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of Khabarovsk Krai
Department of Foreign
Economic Relations

72, Frunze St., Khabarovsk 680000 Russia
Tel / fax: +7 (4212) 32-41-21

February, 10 1999
Khabarovsk, Russia
By: The Department of Foreign Economic Relations
Sergey Ivanovich Lopatin
Contact Phone: (4212) 32-41-21

Khabarovsk Krai Improves Investment Environmet!

The Khabarovsk Krai has taken several positive steps recently to create a better environment for investments in general and foreign investments particular. As an example, the Khabarovsk Krai Duma is considering a Law on Investment Activity in Khabarovsk Krai, which will improve the investment climate in the region. The Law would grandfather law relating to all investors working in Khabarovsk market. It is also considering to provide a system of guaranties from the Krai Administration (creation of the Mortgage and Guarantee Funds).

The Governor has also created a "Consulting Council on Foreign Investments". This council is made up by government, private business people, foreign investors, and other related parties. The councils goals are many, but center on creating a forum where investors in open dialogue with the Governor can discuss problems, ways to solve them, and develop recommendations for the Krai Administration and business community all aimed at improving the overall investment climate within the Krai.

Governor Viktor Ishaev created a "Coordination Committee" within the Foreign Economic Council to strengthen foreign economic development coordinating efforts of all the Krai's Administration departments, and business community. This committee will oversee various changes in investment climate, develop and publish "Roadmaps for Foreign Investor", analyze implementation of pilot projects, and other priority projects, and illuminate implementation of the actions within the international program "Regional Investment Initiative".

In addition, the Krai Administration has recently approved the establishment of an "Investment Promotion Agency" within and part of the Krai Department of Foreign Economic Relations, headed by Mr. Sergey Lopatin. This agency will be the chief liaison between foreign investors, and investment activities within the Krai. The agency is modeled after similar investment promotion agencies around the world, and will be a first within the Russian Far East.

CARANA Corporation, an international consulting firm working under a USAID contract, is providing the Krai with assistance in the endeavor to create new investment opportunities. Dan Berkshire, the Project Manager for CARANA is also assisting in developing a new Investment Strategy for the Krai which will presented to the first meeting of the Consulting Council on Foreign Investments to be held in March of this year.

(For additional information Dan Berkshire at CARANA Corporation in Khabarovsk can be contacted at: (4212) 23-61-97, e-mail:

Department of Foreign Economic Relations,
Sergey I. Lopatin

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Tanya & Alexander Samoiloff
680000 Khabarovsk, Russia.
Volochayevskaya St. 161/23
Phone: (7-4212) 32-53-81

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