts Center
including Women Songwriters Night

Lawrence Busker Fest
Bands for the Local Music Stage, 2023-Present
Richard Renner produces Lawrence Busker Fest as a whole

Lawrence Bhakti Festival, 2012-2019
Hindu Celebration
Co-produced with Gopi Sandal

Chanting By Lamplight, 2013-2019
Chants from a variety of spiritual perspectives

Piped Piper: The Rest of the Story, 2007-2011
Sponsored by the Kansas Arts Commission as a solo artist and with my 6-person theater troupe, Carter Performers, to present my musical melodrama version of the Pied Piper story.

Lawrence Scottish Fest, 2000-2010
Celebration of Scottish music & culture

"Scots on the Kaw", 2010
Executive Producer, Concert Documentary on DVD
Connie Dover, Forest Green Uncle Dirtytoes & more

Various Interests

Lawrence Old Guard
Producing quality concerts since 1988

Musician - Producer

Music History
Various bands I've been in over the years

Whole Earth Kirtan
Spiritual chants from everywhere

Cittern-Guitar -a new type of bouzouki

Forest Green
Folk, Robert Burns, & wedding music with Cordelia Brown

Jean Wallace, Scottish Seer
Information about the "Mountain Maid" of Roaring River

The Rowan Tree
Celtic myths & superstitions

Forrest & Lydia Savage Estate
I live in the house built by a founder of Lawrence
who was also in the first musical band in Kansas

Carter, Wennihan, Bell, Riggs, and more

You are visitor

since January, 1999
Zeyphus, www.celticjeweler.com
Celtic Stag used by permission
from original design by Zephyrus