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Updated: Sept. 1999

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  Tanya Samoiloff, Attorney At Law

Tanya Samoiloff
Attorney At Law
Member of the Board
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A global business community with 8,000+ members in 160 countries .

Russian regions today enjoy much freedom of the legal issues. Local regulations and by-laws often misinterpret federal laws, and domestic executive bodies use it to their benefit. Also, these legal acts change according to the dynamic economic environment in Russia, and we often find out that procedures, which were effective earlier, are not acceptable today.
One of the biggest Russian problems is execution of laws. Prevention of problems and succes in legal suite require a good knowledge of domestic environment and behavior, which often is illogical in the eyes of western businessmen.
Many foreign companies operating in the regions outside of Moscow and St.Petersburg have a problem to find skilled practical lawyer with a good knowledge of English. Often miscommunication and cultural misunderstanding are the main obstacles for development of foreign businesses in Russia.


Registration and establishment of foreign companies and JV's in Khabarovsk.

Finance, accounting, taxes, property and other arbitration disputes

Bankruptcy, liquidation of companies, banks and other legal entities

Real estate, property right and title.

Criminal Court and legal action

Legal consulting on a wide range of Civil and Criminal Law procedures.

Clipping of legal information and analysis.


Legal Consulting - US$ 75.00 to US$ 150.00 per hour.

Written analytical report in English - US$ 50.00-US100.00 per page

Other issues - Each case negotiated

Long-term legal services contract - Negotiated monthly fee

Regular customers enjoy discount.

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"Hello Russia" - Free Weekly Newsletter - Regional political, economic, cultural and other news.
We often publish interesting information on legal issues.

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Tanya & Alexander Samoiloff

Copywright © 1999 - Alexander Samoiloff

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