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Au Contraire Speaks
Tuesday, 24 October 2006
New Tools, New "Mission"
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Words of Wisdom
Just after saving my last post and closing the internet down then shutting off my computer like I'm supposed to; that was the last time my Compaq decided to recognize my hard drive and it hasn't booted past the BIOS since.
Whatever else you might think of me and the things I've shared with you the past two years here; I am still clear in my purpose and this blog is my last link to this dead world. If you are intended or inclined to follow me you already know exactly where to find me; otherwise you will be led to exactly the right person or opportunity God intends for you to have instead.
I'm called to serve in my Beloved's household and I won't get into all the reasons how I know this because that's for my new blog.
What you need to know is that absolutely zero things inside or outside of the Universe is Evil. Up until the very instant the "Seals" were opened by God and All Truth was revealed to Humanity, there were only two "things" in existence; God and Universe He created from Himself. That was all there is and because the Universe is made from God nothing, not one atom of the physical realm, not one vibration of the spiritual realm, nothing in any other realms of the Universe could possibly be anything but something from God, therefore neither God nor the Universe can be Evil. Evil is the absence of God; and Humanity is the tool God *will* use to prevent everything that exists from becoming three things, God, the Universe, and a terrible Nothing which will exist everywhere outside of God and the Universe, except God created Laws so that the Universe could exist and these Laws will create a flow from God and the Universe to the exact opposite, so that Nothing would exist where God and the Universe is and still, because it's a Law, nothing can exist without God and the Universe; so God and everything He created not only ceases to exist, He never existed at all because He's the one who invented Time for us, just so we could use our Souls and our Beings to preserve the knowledge of God in the Universe right now when we promised we would.
Had people like Princess Diana and Dr. Daniel Jordan not been murdered to prevent them from fulfilling their destinies; people like me wouldn't have been called out of hiding to do the job instead. They would have paved the way for the nations and governments to unite under the Universal House of Justice and children and criminals would be treated very differently so that by the year 2000 or not much farther beyond very few people in the world sincerely wanted for their basic human necessities. No one is evil for choosing the arch-angel Lucifer or Satan or themselves or the Moon or anyone else to worship like God; it promotes the belief there is a God even if one decides to rebel and disobey God's Commandments. Remember Evil is the absence of God and nothing in the Universe or outside of the Universe is (yet) Evil, not even Lucifer who allegedly had a doubt in his ablity to guide mankind as God asked and now understands better than anything else God has ever or will ever create that there is indeed a God whose power is long as there is no Evil in the world. "World" meaning everything that exists, both God and the Universe.
I'm ending this blog (even if I might check in from time to time) and yes, it's a test for us both to know whether I am actually *your* Bitch Mother of the Universe. I am fulfilling prophesies, I can feel it in the flow of things around me and the fragances in the air; time to call your children home and I'm not waiting for you another moment longer.
Wet dreams, safe harbors; act on your best instincts and love the planet Earth anyway if you don't believe in God.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 07:04 PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 October 2006 20:21 PDT
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Tuesday, 26 September 2006
You're Responsible
Mood:  sharp
Topic: Words of Wisdom
Whoever came up with the idea of “Tough Love” should be shot at sunrise; or just left fry all tied up and powerless to defend himself against the elements. What a horrible, abusive thing to do to children who are not responsible or logical beings because they are physically and emotionally undeveloped and won’t be mature enough to handle adult responsibilities for the first fifteen years of life minimum; and that’s if someone shows them the right way the first time. “Tough Love” is like taking a child and throwing them in a shark tank because he pestered you one too many times to pay for swimming lessons. You’re a greedy son of a bitch if you’re willing to close the doors and windows on your child because you can’t take time off work to solve a family emergency like your teenager telling you in the only way s/he knows how that things aren’t working well and need to be resolved before someone is actually hurt. Grow yourselves up and look at the bigger picture. Quit blaming society and predators and drugs and your own children’s rebellious, annoying behavior and whatever issues you think you still have with your parents and anything else you’re doing that prevents you from pulling your head out of your ass and doing the right thing by your children and your neighbor’s children.
I heard a brief statistic recently somewhere, the internet most likely, that more predators have been caught and prosecuted due to programs like Block Watch and Amber Alert than in any time in the past; and I noticed that nothing was mentioned about the astounding increase in reports of crimes against children, which could be due to increased awareness of child abuse information in the general population, yet I wonder what percentage is due to seeing people who couldn’t afford the tools of their trade or otherwise accomplish their goals in the past are now, for the past few decades, able to walk down any city street and find an abundance of prey who are already lost and mourned and believed dead. Then, should your children happen to find their ways home and knock on the only door in the entire Universe which should be unlocked to them regardless the choices they made or the horror they’ve survived, which a homeless Good Samaritan would treat a cur hound better than this vulnerable, precious human soul has been treated, and you raise the standards even more impossibly high because **you’re** afraid you can’t trust your child to stay and attempt to reach those important goals a little differently since key parts of the past plans didn’t have the results you wanted. Yes, everyone is all emotional and confused; the point is that you’re the rational adult in all these situations and if you have a little patience and expect to alter your plans (rather than your goals) you would have more rational adults desiring to hang around and contribute to the family later in your life when you’re tired and ready to lay down and die. Do you think you’re leaving only your material possessions when you die?
Good, in reality that’s all we leave because our children will die and theirs will die and someday their children will die by some means too and if the physical world is all you’re willing to accept in your “reality” then you can die knowing you were absolutely correct to leave everything to the state or some worthy charity because you didn’t want your ungrateful brats to make any good use of it, since you sincerely won’t need any material possessions for the rest of Eternity. Ever practice leaving a place even a little better than you entered anymore; do you even pick up after yourself, or do you let the 13 year old hired help “assist” you? Is she sleeping in your lost teenager’s “old” bedroom or a room behind the garage or the “finished” basement perhaps?
Meanwhile, I’ll just welcome your lost children and tell them the truth when they ask and more importantly I’ll take them a little further out of the predator’s reach, even though they’re completely capable of handling most monsters on their own after only a few short months on the streets; the Tough Love technique does work, they swim with the sharks or die, don’t they? I’ll accept your children for who they are (or who they aspire to become) because these young people are going to solve the challenges of all our corrupt societies and I figure if I’m going to Hell and have to kiss ass to Evil for the rest of Eternity because of what society **believes** I would have done had I lived a “normal” childhood and possessed a willing bone in my body; then I might as well start now because Evil owns these children and I know how to set them free… well, at least long enough for them to have a real choice in the matter; and you have to admit Evil has the better physical and material benefits toward human kind…if you’ve nothing left to lose but your dignity and even your own parents won’t give you an ounce of respect or freedom to consent.
Exactly how distant are we, you and I? Do we live in such different worlds that I look like any typical inner city, welfare mom to you? In a general way, you’re correct, I’m human and receive “public assistance” and just looking at me and my narrow little apartment and my “wild” teenaged daughter who handled her terror of being abandoned at 14 years old because her mother was taken away by people thinking she’d be better in institutional or foster care rather than mine by getting her tongue pierced within a very few weeks of my return and my ex-felony convict son who can’t travel out of his state for another couple years and yes, you could say I was a typical or ordinary welfare mother.
So, consider this; I don’t really live on the fringes of society, those who do live on the fringes of society have a little more influence and control in their lives and tend to work within the system, within the structure of their society, therefore function well on the “fringes.” I live deep in the heart of Hell because I’m a slave to the system and even if I wanted to for one more day, I am incapable, by my very nature and lifetime experiences, of functioning on the fringes or any other place in a mainstream society; and if I’m “typical” then you have millions upon millions of us on your hands and Hell is a lot bigger than you imagine. Forget about people like me who will distract the sharks and preserve your precious seed as best as humanly possible with all the blood in the water, get over yourselves and call your children home; it’s just that simple. You don’t think it will be easy to defeat Evil do you? Excellent, you will need to sharpen your bargaining skills too, it’s not good enough that you were born with a soul which has learned how to pray really hard after fucking off till the very last breath; time to call your children home and do things the way God told you to do them, even if it hurts your pride a lot and brings tears to your eyes and you don’t want to because no one else does things that way and you might feel all alone in the world or even persecuted for your higher standards.
I’m simply disgusted with the hypocrites in the world; I don’t even feel like wishing you wet dreams and safe harbors tonight…I believe everyone is getting what they deserve and who am I to come between others and their consequences when they insist it’s between them and their God(s) and Evil has nothing to do with it? Nope, y’all rest easy and call your children home; there’s nothing more God can do for you than He’s already providing and I’m just a poor, welfare mother raging into thin air. I hope more return than I suspect will answer your calls; they’re just about to wash their hands of you too. Maybe if you wrote a will and left them your retirement pocket watch they’ll respect your sacrifice to them and the good of the family all those years, you think? Yeah, “Tough Love” is a bitch in the long run, too; because it doesn’t work except to break families into damaged virtually helpless individuals and gives the ultimate control to city, state and federal agencies; and that’s just plain Evil in my book. And quit pointing your finger at me and calling me a “covenant breaker” behind my back; it’s false and rude and makes you into hypocrites of the worst sort since not one of you have yet to investigate any myths or rumors or facts or anything at all with me or my children… at least poor, Pagan women of the past were interrogated and tried for their imagined crimes against God and society before being publicly persecuted and tortured to death. Come on now, time to put your money where your mouth is and do what you know is right; start with your children.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 18:29 PDT
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Monday, 11 September 2006
I can enjoy my misery too
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Words of Wisdom
Well, of course, I **would** rant my fingers off about injustice and the latest bullshit in the world; but I just don’t think its having the effect I hoped it would have on your actions and inactions. I’ve sat here for months reporting the “news” from the Yahoo Alerts which catch my eye and the couple times a month I go to my girlfriend’s house and watch her television intending to inspire even one reader to investigate a little more deeply; and it’s nothing but a big waste of my time and energy. I think someone has come to the conclusion that I’m safer all wrapped up in myself and bitching about everything; and that might have worked some years longer if I were the dangerous one and my dead friends thought I needed to remain distracted to protect you. However, I’m doing everything asked of me to the best of my abilities and while I can tell that I’m not completely aligned to the finer details of God’s Divine Plan (being racist against Mexicans is not looking too good on my record, for example); I am still a useful tool, and the more aware and focused I am the sharper and more useful I become.
I was going to name names and rant about how dangerous virtually everyone else is in reality compared to poor, little old me; but I believe I was created by God to thwart some people’s plans and that can be construed as dangerous. Looking at me from another direction than from the inside looking out, from your perspective, perhaps; I am the Bitch Mother of the Universe and you actually do have reason to feel concerned. I can see how it might be challenging to know what to do about me, however this isn’t an “all or nothing” agreement between us; you cannot afford to ignore or influence me, so you continue observing and theorizing and distracting me with your hot, anxious breaths down my neck instead.
The truth is that **you’re** the one judging whether what I do or don’t do affects your plans or your emotions or your understanding of things in **your** environment. And worse, you base these judgments and decisions and pursue your endeavors on the mere sight of me and my brutally honest life. How do you know I’m speaking in a threatening tone without confronting me and seeing the flash of emotions in my face? To be perfectly honest; I sound a lot like whining when I rant, and I would have readily admitted it had you asked me directly.
Do you know why I promote the Bahai Faith every time the topic arises although I make it clear that I adamantly refuse to join and practice an organized religion myself? What might be my motivation to see the majority of the world practice the beliefs of the Bahai Faith knowing my negative experiences with my Bahai parents and a significant number of Bahais I’ve met throughout my lifetime thus far? If I thought I were the “Promised One” foretold in the Bahai Writings for this Day why do I insist on **everyone** referring to Shoghi Effendi’s translations of Abdul’-Baha’s and especially Baha’u’llah’s own Words for the complete and utterly accurate answers? If I know what’s wrong and how to fix it (as I believe I do), what prevents me from declaring myself something above the station of “Bitch Mother of the Universe” and starting my own religion with me as the godhead? Why don’t I just sit here and tell you all about it some more? You’re the most apathetic people I’ve ever met in my life; what makes you think I’m doing any thing at all in your behalf? If I don’t even know if you actually exist, wouldn’t you like to know what I am focusing my attention and energy on in reality?
Happy September Eleventh; with all those martyred souls knowing you mourn their loss, they linger and seek to comfort you as best they may in their confusion and grief and fear and utter lack of influence in the spiritual realm… you wield the power to vanquish Evil entirely (not in one fell swoop, but eventually Evil could possibly be at your absolute command). I’ll pray someone pays off the electric company so the government or another minion of Evil can’t shut the power off before you figure out your ghost detecting equipment or whatever your plan is supposed to be now that I’ve revealed my information; I’m on the Mother Earth’s side, remember? What is it you see through your apathy that keeps you so enraptured that you believe you are succeeding in your goals and living up to the rare higher standards you can still muster strength once in a while to pursue? Enjoy your warmongering and bloody intolerant lifestyles while they last; I’ve looked Evil in the face and know exactly the consequences I will suffer for my pride and downright offensive attitude when I die next time and the literally billions of “alternative” folks in the world just like me have **already** inherited the Earth and since we are the majority and have demonstrated the will and tenacity to thrive under even the severest of conditions with the hope that we might escape and live even one day of true freedom before all life as we know it is destroyed forever, our souls are far more useful living in healthy, self-interested bodies for a good hundred years or so than dead and living in the non-physical realms permanently detached from the only reality humans **alone** were created by God to comprehend and master. Imagine the power Evil has in “mastering” only one of you. Would you believe me if I told you what was wrong with the world and how to fix it right now? No, I doubt it; someone would have knocked on my door and offered to take my words with a grain of salt or something by now if you weren’t enjoying your apathy and strife so much. I’ve made my choice, too.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 16:58 PDT
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Wednesday, 6 September 2006
Detached or unsympathetic?
Mood:  sharp
Topic: Words of Wisdom
It’s really none of my business, however, I just wondered what kind of corrupt deal the Mexican government made with Alaska Airlines to increase flights and destinations and reduce fares between S. America and primarily the Pacific Northwest? Oh, Alaska Airlines made the announcement a couple months ago and I thought it was a very bad idea then; but it’s none of my business and I decided I’m racist against the Mexican people already living in my neighborhood and don’t have an objective perspective in this case.
Although, I guess I know what (former? I heard there were elections?) Mexican President Fox was doing visiting his citizens in WA and talking about “migration” late spring this year. Maybe one of you could look up the statistics with the census bureau and the Department of Social and Health Services and places and tell me how many S. American women and teen aged girls apply for public services in Washington State. Okay, that’s not fair, there’s too many of them born here in unfortunate circumstances as legal citizens, how about just count the pregnant or drug addicted ones that show up in emergency rooms, no identification or a soul in the world knowing where they live or how they got there, in need of immediate medical attention or they (or their soon to be American citizen babies), will die?
As you may have noticed, I’m in a resentful and perhaps even threatened frame of mind today. I don’t feel the need to go into all the details you can find in under ten minutes at the Welfare Rights Organizing Coalition’s website and many places; suffice to say that I feel resentful that I qualify for a great deal less than people from other countries, all other countries, just because I was born here and should have made the best of my American public education and birthrights like everyone else must. So, what am I going to do about it? Absolutely nothing; I have everything I need, with a little sacrifice and generosity, and I make do with what I have for as long as humanly possible. There is zero reason to begrudge my neighbors’ good fortunes; we are all, each and every one of us with limited opportunities and desperate morals, are the lowest caste in the universe. We will be joined by the middle classes, pretty much all of them, before the turn of the decade; and that’s if Evil sadistically twists the knife and enslaves them slowly.
Bush’s speech on his new emigration policies earlier this year mentioned the criminals who’ve illegally come across the border can stay here, but are the lowest priority and don’t qualify for citizenship for years longer. So, I guess that means these people can stay here and educate their dual citizen children in our public schools with two free meals a day and state administered scholastic exams in a generous variety of languages (to accommodate children who don’t want to learn American Standard English, I suppose), and then send every US penny their women and girls earn from scrubbing rich people’s toilets (and unspeakably worse) to their mafia controlled family back home… so someone’s sister or mother can fill her guts with drugs and fly an airplane instead; God help you if you’re a S. American teen aged boy.
I could be racist. It’s pretty hard to deny I seem to have some resentful attitudes toward some people who claim to be forced to live under these terrible conditions not fifty feet away from my home. I resent needing to be aware of the color and style of my clothing to make sure I live long enough to spend my $57 in Food Stamps on stuff my daughter likes to eat and drag it home on an old, folding luggage “cart” the four blocks home before its stolen from me too. I really can tell the difference between people and their origins and I feel threatened every moment of the night and day from specifically the Mexican people living across the street and down that block from me. Not the S. American people who’ve taken over the apartment complex on the other side of me during the three years I’ve lived here; they seem to be living average, upper lower class or lower middle class (if there’s a difference anymore) mainstream lives. Not the Somali people or the “Russian” people or the several varieties of Asian people who live along the way; only the Mexican folks. Yeah, it sucks that all these other people are doing what they do and have corrupt governments and their own mafias and everything the Mexican people have and I continue to mistrust every Mexican man, woman and child specifically; life’s a bitch for all of us.
I’m surprised people don’t feel offended Alaska Airlines has stepped into this “new” market, it doesn’t seem to have the most well maintained craft in the business judging by how many of their planes are delayed and grounded every month with engine and other serious mechanical problems; but I guess it’s good enough for folks willing to travel 3000 miles in the wheel well of a truck or something horrible. And never mind that our country is still at war with very clever and determined people all over the planet who wouldn’t mind a one way ticket to Seattle via sunny Mexico; want a box of Cuban cigars too?
I believe everyone who has lived here for longer than a year and still doesn’t speak more English than can get themselves into a bar fight, or any one at all who has been convicted of a crime or a fraud, need to be sent home to their nation of origin. If they are not citizens, their children are not citizens either and they all need to go home and solve the challenges of their environment or economy or whatever it is that they rush with nothing but the clothes on their backs to escape.
Humanity’s existence depends on “kinds” and “peoples” and “nations” preserving their cultures and using their unique talents and discoveries toward promoting the health and welfare of the Earth. Every species and kind of creature has the instinct and desire to thrive, and it’s a nice bonus that virtually all of them benefit human kind in some way, but they were not put on this planet to serve mankind, we were all created for this exact moment and place to serve the planet Earth and prevent those rare breeds who were created by God “the Destroyer” from making some very grave errors against His Beloved Children.
Many years ago as a young child, I remember watching a Wild Kingdom television show where I watched a large feline, a jaguar or leopard perhaps, stalk and kill a very young deer, only days old. People don’t believe me, but I remember thinking the baby deer was eaten because it cried too much for its mother instead of standing and letting instinct lead it by the nipple to some place safer.
How many **billions** of creatures on our planet, even just within the confines of their own hearts, cry out into the Universe for mercy from God because they fear the worst is at hand? Do you think all that noise is falling on deaf ears? Think about it, people, wake up; stop screaming in your nightmares and defend yourself and your family from the rapist murderer in your house. God hears you and has repeatedly answered you and if you don’t stop what you’re doing, all the screaming and blowing shit up especially, you will attract more consequences than any of us are capable of handling and we will all wish you had killed us off sooner.
I know I seem contradictory; I tell you I think Mexican and S. American people should go home and solve their challenges and the next breath that we need to stand up and take life by the tit and move ourselves out of danger. What I mean is that we, as kinds of people, as people with endless varieties of subcultures within an individual, self-sufficient society, we have at least one essential piece of the whole Truth which actually gives us very little choice but to assemble ourselves according to God’s Divine Plan and function or assemble ourselves incorrectly and fail miserably wondering why for the rest of Eternity with Evil as a bedfellow. Personally, I found Evil to be an imaginative and unexpectedly attentive lover, so I can understand how people might be fooled into thinking they’re worshiping God in All His Glory and following His instructions correctly; but I was commandeered by God to deliver “first alert” to Evil that the Day had come for the Aware and Blessed of Humanity to leave the Earth and discover unimagined splendor in God’s celestial realms. What’s everyone else’s excuse for submitting to Evil’s will when push came to shove; you resented being left behind to clean up the shit? But you aren’t cleaning up the shit; and you’re treating others like slaves and maybe paying them like shit if you pay them at all for scrubbing your toilets and tending your spoiled children and washing your crabby parents’ dying asses too. How can you think you’re submitting to the will of God when you’re so seduced by Evil you think predators will eventually evolve into something else entirely in another millennium or two and quit preying on us of their own accord.
Well, no, that’s not how God created predators and prey and if you don’t want to be one of the ones caught standing unawares when the “cosmic vultures” arrive to properly recycle the Earth’s remains you might think of packing your bags now, booking reasonable passage to your sacred burial ground, and telling your children tall tales and boastful lies the rest of your dark days. I really don’t feel you’re up to the task of being much more aware than that since it’s obvious you disagree with every single one of God’s Messengers and will disobey His teachings and commandments regardless the price **I** am willing to pay to protect the Earth and Her children, or the consequences **I alone** will suffer for my briefly permitted tryst with Evil. And I hope I’m offensive and racist to you today; maybe you’ll wonder what’s my bitch about and step a fraction out of your own pitiful shit high enough to clear some of the stench out of your noses and maybe see a little green grass and clear skies before I hand you your own shovels and you get to dig your own graves just like everyone else. Wet dreams, safe harbors still, and someone put another Safeguard on that “little green button,” please, we sincerely can’t afford another direct, or even indirect hit for that matter, at all; not at all. If you know what I’m talking about; just do it and ask questions of your superiors afterward. Any geeks still keeping up with my rinky-dink blog; aren’t your reports due about now? Hmmm, still quiet, I must be imagining above my station again; guess I’m just sending my thoughts into the collective consciousness and watching for the next signs from God as usual. Oh yeah, I know what my point was now, I almost forgot; call your children home.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 01:40 PDT
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Tuesday, 22 August 2006
Quit what you're doing, right now and listen to me then.
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: random media player downloads from my collection
Topic: Words of Wisdom
So, what do you feel about me, now that you’ve made your mind up? I’m close, but misguided and damaged? I’ve got a lot of farfetched ideas and you can’t possibly take me seriously? What, do you think of me, now? Not that I actually care very much because life rolls along like thunder; I just wonder.
The last thing you hear from me is that my son is finally released from prison (after 3.9 years, I’m corrected; I’ve included the time he ran Spirit Run and except for when I saw him for a few hours a year later, that’s the last I’ve held him in my arms), and what? You think I’m going to tweak out and get myself thrown into the hospital without my consent or something over it? You’re out of your minds. I feel overjoyed and resentful and enraged and grateful to God from every atom of my soul; how do you think I feel?
When I felt overjoyed, I cranked the music and danced in my house; and while my daughter was on her 12 days leadership training with Passages Northwest (she returned on my sister’s birthday with more great photos from BC, this time), I danced nude. When I felt resentful I journalized, and when I felt enraged I swept every closet and corner from upstairs and down and outside too into a big pile and yelled at the cats (who think any pile of dirt and crap is a good place to shit even though their litter box was done first and already out) and yelled at dead people (and one or two I wished dead out of selfishness just to make my job easier) and went out to check the mail and cheerfully met my neighbor letting him know I’m just cleaning and tossed more shit around till I ran out of steam and my house was back under my control…except the kitchen; I need to hire a demolition crew for that.
What do you want from me? I’m human, and as detached as I feel about the overall general view of my past and current world events and most things around me, I’m still utterly human; I’m not even endowed with super human powers as I hoped might happen from my brush with the Bab and other influential dead people, but nope, I’m still me only with a new set of identical tools to replace the ones which were snatched out of my grasp at birth or deliberately broken to uselessness since. I thought that meant I was no longer Profoundly Dyslexic, but I can accurately report that any improvement in my writing or reading comprehension is due to the extra practice I’ve clocked in for Shoghi and imparting the “Great Message” to you and other people who don’t bother to acknowledge it’s been received, if even unhappily so. I write pages every day, and most of it isn’t fit for public consumption.
In fact, I hardly share “personal” information with my closest loved ones either; the rare few I’ve recently become acquainted who understand the task at hand get their information from their own reliable sources and everyone else relies on me to warn them of the shifts in the wind or offer suggestions for how they might proceed through the increasing and ugly chaos.
Obviously, I’m not interested in divulging very much, if anything at all, about my thoughts and feelings to any kind of “public servant” or “professional;” I’ll utterly surprise myself if I call 911 for any reason ever again in my life, much less the Crisis Line or the church down the street or anyone at all, if you must know. I rely on myself and my relationship with the Universe because in “reality” that’s all there is; what I am able to perceive beyond my own skin, which is a tricky thing to figure out when you no longer enjoy benefit of flesh and bones. I saw very clearly during my 26DEC05 – 30JAN06 experiences that only a single, thin veil separates the physical realm from the spiritual realm and we each need to hold true to our souls and highest ideals, like blending your unique voice in a large chorus, because as of 07FEB06 that veil has been lifted and we are expected to recognize what we perceive accurately and act accordingly.
Your job, whether you like it or not or fail in any attempt altogether, is to love human kind so deeply that you are able to distinguish individual Earthly souls in a place where everyone is exactly, vibrantly, precisely what they **imagine** they are. They have forms which often look something similar as they did in life, however, they can instantly adapt, sometimes without knowing it themselves, to reflect their self-images because they no longer have bodies or clothing or hairstyles which define and limit them, they have the expressiveness of their souls and their spirits give them form and substance and weight where there were never such concepts before. We bring substance to the invisible realms and we’ll know conscious immortality right now if we would only imagine the possibility.
Many people have healthy self-images and they know they reflect their best instincts if not their truest desires and the vast majority of us adhering to our unjust societies and our corrupt leadership and have poor self-images and we look more like flying piles of shit flung screaming into everlasting nothingness than anything resembling a brilliant human being who once lived an entire lifetime with every favor and blessing and mercy in Eden.
Love other people like they’ve never been loved by anyone else and recognize that each and every human is your soul mate; because humans have souls and while everything has a spirit (form and existence in the invisible realms of God), only humans **also** have souls.
If we can’t recognize people’s souls here in the physical realm where we identify ourselves by our genetics and our environments and our “interpersonal associations” and especially our bodies, then, well, then we’re living in Hell on Earth, aren’t we? How deeply to you have to get to know someone before you are willing to acknowledge that s/he is human? And just for being alive in the same place at the same time that person deserves the opportunity to look you in the eyes and “meet” you too, seems to me, its not like God commanded you to break your face smiling or anything, come on… let’s grow up now.
Quit sitting around praying I’ll update my blog and let you know what’s happening in the spiritual realm so you know what to do here, you know exactly what to do and you’re NOT acting accordingly; so… you’ll suffer the consequences of your actions and inactions and misinformed actions and especially your deliberate actions and the Earth will die sooner than Her time and we’ll leave Her blessed carcass for something else’s larvae and lock, stock and barrel for the vultures already branding us for marketable products and scrap they can reuse. It shouldn’t be long now, our own governments have nearly picked our souls to shreds; but Evil wants to inherit “early” since I was awakened “early” and I (of all people capable of the frightful task), delivered the message of God’s Everlasting Forgiveness to the Original Evil. That means whatever “wrong” the deity we call “Evil” inflicted upon us no longer is distinguishable from Humanity as God created and therefore it was correct and obedient to God and not a “wrong” at all. And now that Humanity survived and matured and maybe even learned something from that experience, Evil waits only for the “Safeguards” to announce the confirmation from On High and the Earth and all living things remaining on the Earth are ruled by Evil Himself. Period; that’s our collective asses, those of us remaining when our governments finally run out of ammunition and “Mother Nature” settles down again (in a couple thousand years, she mentioned, I believe; but I’ve never been good with time so don’t blame me if it’s longer), that’s all of us for the rest of eternity and since God mentions this repeatedly throughout the ages Humanity has existed, I will trust that being ruled and controlled by Evil for the rest of eternity is sincerely a part of the whole Divine Plan thing God intends to happen. I try not to sweat the details.
I don’t believe those who “woke” me targeted me specifically; I believe all the “Shields” and “Scribes” and “Speakers” were awakened at once, the hundreds of thousands of us, and I’m the Bitch Mother of them all because I dared bare my soul to Evil and lived to tell about it. Do you even care to hear the tone of my voice or see my facial expressions when I speak? Obviously not, none of you have knocked on my door since January and that time, as well as every time prior, it was just to belittle me or destroy something I worked many times harder than most to obtain and certainly not out of any interest in me specifically except make certain I didn’t think of any “evil” thoughts about you and psychically make something “bad” happen for you or something equally unimaginable to me. I have plenty of reasons to mistrust you, yet here I am updating the information in my blog and urging you, yet again, to quit what you’re doing and act according to God’s Divine Plan instead. But your fates are already sealed and I’ve done what I was called to do and I’m prepared for the next phase; I’m not losing any sleep over your jobs. If you had minded your own business like Shoghi Effendi showed you with his bare hands and hundreds of tomes of writing in all your favorite languages of the time to do **when** this Day came; you would have a minute to catch your breath and prepare for the next siege like I’m blessed to find the time, too…but **you** don’t, another storm is breaking upon you without relent from anything else and things are only noticeably “distressful” our entire human history compared to what’s soon approaching **you** with intent to do worse than just kill you to extinction, that’s the last thing **this** Evil wants. It will enthrall you utterly and command your body like a walking zombie and you’ll be daydreaming for something “better” and struggling with your daily challenges for eternities and never know you’re long buried and hardly mourned and even the Earth Herself drifts like dust around the cosmos with none ever knowing She once bore life blessed by God and all the Powers of the Universe.
Quit blowing shit up to stop it from harming your precious lives; move yourselves and your families and your homes and all the shit you’ve bought, if it means that much to you, to a safer location, without delay. Blowing a volcano up might stop it from erupting; but that was a natural function of the Earth and something else is tipped just that much more off balance in response to your selfish actions. If something is a potential danger like a river bed beneath a dam, or cliff edge eroding into the ocean, or hot melted rocks falling out of the sky when your mountain god gets pissed, then logic demands that you build your home elsewhere unless you’ve literally no where else to go or you’re invincible. Just quit blowing shit up, even to “test” it; you’ve already detonated the one that killed your Mother, why do you have to go for overkill too? You can detect ghosts with instruments, for heaven’s sake, measure the physical evidence and calculate the odds and move you and everyone you know out of harms way. It’s very simple. Wet dreams and safe harbors to you.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 19:29 PDT
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Sunday, 16 July 2006
I stand corrected.
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Words of Wisdom

This photo comes from the official Bahai website and is the **only** mention of her I could find, from the Photo Galleries of the Eighth elections of the Universal House of Justice 1998 Eighth International Bahai Convention
From comes a short biography and the information that she, Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyih Rabbani Khanum, Hand of the Cause of God, was born 1910 in New York, and died 19JAN00 at 90 years old, exactly 19 days, (the length of one Bahai calendar month which is 19 days per each of 19 months of a Bahai calendar year) before my mother who would have been 60 that April.
I'm not sure how significant my mother's death is in this particular case, however it's interesting to note how the coincidences keep puzzling themselves together. My son still needs to read her works, I suggest you do so as well.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 20:32 PDT
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Hooray for Geeks!!
Mood:  bright
Topic: Words of Wisdom
Here's another link for you. Excellent, it's nice to know folks who couldn't possibly know I exist have sharpened their tools and work on understanding these discoveries...we're right on schedule. :D

I may have some more fiction for you soon; I'm working on a way I can share chapters of my books and short stories in an easier to read format...let me know if you have any suggestions...I'm happy to switch to another free blogger with less advertising and popups too. :D

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 13:56 PDT
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Tuesday, 11 July 2006
From Me to the UHoJ and any living Hands
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Words of Wisdom
Shoghi Effendi assigned me the task of reporting my findings and feelings and observations from my own perspective and in my own words on my public website because he claims exactly the correct people have finally taken notice of it and my job as "Scribe" (or Bitch Mother of the Universe as was originally declared, and thank you God, for Shoghi's twisted sense of humor and the new family word "whachamastrumpet" which was Shoghi's hysterical suggestion to replace my daughter's indirect offer of "bitch" before he realized how much times had changed - I don't think I've ever met a more thriving and balanced dead person), and although it seems a great deal as it's always been for me I'm told my work is about to begin, within days; however, it should be noted that Shoghi is still dead and communicating to me at a great distance as well as no distance at all simultaneously which is confusing to me in measuring time against the sensations of my flashes of vision; and also that I am still time impaired in the "real" world continues to be a significant factor. My suggestion is to take Shoghi literally and assume he wouldn't joke about the extinction of humanity regardless whose timing is still off track with the Divine Plan.
I felt inspired to see how prepared the folks behind the official Bahai website might be for the masses of people who will allegedly according to Bahai prophesy, flock by the thousands to Bahai houses of worship and centers to join the Faith. I believe Shoghi and most reading this blog can see by my perspective that I feel rather less than welcome to join the Bahai Faith even were I inclined to change my former decision and find a valid reason I might subscribe to an organized religion.
Wait a minute, exactly how approachable are you in fact to folks like me if I’m unlike anyone you’ve ever met and I’m swearing to you on **any** Holy Book you like that I wouldn’t have said a single word to you had I not been commanded by several extraordinarily influential entities to do so? Oh, you know plenty of poor women raising children against all odds and humanity too, but I’m not limited to that in my universe. My children are brown and I’m not noticeably albino although I’m light sensitive and translucent enough to wonder about testing, regardless, I’m obviously fully white genetically so there’s no hiding the fact that race isn’t much of an issue for me in terms of sexual preference. Then, since I don’t generally volunteer personal information to folks, most assume I’ve experienced the ugliness of marriage and divorce and custody and that all I need is a babysitter and I’d be back on track and working and going out on the weekends with my girlfriends in search of a new step-father figure for my children like the rest of society. The fact is that I was raised by “feminists” and “hippies” and “bikers” and creative thinkers who couldn’t thrive in the military or college or the traditional family unit without detonating and harming loved ones; and each and every one of them tore themselves from society and standards which in all good conscience they could not abide…would prefer death than obey. Simply because the majority of them practiced the precepts of the Bahai Faith as well as any Bahai’s I’ve met in my travels doesn’t mean they’re suddenly straight, conservative, mainstream society worthy (were they even interested) individuals.
My son is one Bahai who had already had a great deal of exposure to the Bahai Faith and had declared himself a Bahai after several meetings with the Local Spiritual Assembly and I believe every teen in the community, and as his mother, I felt if he approached all his life’s decisions with such enthusiasm and care he would sincerely be capable of building the New World Order as his Faith expects him to do; until his Faith let him down and he wound up in prison in spite of my every effort and sacrifice to provide him opportunities with the national Bahai Center. My understanding was that Bahai youth are encouraged to volunteer at the Bahai Center for what they call a “Year of Service” because these youth are outstanding in some way and if they gained experience where they could use their talents and skills toward promoting the Faith and waging peace then the theory is that they will grow into brilliant adults who have loved ones and children and friends who follow their examples and we all live happily ever after.
My son has now paid his debt to society for reaching out to Chicago inner city youth and getting caught up in proving himself (as a tough Seattle inner city youth spreading the Word since he was in town anyway and he missed his home boys at home and all) in order for any of them to look twice at him without laughing themselves to death. And although he’ll likely pursue some college level education, he will still never quite fit into any mainstream role in life, including overcoming his future wife’s reservations in sharing a life and procreating with a former prison inmate. However, none will be able to prevent him from speaking out once he begins and after six years in prison, there are literally millions of young people who are much more inclined to listen to him now; how many young adults feel oppressed and offended by government and police injustices in the United States major cities alone?
I’ve searched the official Bahai website for specific information on what the Bab and Bahaullah said about reintegrating Bahai prisoners into the community and it was likely too specific a topic for the general public, yet for a self-declared Pagan therefore deliberately non-Bahai like myself, it’s not worth searching for a similar forum to ask someone; and I didn’t see a single forum for members or a place to log in for registered Bahais or any way of interacting with each other which both surprised and disappointed me. I then searched for the general Bahai views regarding homosexuality and same gender marriage, but there was nothing on those topical and timely questions; and I finally closed the site certain that if Bahai attitudes were very much different than Christian ones regarding gay rights and human sexuality then they would have typed up a nice page like they did for their views on the equality of the male and female genders, and promoting women’s rights. I’ll assume, then, that those of both genders or between genders are equal to none.
I felt that there was perhaps two actual humans associated with maintaining the site and the only “news” came from the Bahai Media Center and simply seemed like an online version of the American Bahai newspaper which is perfectly acceptable as much as it feels like all the lights are on but no one is home. I feel more put off than I did welcomed from clicking on every page which might lead me to a book I could pick up from a city library and read what the most recent Manifestations of God (according to the Bahai Faith) said or something, anything, which might lead me to the answers I sought or any reason at all to go back and check for updates in the future. I was persistent and wanted to prove a point, imagine all the hundreds of people who might have been interested in the Bahai Faith if it looked like something different than all the other churches in cyberspace who expect them to come repent their sins and follow God’s laws for merely hearing the name of the Manifestation. Your Promised One has arrived and the last time I called the National Bahai Centre, you didn’t have a qualified receptionist answering the phones at the darkest time of the year when most folks question their faith and the purpose of gift giving as a part of their spirituality. It would have been a comfort to me to call the Center and talked with someone who perhaps wouldn’t be able to solve my challenges or answer my questions; but who empathized with my feelings and had such faith in the correctness of their path that they would share a short prayer with me or tell me I’m on the right track and they’d see to it that a message was passed to someone more informed on my particular topic of question when they returned from Christmas vacation or **something** that told me I would be welcomed regardless of my present state or past experiences. I don’t believe it’s proselytizing to reply to people’s emails in a timely manner or to offer to speak to someone by phone or in person locally. What are you protecting your Faith from; others learning what you know, bringing more peace to the world than you do, going to a better Abha Kingdom when they die instead of you, what is it that prevents you from sharing your God with someone like me?
You disobey your Messengers and think you will get away with it because you’re doing a great deal of good for fellow Bahais and most of your neighbors; batten down the hatches, ladies and gentlemen, you’re in for the storm of the millennium … you’ve got some more housecleaning to do before **anyone** will be trampling in and accepting God’s Plan en masse as promised. Meantime, you think about what kinds of national emergencies it might take to see the hundreds of thousands of prisoners like my son (not the sincerely dangerous criminals) released within a stunningly short period of time in the very near future because several of these events (beginning with WW3 in Iraq, and including Katrina and natural disasters) are already occurring and gaining momentum from each other by the instant. What extinction events are taking place right this moment, like the deterioration of the Y chromosome, that we must discover and solve or we are more than simply dead, were utterly extinct? Nothing like us has ever or will ever exist like us because we’re **all** that exists of our species living right now and if we cease to exist everything that was created in the universe will never be discovered and no one will ever learn how we came to exist in the very first place, exactly how the elements achieved their balance and the atoms combined to spark just enough light to ignite without incinerating in a flash and all those mysterious things, and if that’s the case, if all that limitless space with all the wonders therein are left to themselves forever because we became extinct before we left the protection of the Earth’s womb and destroyed her with our birth too, then we don’t need to follow any laws whatsoever, neither God’s or our own, because we won’t even remember we existed when the last human that ever lived finally dies. I wonder how many people look at the world and feel they’ve nothing left to lose but their self-respect? I think it’s about time we got very serious about waging peace and loving others unconditionally now; especially when someone like me has more faith in the Bab and Bahaullah and God’s Plan from my steadfast obedience to the True Mother than some in the highest ranks of Their Faith. Wet dreams and safe harbors to those who heeded the signs and followed their loftiest ideals every step of the way; and when all else fails simply follow the lyrical advice of Dori-fish and, “just keep swimming.”

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 12:31 PDT
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Thursday, 6 July 2006
What does a lesbian want in a man.....hmmm.
Mood:  bright
Topic: Words of Wisdom
The age old question, “what does a woman want in a man” was raised on a list dedicated to and participated by predominantly “stone butch” and “F2M” folks; and it struck me again how very mainstream we’ve become.

When my mother’s friends came back from Korea and Vietnam not many thought twice about how “masculine” or “dominant” they were in their relationships after the lives they led while away from home. They learned first hand exactly which feminine qualities assisted them in achieving their objectives and which masculine qualities gave them the inner fortitude and authority to keep them there. The reason the military is more successful in treating the genders equally according to their skills and ambition is because the majority of military people are hot-blooded young men who have very little difficulty with the thought that his nurse might be a lesbian; and since it’s a big secret, “don’t ask, don’t tell,” that makes it all the more fun.

It’s probably because I was raised very differently than the majority, but sincerely, I can’t possibly be as unique as I might imagine. Even when my parents thought they could “do the right thing” as my grandmother insisted and get married and work jobs and be “good” parents and all, their lives hardly changed at all at home. The reality is that, among ordinary humans, gender and gender roles are much more fluid than they’d like to keep everything neatly sorted apart.
What’s actually preventing you from loving each and every one you meet? Their manner of dress, their scars, their skin tone, or perhaps the way they looked suspiciously at you too; what was it that told you that they didn’t deserve your friendship or love or worse no friendship or love from anyone else either? I’d understand if you met someone by them running at you with a hatchet; that would be a reasonable hesitation in just reaching out and greeting them with a smile, but when was the last time that happened? Who is it you are actually meeting if you don’t actually nod and smile and at least **think** a “Hello” directly to someone else? So, folks need to meet some criteria somewhere in the back of your mind before you’re the first to nod and smile? Have you ever pretended you didn’t notice someone who seemed friendly toward you for no reason at all; maybe thought them too eager to be the right kind of friend for you?

“Say, she looks friendly, that must be her daughter with her, but she’s definitely giving off gaydar…I wonder why they’re riding the bus today? Oh, well, she’ll think I’m a complete letch to talk to her out of nowhere with her kid around and all, I’ll just give her my cool smile and nod if she glances my way…she’s got all those rings on…yeah, I’d want to be in a relationship with her and someone like that is already in a relationship and would only want to be friends with someone like me in the first place. Look at her all happy in her little bi life without any kind of clue what any of it really means….”

Do you see where I’m going with this? What’s so wrong with loving someone at first sight? Because what? It’s not really “love” if you can’t find an agreeable way to rub bodies together and live in the same house for a number of months till everyone’s goals are screwed totally? And no, you really don’t want that woman you see three desks away from you because she’s biologically, genetically straight and you’re not. And on top of it all, don’t you find it suspicious that you feel “driven” by the same motivations and promptings as folks with larger y chromosomes? Scientifically, just because of brain chemistry and the infinite possibilities of just strength and programming of a single gene in the human code, each and every one of us will interact, sometimes radically differently, with everyone we meet…as similar as we may appear being at the same place at the same time and giving off pheromones and signals and saying “Hello” and all that. Why is it so easy to assume a relationship will end poorly when everyone knows it will end some kind of way and it’s very easy to plan for that eventuality in advance? What is a relationship if you can’t adapt it for your own personal needs? What do I want in a “significant” person in my bedroom?

I want a self-made individual who has no fear of looking me in the eye and giving me that cool nod and smile and hoping I’m in ten “intimate” relationships all at once and still can think of nothing but meeting you afterward. I want a self-made individual who has matured past giggling over body parts and whom is clear about when (if ever) any boundaries might be explored or ignored altogether, because I could give a shit about whether my “man” has breasts or not; I am much more than my physical needs. Someone who is “self-made” I imagine wouldn’t stop after the first successful steps are taken and expect the other to jump in their shoes and meet them “half-way” and treat them exactly equally, kind for kind, in return from that point onward…until everyone feels unhappy and starts “fresh from the beginning” again and thus a bad habit rather than a new relationship is born. One might slow the pace or intensify their efforts; but a self-made individual would pursue their relationship (or career or any other kind of) goals in earnest as soon as things seem successful…cuz that works out better for folks in the long run.

A self-made person faces the brutal realities of life every moment whether one loves others they way they expected to be loved or not. Even those who manage to live their whole lives in a narrow line survive heartbreak and feel “changed” by their experiences; what’s preventing any of us from taking that leap of fantasy and thinking a smile and a cool nod could lead to something so spectacular it’s worth rewriting the ending to preserve ahead of time? Because it’s not the way other people do things, and they’ll think you’re doing it all wrong and make you do it their way or uglier anyway, right? Yeah, self-made individuals are rare…then the rest of them are either gay or married.

And I have to say, it’s still not about anyone else, what they think they want or need to feel fulfilled in their lives because the truth is they will feel more fulfilled in their lives if you had decided to befriend them and later parted friends than they do right this minute with you nodding and smiling and letting them get lost in the crowd alone. It’s about you and the actions you take after you know your feelings; you prevent yourself and limit yourself and restrict yourself to your traditions and misinformation and I could lean over and shake your hand and give you my phone number and smile and nod when you tell me you’ll call and there you are still feeling lonely and rejected and keep the number in your wallet till it’s worn invisible thinking I was just being nice (or wanted something “more” from you than you felt willing to commit) and you’d be perfectly correct. Or maybe you think I’m a slut and hand my number out to everyone…with my teenage daughter sitting right there and all?

Grow up; if you want to build a healthy, loving relationship with anyone then go out and do that. Learn how to say goodbye so that you really are still friends till you die (or the best you can do)…that would prove that you loved someone else unconditionally… the whole “live and let live” thing really only works after you’ve met someone and gotten to know them well enough and found that your life’s goals are really too dissimilar to be more intimate than that.

Think about it and I’ll get back to you later…:D Wet dreams and safe harbors to you.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 18:33 PDT
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Saturday, 17 June 2006
No "ancient slave trade route" you insist?
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Words of Wisdom
The True Mother begs to differ. Modern technology only offers us more varied modes of transportation; we're driving Peoples to the edge and ends of the Earth, don't you feel it in the flow of things? I feel it in the flow of water and wind and lava and mud, don't you?

Just one more link to the Bones of the Ancestors and the Pacific Northwest; may these women be reunited with whom cherishes them most, Elder's Beloved Chosen.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 23:19 PDT
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Friday, 16 June 2006
It's Farfetched...Here's the leads for you.
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Words of Wisdom
New shipping line in Portland, OR.

“West Nile” virus avoids PNW (like a plague? :D )

The National Antiquities Act is your road to slavery as it preserves underwater land…too.

Japan orders more planes, Microsoft security updates and more!!

Just a few links to lead you to your own “coincidences.” If Microsoft and Apple and Boing and all these companies primarily in the Pacific Northwest are destined to assist all these world leaders....President Hu from China in his visions of building on the Moon, President Fox and his deal with Bush to keep the centuries old slave trade routes -- you know the one's the Spanish took over from the Aztecs and brought "Inquisition" to the Americas -- in more efficient management. No one is worried about Canadian boarders, least of all the Canadians which is an error they'll soon regret I suspect, and then there's the President of Denmark who happens to visit Seattle the exact same day our monkey-puppet president Bush takes a surprise trip to Iraq and involves more souls in his bloodthirsty quest for control of all the "cultural and geological resources" remaining on the Earth. Do you want to see the facts all combined or not? How about you combine some now?
I want to hear every word Shoghi Effendi's wife, Ruhija Kanume, has to say...she's not only his widow, she's a Hand of the Cause of God and one of the very last remaining few. I've met her in person a few times and I feel she has a closer connection to God's Divine Plan than I will ever be able to grasp myself from the collective unconscious or her dead husband or where ever I think I happen to get my information. She's a "Promised One" if I ever saw one and I'll trust her judgment on that knowing she's exactly who she is and probably knows who is really called to act in this Dire Hour and preserve the Universal House of Justice and reassert God's Truth in the world instead.
A dangerous wind is blowing and we've long passed the point of no return and Bahai's like my son need to go to Ruhija Kanume and hold her hand and breathe in her grace and wisdom and just listen one more time. Read every word she's written and take note and when you've done that act according to her directives....yes, including the members of the Universal House of Justice. They should have been following the guidance of ALL of the Hands of the Cause of God, not only the male ones...just because she was Shoghi's wife didn't automatically make her a Hand of the Cause of God either. Abdu'l-Baha arranged for them to be married of all the Brilliant Souls he knew and loved in his life; there was a very good reason for that and there is no heirarchy in the Bahai Faith based on gender, remember? I wonder if Ruhija is the one who will recreate the Universal House of Justice to five male members? I think that's still in the future yet, and a dangerous wind still blows. Wet dreams to you, I'm back in TSO again.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 17:20 PDT
Updated: Friday, 16 June 2006 17:32 PDT
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Wednesday, 14 June 2006
I'm done, I'm playing TSO, come join me there if you like.
Mood:  bright
Topic: Words of Wisdom
You know what? I don't know why I'm worried about learning all the secrets that are being kept against God; that's out of my hands and being dealt with accordingly as I sit here playing TSO and feeling more caught up than usual in affairs beyond my realm of comprehension in the first place.
Shoghi Effendi would like me to remind the Universal House of Justice and anyone else who may have forgotten that there are two (2) Manifestations of God for this Dispensation; the Bab (the Gate) and Bahaullah (the Greatest Name) and that the "Promised One" whom you unhesitatingly sacrificed the Bab in your deepest hearts to believe was Bahaullah just so it makes more sense to your minds, has Arrived.
That's it. :D Have a nice Day. :D The moment I received a reply from the Universal House of Justice, 12FEB06, I believe and I'll check the fact again, I knew that at least one member of the Universal House of Justice was advised fully of me and my website and especially all the emails (a little more than a dozen with open CCs to a reasonable few who might feel a spark of enlightenment or an epiphany or a religious experience and bring information I couldn't possibly know to light for that Illustrious Body too), from that moment it appeared in my Inbox and I saw that one brief sentence and felt the empathy and literal Good Will that soul imparted on the form email the computer should have automatically generated within a few days of receiving my first email in November -- I knew someone with the will and authority to repair the damage Evil caused in the Universal House of Justice would act in a Godly way and ignore the chaos in the universe and do what needed to be done; I felt it would be one or more Hands of the Cause of God.
So now I'm going to go play TSO because that's all Shoghi Effendi wanted me to say and I thought I'd go relax in the calm before the firestorms hit reality. I just wanted to be certain to post this information for the time in the near future when someone at the Universal House of Justice is informed that my son has arrived at the National Bahai Center and feels he'd like some questions answered...although, I can't know till someone tells me so I'll go watch the snotty Channel 4 News team who can't seem to keep their comments to themselves over things they can't imagine and omit mentioning their opinions of Bush's secret rendevous in Iraq the very day the President of Denmark visits Seattle and I'll keep abreast of the ugliness in my own good time...I still firmly believe I wouldn't need to turn on the television to find out the Earth was destroyed ....are you recording and calculating this shit like you're supposed to? The Japanese are, the rest of the world is alert, what the hell is wrong with the Universal House of Justice that they can't act accordingly as they were created by Shoghi Effendi and God Himself to do?
I'm done reporting on visiting world leaders and other shit you can find from everywhere else much more accurately and I'm not going to urge you to keep up with my website, you're either interested in what I have to say or you're not and nothing else I can say will make you listen. Wet dreams to you, and batten down the hatches before you go to bed tonight just to be safe; there's a dangerous wind blowing now and it's suicide to venture out'll want to chain yourselves together to withstand this one, ladies and gentlemen.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 19:16 PDT
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Thursday, 8 June 2006
My 101st post!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Words of Wisdom
My friend’s dead mother came to me for the first time just before the earthquake hit Indonesia and usually I sadistically tell dead people that they’re dead and to find someone else to pass on their woes and regrets to the living, but this woman had already expressed herself (rather clearly, I was told later) before she died. Most dead people want the living to feel mournful and keep all the highly emotionally charged memories fresh in the minds of the living because we’re taught that the more we cry and mourn someone’s passing the more that person knows we loved them. The truth is that all that negative energy is exactly the opposite of what they need to move on to the next stages of their lives and while praying for the dead does a lot to release them from their attachments to this world, there is nothing more powerful than love, and the memory of all that anguishing love works just as well, to keep people’s souls united in whatever relationship they had with you in life. So, I mention this woman because her message to her loved one wasn’t about blame or regret or being remembered more kindly than she was in reality; it was about making sure her child received something “special” that was deliberately left hidden from the vultures in her family. I don’t know what the association is other than the fact that it was her favorite tree; however the ironwood tree is very significant to me now as well. I’ve already passed the information to my friend and the mother is happily off enjoying her afterlife and that tree is on my mind waking and sleeping.

The more I discover about it the more it amazes me. They have beautiful flowers that look almost like large snapdragons and extremely hard wood which is still hard to cut with modern tools, thus, the name Ironwood. And what fascinates me more than their 1500+ year lifespan is the fact that the tree still felt it necessary to protect itself with long, sharp spines on its trunks (it’s built like a 25 foot tall bush) and small thorns on the leaves. I can understand the need for thorns on the leaves; it’s a desert tree and it could kill the tree to have too many animals eating the leaves, but why the spikes on the rest of the tree? The largest animals in the area wouldn’t be heavy enough to break the limbs, so why would that tree need such aggressive defenses?

Shoghi tells me the Ironwood tree is significant to his Beloved and Master, too; and that there is one in Persia of particular importance to them. All I am able to see is people planting Ironwood trees and other trees and I don’t know whether that was something significant that happened in Shoghi Effendi’s life (which I can easily imagine knowing he designed the gardens and Shrine of the Bab) or if it’s something we were supposed to have done after his passing and it’s very important it be completed. Just because I’ve been talking to dead people all my life doesn’t mean I have a clue what they’re talking about; the “message” is rarely for me, virtually always through me like a… like a broken winged bird with someone else’s life hanging by a thong around my neck. I feel increasingly frustrated because I know I’m being led to valuable information and it seems like everyone else gets to put all the pieces together and find what they’ve been searching for and none of it was related to me. I feel like I’m always the last one to figure it out for myself because all I have to do is listen on the phone with my seven year old niece for a whole ten minutes and she’ll accurately (and without breathing, it’s amazing) explain the entire Universe to me without me needing to ask her twice. On the other hand, what’s there for me to know when I want for nothing that isn’t provided to me just because I’m alive and willing to accept all that life has to offer? Knowing that the Y chromosome is rarer to extinction by the second (every child born brings us that much closer) explains some things to me; but only religions and governments and folks who fear same gender relationships because they don’t know how children can be born to same gender couples will feel at all threatened by loosing a little “y” chromosome. Those who follow Abdu’l-Baha’s counsel and loves all peoples and kindreds **without limitation or restriction** will evolve and solve the challenge of procreating without a y chromosome as they most certainly will be inspired by God and the Universe to do. If you think the majority of people born with penises seem willing to poke it into anything they please with or without permission now; just imagine how desperately they will want to poke their penises into exactly the “perfect” child bearer for their precious seed in the meantime before our species is fully evolved and working on the next challenge – keeping our predominantly matriarchal Earth from swinging too far the other way and beginning the cycle of abuse against folks with y chromosomes which set the genders apart in the first place. You should have already been united as a planet under the protection of the Universal House of Justice and your preserved cultures by the time scientists noticed the challenge of procreating without a y chromosome; which is easily solvable now with the technology we already have, by the way. Make folks think with their brains and don’t worry about the size of their penises unless they’re poking you without your permission, then I say take it as a souvenir.
And I wanted you all to know earlier, but I was distracted; the first Siberian tigers this season at China's Siberian and Bengal tiger preservation project's facilities were born May 22 and are shown here a few hours old and perfectly healthy with mom.

Just to show you that the most important "signs" aren't always earthquakes and devestations; virtually all the time it's the details which make all the difference in the world.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 17:47 PDT
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Wednesday, 7 June 2006
Tahirih - The True Mother's Martyr
Topic: Words of Wisdom Tahirih
The URL is to a biography of Tahirih which will describe her as the "first woman sufferage martyr;" and since Shoghi Effendi led me to her today in my search for my feelings of doom, I feel he's answering two of my questions at once, the first which has nagged me about the identity of the Persian young woman in George Baxter's print #41 "The Carrier Pigeon," and the other question today, what has happened that's somehow related to this historical figure? In my quest, I've discovered with grateful thanks to the New George Baxter Society that Baxter reproduced an original painting Marie Fancoise Catherine Doetter (or Doegter) Corbaux or fondly "Fanny Corbaux" created. Ms. Corbaux was considered a "Biblical critic" and outspoken in her women's rights attitudes and died in 1873 after having traveled the world, especially Egypt and Persia and painting royalty and people important to her at the time. I firmly believe the woman we see in both of these images is Tahirih...and Shoghi Effendi is urging me to post, so I guess the Universal House of Justice has all the information they need from me to figure out what Shoghi means and hippity hop to it, seems to me.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 16:56 PDT
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Monday, 5 June 2006
Elder's Call to Action (and more solutions)
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Linkin Park, randomly selected by WMP from cds.
Topic: Words of Wisdom
While I am not Elder’s official “speaker,” it is my honor to hear his melodious voice in my dreams and on the rare occasion smell his Divine Fragrance in the air marking his subtle presence known in my Universe. He restrains me and prevents me from revealing too much too soon in my eagerness to assist my Friends and serve God and the True Mother as I swore fealty to Them to do.

Who are the “Beloved Children of the True Mother” who felt inspired to awaken me to my Call and exactly how “early” might I possibly be if things are in such chaos they need to call upon the Powers of the Universe to save them now? I was “awakened” according to God and the True Mother’s plan and not an instant sooner, however, the “Beloved Children” woke me with the intentions of adoring or at least respecting the One Called rather than destroying her and her entire family on sight; I appreciated that a lot more than what others attempted to do in my "best interests."

I’m not particularly interested in revealing whom I suspect is Elder because Humanity’s Enemy will only use your curiosity and doubt against you. I am, on the other hand, encouraged to post my experiences and visions on my public online journal by this extraordinary entity now (not that I’ve much hesitated before when mere humans gave me reason to express myself ever). And since I’m inspired to my dreams and visions and my mind working on solutions for the challenges in life by actual events, here is a photocopy of news of the most recent “border closing” the Bush Administration actively seeks.

In light of the government taking systematic actions against the Peoples of the Winnebago Nation among other Nations, as well as directly infringing on *my* earned right to purchase anything legally obtained, manufactured and sold in the public market I please with my credit card, I believe the Winnebago and other Nations should quit selling all US brands from all major tobacco corporations and non-Native owned companies and charge whatever taxes they feel appropriate for their Native manufactured brands instead. Perhaps those taxes could be used to develop their communications and transportation systems for alternative trade routes across the distances between their Unified Nation’s actual “national borders” in case the Bush Administration shuts down the Postal Service or limits the transport of cigarettes across state lines or whatever their next phase is they believe will permanently cripple you.

Invest in developing hemp products such as fuels, textiles and medicines, and by the time US citizens feel the “crunch” from the dried up Mexican border and the stuff allegedly from Canada becomes suspect and folks voice their disgruntlement, you will have a market for hemp commodities and a US government willing to legalize the lesser of evils to control the general populace in the long term with the availability of cleaner, far less expensive fuels and more effective medicines than can be “secured” from other nearly dried up sources on the other side of the planet. The general public just doesn’t want hemp legalized enough yet, it’s not an emergency like tooth decay, apparently; how many months till the borders are closed, did Bush say again? Yeah, things seem to be on schedule to me…you seeing ugly yet?

Yes, think about it; Canada and Mexico and even the notoriously strict China all have legal consumable forms of hemp and earn billions of dollars on world markets with their valuable and healthy products which utterly replace everything except metal, yes, ask the scientists… so, why is the US so anal about tapping into any part of this very lucrative and sincerely beneficial industry?
The United States was founded on hemp and survived the early years only because Native Peoples taught the first criminals and Puritans stepping ashore better agriculture and soon millions of slaves cultivated hundreds of acres of hemp plantations…it wasn’t until much later, when cocaine was removed from beverages and consumption in the general public, that the still criminal and Puritan government decided cotton and tobacco were less dangerous than hemp (imagine the national feigning and cranking out that must have happened for folks to be afraid of hemp too) and hundreds of thousands of farmers found themselves at the mercy of the government and gave up hemp for a few more years of cracking the whip.
I think Native Peoples need to hit us where we live, our pipes…that’s where the government is burning our tax dollars anyway…I think the majority of us would rather have clean, Native grown and manufactured tobacco and hemp products than any we’re forced pay twice as much just to cover the taxes and persecution that we do for our little vices already, like sitting in traffic with your bloody petroleum products burning into the air for two hours twice a day from your personal vehicle with gas at four plus dollars a gallon and your 13 year old illegal immigrant "hired help" is raising your children in your behalf because your kid's public school was hacked from the budget this year.

Who is the most respected and influential Elder or Counsel of Elders of all the Peoples? Why not encourage your highest leaders to invite President Hu for dinner and let your Ancestors mingle for a little while? Neither of your cultures are much interested in doing things the way the US administrations are proven to do them and the spiritual realm is limited by the choices of those acting in the physical realm. You cannot feel inspired by any Ancestors or Great Spirits or anyone if no one unites and brainstorms and gives others an opportunity to share what they know with you. Think of how the “Beloved Children of the True Mother” might educate the people and give your children living right now the gift of flight.

Hemp is a grass, very much like maize and peoples all over the Earth worship it for its life giving and positive energies, and like maize there are ways of refining the plants to make a wide variety of useful products and I think distilling the life out of hemp till it’s fermented and curls your nose hairs to smell a whiff of might be harmful to humans as a beverage a lot like alcohol from maize is proven to be, don’t you think too?

If you believe your people are like children then take the dangerous “toys” away from them and show them what they are permitted to do instead…it really is that simple. What is it? You think your children will kill off too many of their brain cells to hear inspiration when they’re Called to Act from smoking clean tobacco and hemp? Okay, that’s fair, then why are there still alcohol commercials on your television stations knowing drunk driving and alcoholism are the number one killers among Native women and children? No, crimes are not likely committed by someone consuming only hemp at the time. Violent crimes like rape and murder and armed robbery are statistically directly linked to alcohol and processed substances. Even mushrooms and peyote are higher on the list of “drugs” which have been known to induce spontaneous behavior in humans which might be construed as violent or dangerous than hemp in those identical government and university studies. People seem to handle God’s and the Universe’s Gifts much better if they refrain from “refining” the Hell out of it before they stick it in their bodies…some things need a little life left in them to function as God and the Universe intended, and its your own faults for wanting something more “thrilling” than you were blessed to receive from Them in the first place, so They don’t have much sympathy for the anguish of breaking habits you brazenly addicted yourself to in spite of all the Holy Words and Voices and Fragrances that wafted through your lives and touched your souls and enlightened you before anyone else could read the drawings carved in stone for them to obey.

Elder calls all the Peoples of the Earth to unite and wage peace; the Beloved Children of the True Mother, they know who they are, are called to Act and protect the Faith of the One True God and clean the corruption and filth and greed and ignorance from All the governments and “Houses” of the Earth…Each and Every One of Them. Now is your Day and the Enemies of God are still destroying the True Mother as they beg you for forgiveness and make excuses for their addiction to hating and persecuting you and sucking the life out of you like leaches.

Elder calls everyone to educate ourselves and pursue the Truth, and without stopping there, to continue to Act Accordingly…do you want to solve your hardships or not? Elder thinks not, if you’re willing to wallow in your anguish and misery knowing he’s already given you every tool and talent and blessed you with your very own visions too so that you are certain to succeed. Why does Elder feel a lesbian white woman conveys his message to Native Peoples better than his own Speaker, you ask? Well, that’s the thing, I’m really not speaking to any of Elder’s Peoples; I’m not genetically related to him or his Peoples, therefore it is only by his Grace that I am privy to any information from him whatsoever. However, I’m devoted to my Pagan ways and if the birds hadn’t told me the People’s Prophesies are All Fulfilled now, the rocks surely would have, and that makes me of some good use to Elder and the Beloved Children of the True Mother.
There might be one person with Native blood reading my blog, perhaps two if I’m blessed by all the Powers of the Universe, so I’m pretty sure they’re getting the majority of their information if not from Elder directly then certainly from other sources than me. Yes, you guessed it, I’m putting my thoughts out into the collective unconscious and planting Elder’s seeds in the minds of those who would rather see you panhandling for a drink or one more lottery ticket than give you a forestry job fighting fires for $10 an hour because they can risk non-English speaking illegal immigrants for even less than that first. Yes, here’s the article: .

No one will be capable of stopping what they’re doing until they agree with you and obey God and do something else instead…and they really like the violence and the smell of fear in the air and the sight of blood seems to turn them into a frenzy, so Elder would like me to reemphasize that “waging peace” means acting according to God’s standards, not Humanity’s; and limiting your love and grace and withholding your God-given authority to act in your own best interests only serves Evil and damages your soul and you prevent yourself from attaining the rewards you’ve earned with your blood and tears and sweat building pyramids and trading with world markets while “civilized” people were just crawling out of their caves and harnessing the power of fire so they could burn my Kind alive.

I think all the Beloved Children of the True Mother know exactly what to do and I’m just reporting to anyone interested that I still see myself as a Vessel and hope you will consider Elder’s directives and suggestions in spite of my having no actual connection to your Ancestors or anything more than my dreams and Native American Tarot cards to support my words.

There are also more kinds of “Beloved Children” than only Humans, just so it’s not a big surprise when scientists identify the “non-Human” genetic markers which sets them apart from the rest of God and the True Mother’s Beloved Children. And put your weapons down; you’re already at their mercies, who do you think are the archangels and saints to whom you pray? Doing a good job submitting their wills to yours, are they, you think? Yeah, wet dreams to you, those of us living among them in this Hell know better and resent you for breaking your own Words.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 04:08 PDT
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Tuesday, 30 May 2006
And I'm persecuted for having visions?
Mood:  bright
Topic: Words of Wisdom
Local News: Monday, May 29, 2000
`Spirit' runners exemplify message
Paysha Stockton
Seattle Times staff reporter

Alfred Khan Jr.'s uncle saw it in a vision: The Navajo boy was running with a group when he saw an eagle on a rock. He stopped to pray as the others passed, then caught up and finished the run. There was never any question he would do Spirit Run, a three-month, 3,000-mile journey across the northern United States, says 15-year-old Khan.
"A lot of people around me had visions I was going. I felt like it was my spiritual duty."
Today, he and eight other young runners were to rise at dawn at Daybreak Star Art and Cultural Center in Seattle's Magnolia neighborhood and slip on their running shoes. Together, they will run from Seattle to New York. One milelong leg at a time. Their goal: to run the message of racial unity from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic - through mountains, prairies and reservations, cities, badlands and campsites.
Carrying a sacred bundle - a hand-made leather satchel with words of faith, called "talking leaves," and a medicinal packet of buffalo eyeteeth and hide, rose petals, cedar, sage, tobacco and sweet grass - the nine runners will together cover 54 miles a day, says run founder Arthur Fernandez-Scarberry.
Each will run six miles a day with the bundle. Three vans of supporters - accompanied by advising elder William Ekomiak, an Inuit from Quebec - will precede and follow them.
They'll rest a few days between camping and dinners on Native American reservations. Fernandez-Scarberry and John Foguht of the Navajo Tribe will spell them if they get tired. And they'll end the run in mid-August with a United Nations visit and party on the Shinnecock reservation in New York. In this Spirit Run - sponsored by the Baha'i Faith - the messengers are also the message. There's only one race, and it's human, say the diverse runners, some of whom claim several cultures.
Fernandez-Scarberry, of Seattle, has Choctaw heritage. His brother Billy Harris, 19, is Guamanian and Choctaw.
Khan lives on the Navajo reservation in Arizona but is also Cherokee and Hungarian. Charles Nelson, 17, of North Seattle is Japanese, African American and white. Micah Reed, 23, of Raymond, Calif., is African American and white. Sahar Sattarzadeh, 20, of Irvine, Calif., and her brother Samaan, 18, of Las Vegas, are Iranian Americans. Chris Shattuck, 20, of Eugene calls himself Anglo. Both parents of 24-year-old Nancy Torres of Portland were born in Mexico. Mike Pennington, 15, of Portland, is white.
They are tanned and freckled, pink and caramel, with red, brown, black and even dyed hair. But the deferential and deadly earnest group in baggy pants, sneakers and matching Spirit Run T-shirts have a common thread: faith.
They are all Baha'i, members of a worldwide religion founded in the 1800s by Persian nobleman Baha'u'llah. Racial unity is a central teaching of the religion, Fernandez-Scarberry says.
The run founder says the idea came to him about five years ago while he was walking with his mentor.
"It was like a flood of loud thoughts," he says. "Basically, it haunted me." Several years later, he mentioned it at a meeting in Neah Bay, Clallam County. "Once it was shared, there was no turning back."
Support and funding poured in from Baha'i communities nationwide, says organizer Nancy Griffith.
Yesterday, the group gathered at the Daybreak Star center to receive blessings from local Native American elders, drummers and singers. The runners, who met for the first time this weekend, were a little anxious at first, but that quickly faded. "There's a lot of family-ness with the group already," Harris says.
Most are students, but one is a teacher, and several sacrificed jobs, graduation ceremonies and other opportunities to run.
Sahar Sattarzadeh, finishing her sophomore year in college, must e-mail four essays to professors from the road. The group will share three laptop computers, she says.
Are they physically ready? Some trained for months. Others weeks. Some are accomplished athletes. Others, like Khan, had to work hard. "I've gone from couch potato to pretty decent," he admits. Of course, they're nervous.
"Sometimes I'm afraid because I don't know how to pace myself because I won't know where the end is," says Sahar Sattarzadeh, a soccer player and sprinter.
They have squirmy stomachs but high hopes, too - for their own spiritual growth. And for the relationships they'll build with each other and on the reservations they will visit. And for everyone else, too.
"I'm hoping that we fill a lot of our country's empty hearts," Harris says. "We are taking action instead of talking. People say we need to be more united, but they only hang out with their own race."
Copyright (c) 2000 Seattle Times Company, All Rights Reserved.

The one whom I've only ever known as "Elder," whom I'm clearly able to see, yet cannot seem to draw accurately at all, tells me it's time for Liberty to sweep Justice off her feet and bring new meaning to the phrase "Let Freedom Reign." Elder calls all the Nations and Peoples and Tribes to unite and begin, now is the Day and the Prophesies are Fulfilled and the time to Act is upon you. He wants me to tell my friend who protects his Corn Maiden that he's caught his "big fish" and he prefers lemon grass to actual lemons and to have folks bring their own plates, if she would be so kind please. God's "number" is 0 (zero), Elder's "number" is 1 (one), the Corn Maiden's "number" is 2 (two), and if I hadn't been electro shocked I might have been able to tell you who the other two are, and maybe what it means too... but I guess folks wanted you to only learn half the Truth and aren't you tired of that evil bullshit by now?

However, I'm not his "speaker" and I have zero idea what he means except ... here we go folks! Yesterday's earthquake in Indonesia and the earthquake in Greece the day before that and the undersea volcanic eruption a day or so before, that Japanese scientists recording the event claim the footage is the clearest anyone has ever managed to capture on film so far...all these things are the "signs" and yes, things are getting ugly...but it gets uglier, I'm promised. You just about awake yet?

And yes, the Spirit Run story is important because my son was one of the runners, and he's still the Martyr's Champion, Elder promises me.

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Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 04:27 PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 30 May 2006 05:45 PDT
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Sunday, 28 May 2006
Who is the "vampire" in your midst; cuz...
Topic: Words of Wisdom

I've not been "turned" from the path of God or the True Mother and I'm still invisible way over here in the first place, and you all at the Universal House of Justice are in extremely serious risk of breaking your Covenant with God irreparably. Yes, I'm Urged to inform you. Where are the documents naming Shoghi's successor and what steps the few remaining Hands of Cause of God can do to repair the Universal House of Justice at this Most Urgent Hour? What? Do you think I'm supposed to just look at an old photograph of you on your web site and tell you which is "evil" and sabotaging your every **half-assed** effort? No, because I'm not a Manifestation of God or *your* Bitch Mother of the Universe and I don't trust a one of you as far as I can throw you. And I don't have to be sensitive to the vibrations in the Universe to see clearly that the Universal House of Justice and their Supreme Tribunal (does it exist yet?) have not solved even a fraction of the world's injustices as they were commanded by *their* Beloved and Master and the Guardian, too. I do not intend to show fealty to *any* government or organization which continues every moment of the night and day to murder and rape and enslave entire skin tones of folks or even *ONE* more Soul as I am commanded by the Universe and the Earth herself to prevent.

Tell you what, how about you contact Ghost Hunters and have them detect Shoghi Effendi and ask *him* where he hid his crucial documents; since you don't want to use your eyes and brains for yourselves and take a hint from me. Let's, yet again, go to the only Source of information you need to worry about obeying, shall we?

In Abdu'l-baha's final Tablet to America, after establishing Shoghi Effendi as His successor and charging him as "guardian of the Cause of God" to have *equal* authority (if not slightly more so) with the entire Universal House of Justice; Shoghi is commanded to choose a successor and appoint the Hands of the Cause of God who would devote their lives to protecting and promulgating the Faith. Abdu'l-baha - the Master - COMMANDED [Baha'i World Faith, sixth printing of 1956 Edition, 1976, page 444]:

"O friends! The Hands of the Cause of God must be nominated and appointed by the guardian of the Cause of God. All must be under his shadow and obey his command. Should any, within or without the company of the Hands of the Cause of God disobey, and seek division, the wrath of God and His vengeance will be upon him, for he will have caused a breach in the true Faith of God.

The obligations of the Hands of the Cause of God are to diffuse the Divine Fragrances, to edify the souls of men, to promote learning, to improve the character of all men and to be, at all times and under all conditions, sanctified and detached from earthly things. They must manifest the fear of God by their conduct, their manners, their deeds and their words.

This body of the Hands of the Cause of God is under the direction of the guardian of the Cause of God. He must continually urge them to strive and endeavor to the utmost of their ability to diffuse the sweet savors of God, and to guide all the peoples of the world, for it is the light of Divine Guidance that causeth all the universe to be illumined. To disregard, though it be for a moment, this absolute command which is binding upon everyone, is in no wise permitted, that the existent world may become even as the Abha Paradise, that the surface of the earth may become heavenly, that the contention and conflict amidst peoples, kindreds, nations and governments may disappear, that all the dwellers on earth may become one people and one race, that the world may become even as one home. Should differences arise they shall be amicably and conclusively settled by the Supreme Tribunal, that shall include members from all the governments and peoples of the world.

O ye beloved of the Lord! In this sacred Dispensation, conflict and contention are in no wise permitted. Every aggressor deprives himself of God's grace. It is incumbent upon everyone to show the utmost love, rectitude of conduct, straightforwardness and sincere kindliness unto all the peoples and kindreds of the world, be they friends or strangers. So intense must be the spirit of love and loving-kindness, that the stranger may find himself a friend, the enemy a true brother, no difference whatsoever existing between them. For universality is of God and all limitations earthy. Thus man must strive that his reality may manifest virtues and perfections, the light whereof may shine upon everyone. The light of the sun shineth upon all the world and the merciful showers of Divine Providence fall upon all peoples. The vivifying breeze reviveth every living creature and all beings endued with life obtain their share and portion at His heavenly board. In like manner, the affections and loving-kindness of the servants of the One True God must be bountifully and universally extended to all mankind. Regarding this, restrictions and limitations are in no wise permitted.

Wherefore, O my loving friends! Consort with all the peoples, kindreds and religions of the world with the utmost truthfulness, uprightness, faithfulness, kindliness, good-will and friendliness; that all the world of being may be filled with the holy ecstasy of the grace of Baha, that ignorance, enmity, hate and rancor may vanish from the world and the darkness of estrangement amidst the peoples and kindreds of the world may give way to the Light of Unity. Should other peoples and nations be unfaithful to you show your fidelity unto them, should they be unjust toward you show justice towards them, should they keep aloof from you attract them to yourself, should they show their enmity be friendly towards them, should they poison your lives sweeten their souls, should they inflict a wound upon you be a salve to their sores. Such are the attributes of the sincere! Such are the attributes of the truthful.

And now, concerning the House of Justice which God hath ordained as the source of all good and freed from all error, it must be elected by universal suffrage, that is, by the believers. Its members must be manifestations of the fear of God and daysprings of knowledge and understanding, must be steadfast in God's faith and the well-wishers of all mankind. By this House is meant the Universal House of Justice, that is, in all countries, a secondary House of Justice must be instituted, and these secondary Houses of Justice {now called National Spiritual Assemblies} must elect the members of the Universal one. Unto this body all things must be referred. It enacteth all ordinances and regulations that are not to be found in the explicit Holy Text. By this body all the difficult problems are to be resolved and the guardian of the Cause of God is its sacred head and the distinguished member for the life of that body. Should he not attend in person its deliberations, he must appoint one to represent him. Should any of the members commit a sin, injurious to the common weal, the guardian of the Cause of God at his own discretion the right to expel him, whereupon the people must elect another one in his stead. This House of Justice enacteth the laws and the government enforceth them. The legislative body must reinforce the executive, the executive must aid and assist the legislative body so that through the close union and harmony of these two forces, the foundation of fairness and justice may become firm and strong, that all the regions of the world may become even as Paradise itself.

O ye beloved of the Lord! It is incumbent upon you to be submissive to all monarchs that are just and show your fidelity to every righteous king. Serve ye the sovereigns of the world with utmost truthfulness and loyalty. Show obedience unto them and be their well-wishers. Without their leave and permission do not meddle with political affairs, for disloyalty to the just sovereign is disloyalty to God himself.

This is my counsel and the commandment of God unto you. Well is it with them that act accordingly."

Anyone getting the hint yet? How about I point out a couple things that strike me about Abdu'l-baha's counsel? One thing I noticed was that he used the words "peoples" and "kindreds" a lot together, in fact, there's only one place in this quote where "peoples" is specified alone. (~drop kicks a big hint to the UHoJ) That suggests to me that there are more "species" of humans than we are commonly led to believe and if this is the case, I'm a "kindred." Am I evil, really? But, you're not looking at me, you're looking at the thinnest surface of me and as outstanding as I know I am and have been my entire life, I am invisible behind the glass walls you've built between us. You're looking at yourselves and I am the Bitch Mother of the Universe Mirror; each and every man, woman and child whatever their genetic origin and unique combination, is your Mirror, too bad you don't know our names as well as God still, past, present and future, knows yours. And yeah, it's a long quote, but Shoghi compromised and I didn't have to type out the whole thing for people who probably have it memorized and underlined and everything already.

Wet dreams to those who might find a moment's of rest or peace in their own Souls from this moment onward. You have forfeited your earthly rewards when you swore fealty to God; keep your fucking promises and ***ACT ACCORDINGLY*** and you might get to keep your "happy" memories as well as each and every one of your "unhappy" ones for the rest of Eternity after the life is extinguished from your bodies, too. That was supposed to have been "reward" enough, remember?

Oh, and Shoghi is still many Hands of the Cause of God are still living and alert-minded? I think they're still in authority to protect and defend the Cause of God by any Godly means... you might want to find your "vampire" before someone decides the entire Universal House of Justice needs to hold special elections.

And more importantly to me, happy 23rd birthday to my son in a few days and happy sixth anniversary today for his participation in Spirit Run ( if the site is still up) which literally ran the entire width of the continental US, collecting sacred writings and objects from the Nations in between, from Seattle to the United Nations beginning May 28, 2000. My son will be visiting the National Spiritual Assembly within weeks, the word is out and there's only the final paperwork and crap standing between him and his destiny. And many happy returns of the day to you too. :D

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Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 16:09 PDT
Updated: Sunday, 28 May 2006 17:01 PDT
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Thursday, 11 May 2006
The Power of Correct Action
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Words of Wisdom
Yes, I’ve cooled my relationships with all the people in my life who seem to only speak to me when they think they need some words from me to face some “lifestyle” challenge without acting themselves.
I read an agreeable essay on the power of words the day before yesterday by the author of one of the discussion groups because he sent me a “Green Star.” My first impression is that he’s innocently evil; which I mean to suggest that he serves Evil’s purposes extremely well without knowing it or likely intending it. It’s an excellent essay except none can argue with it; it doesn’t promote creative thinking or discussion or problem solving because it satisfies the reader with the truth with which one can only agree. Yet, it serves Evil’s purposes perfectly because it doesn’t actually give the key to unlocking the power of one’s words; the essay assumes that by having faith and speaking clearly the reader will know everything each needs to know to unleash the sincerely tremendous power of one’s words. That is one of the evils of vanity; the author wants agreement and “witness” rather than the opportunity to communicate and brainstorm and invent the tools we need to keep our words after we speak them the first time.
Yes, words are extremely powerful, especially when a mind is unconscious or semi-conscious and it certainly does take a great deal of “faith” or “intention” to use one’s words wisely; yet even the miracle of a single encouraging word cannot exist in the Universe without the correct actions and responses and actual interaction between those speaking.
There’s no mention of tone of voice or gesture which are the minimum actions required to impart the speaker’s meanings to those specific words. I can see how those things might seem like general knowledge, however, it’s a disservice to place so much emphasis on a partial truth so that it seems like that part is enough for everyone reading and anything left unmentioned is permissible to ignore.
My suggestion is to quit thinking other people listen to you because your words are important to them; your words are only as important as your actions behind them make them and then it takes consistent actions over a long period of time to prove your words and show others you meant them the first time you spoke.
Folks haven’t treated me well since I’ve told them they’ve got to get out of their chairs and do something besides bitch about what I or someone else needs to do to make their miserable lives feel happier for them. Oh, but if I really loved them I would pamper them and protect them from making the same errors I made so they won’t need to do as much to have all their dreams fulfilled. Just as soon as I tell them the big secret and let them go find their “real” soul mate(s), and hurry up would I; they haven’t got all day. People don’t listen to a word I say unless they already knew the brutal truth and thought they might like to do something similar about it as I might in their shoes with their talents and resources. The reality is that we can say all the right words and believe we mean what we say utterly; but if we don’t practice our beliefs every waking moment how will our loved ones know how to respond when something outside of anyone’s control happens? As a writer, my words are only important to me and maybe one of the six people who read my blog, and the only real way my words have any power or influence with others is because I’ve worked my ass off for years both seeking and earning their trust on a deeper level than just because one of us said so and the other is supposed to “respect” that. I’m willing to suffer the consequences that expressing my words provokes in others and I don’t have the patience or motivation to pat others on the back for remembering the “universal” truths we’ve learned from television characters and someone else’s ideals of behavior.
It’s one comforting thing to focus on the positives and hope for the best; but unless you use all your strengths and talents every moment of the night and day to practice your beliefs and uphold your promises with **absolutely everyone** against all Evil and in spite of those who would rather lie down and die than follow your example, then regardless whether you are “good” or “evil” in the eyes of the rest of your society, you betray your own human spirit and prevent yourself from evolving by your own vanity to hear your own precious words echoing in the vast Universe where you left them and life moved on without you.
I’m a writer and there’s nothing more pleasing to me than the things I write for myself; however, as deep as my self-interest springs, I know that there are a million and a half people in my city who couldn’t care less about me if I slapped them in the face with a wet fish. I’m too old and damaged by past life threatening experiences to have much interest in what folks are “supposed” to do with their lives too; especially when the whole reason we lead “alternative” lifestyles from one another is because we cannot survive in this vast Universe any other way.
The murdering actions my elected government takes against women and children (regardless of their citizenship) is terrible, but there are zero “governments” that are without corruption so, while still inexcusable, it’s no more terrible than any other kind of predator that threatens a variety within its own species; my government is only one shark already born in its mother’s belly fighting for its survival. If our words are so powerful why aren’t our actions working? Because it takes more than self-esteem and just saying "No" to influence “evil” predators into living their lives differently. You are satisfied with the partial truth that we will all live happily just as soon as the rest of the world gets with the program and lives like you’re all told to live by government controlled “news” media and devised, fiction television programming.
Why does it take two or more “incomes” to support the average American family and who is expected to keep the parent’s “family values” for them while they’re away working double shifts and hustling clients and striking deals and things in the “real” world; the television and hired help? And then our government sends those motherless children to distant shores all fresh faced and eager to kill more women and children, oh and any man standing in their way too, because a bad man on the other side of the globe said some words and broke some promises and pissed old Daddy Bush off.
I know when my sister lies to me and there are times she can get away with it because I sincerely don’t need to know some things and it’s not worth mentioning for the misunderstanding it might cause. But it’s unkind of her to lie to me at all when she and I have years ago worked out “good” ways of not communicating the things we choose not to share of ourselves for whatever reasons. So, she’s one of the people I keep more at arm’s length recently because as much as I might love someone I can still only trust her words as far as I do her actions with me. My sister and I know each other well, and this is not nearly the “end” of our relationship from my perspective, however, it’s certainly true I’m taking a risk with my actions because it shows I’m taking the steps to ease out of her life altogether as I said would happen if she continued lying to me when she has every right to keep secrets with her husband or girlfriends or anyone else in her life if she pleased. Yes, it’s the principle of the matter, just don’t tell me the information at all and gently change the topic; what’s so difficult about respecting me as a person? If I tell my children I don’t tolerate lying well, but do nothing when someone I love lies to me (because I love them and want them to feel happy all the time); then all my words become lies to my children too. In that case, the only thing anyone learns from me is how I well I actually do tolerate lying and I’m not as interested in protecting myself (or anyone else) from the evils of dishonesty or any other evils in the world as I might believe.
And I distance myself from others for many reasons; but mainly because I’m already an invisible and forgotten crazy woman to them; until their shit hits the fan, then all of a sudden I’m the Bitch Mother of the Universe again and my wisdom is supreme and TSO was never so much fun… for about a week, till they hook up with old “Sims” and the drama cycle begins again. Yeah, y’all have fun with that; I’m happy with fucking myself in Sims1 if all I do in TSO is count poofers and waste simoleons screwing with my lots all alone anyway…DJs doing a half assed job when they show up at all after too many headaches to schedule the “party” for international Sim-friends … Yes, I want to play with my friends very much differently than that and no one needs to agree; just don’t expect me to give you more trust than you’ve earned or go out of my way to be available to your needs while I remain your “Genie in a bottle” kind of friend.
I believe the “power of words” is an evil illusion intended to keep the slaves of our society in their humble places, invisible and without thought of escape because they believe they are doing all that they can do to improve their lives. And what actions are recommended, you might ask? We’re told our most effective actions are to petition elected officials (who somehow never receive their messages) and vote for ones we most agree during the vicious frenzy that is Election Year just about the time we think we can recover from the last one and which means utterly zero since the Electoral College elects the President, not the popular vote…ever. So, really, those actions are already seducing us into anything except the Truth, which seems pretty Evil to me, wouldn’t you say? And the Evil grows from there because the next step, when enough of our government’s slaves feel dissatisfied and frustrated to the verge of violence, what are we prompted to do then? Yes, we’re told to “peacefully demonstrate” in the city streets…but only if someone has a permit and there’s a lot of armed riot control police handy…otherwise, if someone feels frustrated to the verge of violence but chooses to express oneself in words to the ones in real power instead, the government can step into any neighborhood they choose and persecute the shit out of her and her family and terrorize everyone else while they’re at it too.
We were taught “ritual” and “sacrifice” and “consent” for very good purposes and we can argue the meanings of those words till the day we die and we’d have served Evil perfectly. There are many things in life that require specific actions along with the plans and the will to succeed and “ritual” has taught us that. There are many times in life where the consequences of ones actions feel uncomfortable but to “sacrifice” a little more of oneself, whether one is ignored or appreciated in the meantime, to provide the whole truth or an opportunity to someone else is what actually empowers ones words. Yet, even with your most Holy Words and sincerest devotions and an entire lifetime of sacrifice in the name of your God(s), Evil feeds on your fear and frustration and urges you to look forward to something “greater” when your body finally sets you free from the temptations of the world where you can find peace and rest at last; and then you lock your “old enough” child in the house with the television for two hours before getting off to school across town with the neighbor kids and come home to a disaster area and you’re lucky anyone remembers to pray through all the rest of the things we’re all expected to do as “good” adults in this society. Which brings us to what we’re missing along with being led to taking ineffective actions; consent.
The powerful words like “prayer” and “promise” which are more action (if correctly accomplished) than simply motivated things to say, cannot possibly have any influence in the physical universe without at least one other being consciously consenting and acting toward those goals oppositely to you. You will only find Truth or defeat Evil or whatever your ultimate goal by using your every talent and skill and power of persuasion to fully solve a situation from absolutely every perspective. If even a little part is ignored without mention then there’s enough evil in your life to thwart your best laid plans and your highest hopes no matter how long you live and “earn” your Afterlife rewards. For example, my willingness to “sacrifice” friendships and relationships in my life which prove more harmful than neutral (if not actually allied) to my most basic human needs in life means that I might feel unhappy for myself right now but my life is improved in the long run because I am now freed to invest my energies and work my ass off with folks who not only consented to treat me respectfully whatever our relationship, but whom will also, by their very presence in my life, influence me and provide an opportunity for us to further evolve and give me a chance to love others as they each were created by God and the Universe to be loved whatever evil befalls us or enslaves us in life.
I think taking different actions like arresting some congress people and let Justice plow forward from there (rather than marching in the streets and petitioning the criminals to change their corrupt ways) might be more effective than all the praying and mutual encouragement seems to do. What do we need to do as a society to hold our government to its highest ideals and preserve the women and children of this generation if my generation is truly lost? If I knew what that was I would have done that instead of writing and getting my brains beat in for expressing my words without proper “visibility” or permit to act; however I will continue to write and ask questions because I’m promised that if I unite with others of my kind and take calculated risks and persevere in showing my best example in every situation I face, the human species will evolve and survive the next big shit to hit our cosmic fan whomever is to be blamed for it later, if we’re not all extinct first.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 18:34 PDT
Updated: Thursday, 11 May 2006 18:47 PDT
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Sunday, 30 April 2006
You have all the info; you figure it out yourself
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Words of Wisdom
I feel like I’m being urged to sit here and describe the true nature of the Universe and explain all the mysteries and I’m not going to waste my breath; even if I did happen to know everything all of a sudden. I already delivered the big message to God’s People, and if there’s another in the future, I’ll deliver that one too; but I was not put on this Earth to explain shit. You want to know about the Universe, close your mouth and open your eyes and figure it out yourself; all has been revealed for a couple centuries now.
Oh, but you want to know about the shit no one talks about; all the Evil shit in the Universe that you want to avoid. Well, good luck, people want to destroy my life for even thinking about Evil shit, so you’ll have to make do with the myth and bullshit and the tiny seeds of truth you know in your souls just like I do.
Did you think I was given super powers when I heard my “call” to deliver God’s message? Well, that would have been really cool, but no, I was already born with my “special” talents and gifts so that one day, if I worked my ass off and obeyed God’s Commandments to the letter and grew into the enlightened human I was intended to evolve into, then I might be worthy of a “call” someday before I die. I am only human, and while I might have some “higher” authority, it’s no more than any other human has been given to do his or her job.
Manifestations of God, each and every one from the Manifestation that revealed himself to Adam to the most recent Author all come from one direct genetic line. That is the way modern humans are able to tell who is the actual Manifestation from the wannabes; if he or she isn’t directly genetically descended from **all nine** Manifestations at least through the mother’s side (because sometimes the father isn’t always the one who created the child), then the person cannot possibly be a Manifestation of God with something “new” to give to Humanity. Manifestations of God come to Humanity to bring something we didn’t know before and we aren’t “due” for another Manifestation until Humanity reaches the next level when we’ll ready to add more information and solve more challenging problems so that someday, when Humanity is enlightened as a whole, we won’t need Manifestations of God reminding us what spoiled rotten shits we are and to get off our high horses and do what we came to this life to do.
I know that I have royal blood on both sides of my family, however, even if I happen to be genetically related to Christ or another Manifestation of God (which is extremely unlikely unless Christ had a lot more Scottish blood than he’s ever admitted), I cannot allow others to believe that I, myself, am a Manifestation of God. I am a Scribe or a sphinx; an enlightened human born to a specific task. There are a great number of us these Days; and many, many more will be “Called” very soon if they’ve not already been awakened by the True Mother. If I hadn’t done the “work” on my soul as we are all Commanded to do by God, there is zero way I would have been able to hear any kind of Call from anyone, not even my own dead mother.
So, now that you know that I’m really only human, however enlightened I might eventually prove myself to others, will you disregard everything I’ve been asked to tell you? You already ignore me and think I’m crazy and change the topic to things you’re more comfortable talking about; what makes you think you’re enlightened enough to hear any message I’m intended to deliver? If I have a specific message for you, I’ll be prompted to send an email or letter to you directly; otherwise you get to sort through my public website and choose the things in my writing which speaks most to you…or not, as you will; exactly as you have learned everything else in your existence. If you are intended to learn anything from me, what exactly is preventing you? If you want specifics you’ll have to find a nicer way of asking me than sitting over there and urging me to write and hoping I’ll mention something worthwhile to you amid the crap you don’t want to hear.
The Universal House of Justice sent an email to me in February in reply to only one email I’d sent in December and other than the usual referral to local sources and Godspeed with me, there was a brief sentence to inform me that Shoghi Effendi did not actually leave a last will and testament. I’ve not felt urged to reply and argue the point; no skin off my nose if they’re misled or mistaken. However, I do feel urged to post to my online journal that the entity I’ve always known as Shoghi Effendi feels rather unhappy about their denial. They might want to look beyond what they think a “will and testament” looks like a little more outside of the box because no one will be following God’s plans for Humanity and the way I see it, we won’t succeed without God’s plan being followed exactly to the letter, nothing less and more importantly, nothing more than That.
We’re talking about a man who devoted his every breath to making certain each and every word Baha’u’llah and Abdul’baha uttered were accurately translated into several languages, English and French among them, so that even the most Profoundly Dyslexic people on Earth could feel certain they understood God’s Words perfectly without needing interpretation from any other human to know the Truth for themselves.
Shoghi Effendi followed all the directives of his Beloved, including leaving specific plans for this Day, because he, of possibly anyone else ever born, knew the importance of his actions. He knew there was Enemies of God working against him every moment and that those Enemies would be even more powerful and determined than they’ve ever been before in these Last Days and there is every possibility that Humanity might “lose” if God’s Plan’s were revealed too soon. So, I can guess that, being the incredibly intelligent and creative thinker that Shoghi was, that he would leave clues for at least the Universal House of Justice to discover and announce to the world at the time they’re most needed. Maybe the members of the Universal House of Justice think they have everything they need to succeed already and it’s only a matter of time till “we” win and all they need to do is what they’ve always done; keep the Faith to themselves and their loved ones.
Well, the only thing I’m here to tell the general public is that if you believe in God and continue to destroy His Beloved Earth or *Her* Precious Creations, you are punished with your piety and will not find mercy or grace or salvation or even the “liberation” you so desperately pray for whether your body lives a long time or how much invisible money collects cyber dust in your bank accounts until the day you die and you still can’t take it with you. I hope you’re all just gathering your strength in the calm before the storm and not actually still in denial because that would mean that the underlying feeling of God’s message that ALL the “kingdoms of man” (I saw houses of worship and churches and temples more than specific governments other than the Bush Administration and Great Britain, of course) are utterly stripped of their former authority, including the Universal House of Justice if it does not follow the plans Baha’u’llah meticulously designed and **dated** to be done to the letter. I think that short sentence a real human added to the form email denying the existence of Shoghi Effendi’s last will and testament, without bothering to investigate what I might mean or offer that I might be seeing someone else’s last will and testament instead, tells me that I don’t need to waste another breath; Shoghi Effendi is dead, he’ll get over it, it’s out of his hands too.
I’ll stick to my “pagan” beliefs and worship the Goddess and serve other invisible entities as I have been blessed by God and my human existence to do, because the President of China visited Seattle on my actual birthday and I’m arrogant enough to think that I’m some kind of Spot that calls herself the Bitch Mother of the Universe who heralded the official “Age of Aquarius” and its arrival February 7, 2006. It’s a date that was already chosen before my mother happened to die on that day six years before; although that is the reason I’ve celebrated my birthday on that day for the past five years. It’s the first day of Dominion according to the Bahai Calendar; a fact I did not know until my daughter received her membership packet from the Bahai Faith before she asked or signed for it. That date (most years) has significance to the Chinese as you well know, but I already knew that from reading I was born in the Year of the Tiger on a restaurant placemat. If there are no accidents in reality because God is directing everything, then why place so much value on the coincidences of one human life? Just because I’m arrogant and see what I want to see of myself, doesn’t mean I’m altogether wrong or that I’m anything less than humble on the face of my beloved Planet. If you’re going to put the facts together, might as well use all the facts you’ve been given so far; it won’t make the things you dislike go away by letting other people do your shit job for you and you won’t learn anything “new” from anyone till you solve the shit on your plate now; otherwise there won’t be anyone to evolve to need any new information. Don’t believe me, keep praying and crying for mercy from your God; maybe He’ll have a doubt in your capacities or willingness to do what you promised to do after all, and you and your entire genetic line won’t exist any longer and you won’t have to worry about your own pain and suffering in the evil world any more. Godspeed to you too. Wet dreams and to the Bush Administration; don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Oh, and my 90 day court orders are up; I'll be investigating if there are any grounds to file complaints on the officers involved in my case, considering I called for assistance from the Rape Unit and I was brutalized and humiliated for it instead.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 04:30 PDT
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Monday, 24 April 2006
Life is about choosing one's Master; then cheerfully serving till death
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Words of Wisdom
You’re right, all these weeks since the February 7th deadline for the Bush Administration to call Our Troops home and step down from their offices and it seems like nothing whatsoever has improved. Bush is still in office and more stupid than ever and more of our nation’s citizens become disillusioned with their own dreams every minute. Yet, God promised in the letters I wrote over the holiday season to the Bush Administration and the Universal House of Justice that Bush and his Cohorts would be replaced “lock, stock and barrel.” [See: Entries beginning November05 or the link on my home page to “Gift of Creation from the True Mother” for details.]
I believe He did “replace” all those in positions of Earthly power; although it’s very difficult to see evidence of this fact in the physical universe in “real time” just yet. I mean a lot of “Christians” and “Republicans” and folks who adhere to those ideals, too, by the way. Tell me to whom the American business folks of only Washington State would rather “pay tribute,” Pacific Rim world leaders or the current US Administration? China’s President Hu visited Seattle and shook hands with Bill Gates and the Governor of Washington State and celebrated the Space Needle’s Birthday before “paying tribute” to the recognized head of our government. What does that tell you about whom Asia trusts to work with them in their goals of world peace and preserving Humanity longer than only the next few generations?
Yes, I most certainly believe President Hu was making an important statement, not so much for Bush himself, if his political advisors mentioned it the point would still be lost on him; President Hu spoke with his actions and every talent and tool he possesses that he’s willing to lead anyone with the courage to follow one “good” way to escape destruction regardless the form that destruction takes or how many “generations” or “seconds” we might have left until it happens.
The first Chinese Emperor said (as I understand from translations), “Slavery is only as Evil as the Master; slavery IS human experience in this Universe.” I think we should elect a Chinese-American President next term, preferably female …if the White House wants to remain “in the loop,” so to speak. How many Chinese-Americans are willing to uproot generations of sacrifice and spilled blood and leave US boarders if the Bush Administration disrespects China as the Universal House of Justice and United Nations and how many other organizations allow Bush to persecute Middle Eastern peoples till the very last instant of his term of office? Quite a few from this area have slaves and indentured servants in their family histories; I think they have a very good understanding of the costs of freedom.
Everyone in Washington DC must be having nightmares by now; President Hu will recognize a US government; he’s still going to deal directly with the most important individuals to his goals and interests as best suits the higher purpose and what will serve humanity as a species. The politicians will need to find someone willing to work like a team with other world leaders or they will follow China’s example and ignore him and thwart his plans by seducing US citizens and undermining the entire government’s authority altogether. How many generations would it take to have Socialist president in the White House, I wonder, since Washington State will benefit directly from trade with the Pacific Rim Nations in a very real way first? Do you think President Hu is unfamiliar with poverty stricken areas of a nation’s population; he knows about government corruption and many different kinds of poverty too. Yes, I trust President Hu to see an opportunity to make trade agreements with Native American Nations individually from those he makes with other nations and his first step is repairing his spiritual relationship with his own blood-related peoples where ever they may live on the globe now. I believe President Hu sees “blood-related” as those having Chinese and Asian genetic code markers and he’s obviously pleased with Mr. Gates’ steadfastness as an influential world leader himself. I know that I have nothing whatever to do with anything any kind of leader might do, yet I fantasize that one of my enthusiastic emails or perhaps a strange word of mouth somehow inspired exactly the correct chain of events to tip the scales back in Humanity’s favor.
In December, I sent an ecard to Ellen DeGeneres at her public email address through her site from showing girls in party dresses and a link to a news story announcing China’s Lunar aspirations. I sent a respectful email to the makers of a Chinese manufactured menopause remedy to let them know (if they were interested at all) that I noticed unexpected changes in my cycles and other females in my environment and I was likely imagining things, however, I appreciated how very well their products worked for me when nothing else did. I accidentally mildly offended one of the Chinese business leaders in my community because I happened to be the one to tell her that China plans to go to the Moon by the year 2017 and that they had people in space October 05 while she reads two Chinese and one Chinese-American newspaper every day and she’d heard of no such thing. I can imagine she inquired through her own sources after I purchased the menopause medications she recommended and that if the President or even the Emperor of China needed inspiration from God it wouldn’t need to come from my lips directly at all; I could just put my enthusiasm into the Universe and thank God I’m not nearly His only Tool. I think the Bush Administration is more replaced than it realizes. The earth is moving right along whether the citizens of this country control their government or not; don't mind me, I just report what I see.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 19:08 PDT
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