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Animated Dove
Animated Dove

Traditional English & Celtic Tunes

Light Classical

Robert Burns Songs

Band Info
About Forest Green

Robert Burns
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Classical for weddings
Style mix for receptions

Our Celtic Hymn Set
Hymns set to traditional Celtic tunes

Hangin' with Dougie MacLean
One of the highlights of our years as a duo

Contact us:

Larry Carter
Larry "at" LCarter.Com

January 27, 2024
Robert Burns Celebration, private event

Forest Green at Lawrence Scottish Fest
From the DVD "Scots on the Kaw" 2010

"Jean Wallace" and "The Dance of the Mountain Maid"

Jean Wallace was a Scottish Seer who in 1892 built a cabin in the Ozarks at a place we now call Roaring River State Park in Southwest Missouri. She had the gift of Second Sight, the ability to see into a person's future, and there are many stories of how she used that gift to help others. Click HERE for a brief summary of her life, including pictures and stories. These two songs are from the "Roaring River Suite" by Tal (Larry) Carter.

Since January, 1999