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Au Contraire Speaks
Thursday, 11 May 2006
The Power of Correct Action
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Words of Wisdom
Yes, I’ve cooled my relationships with all the people in my life who seem to only speak to me when they think they need some words from me to face some “lifestyle” challenge without acting themselves.
I read an agreeable essay on the power of words the day before yesterday by the author of one of the discussion groups because he sent me a “Green Star.” My first impression is that he’s innocently evil; which I mean to suggest that he serves Evil’s purposes extremely well without knowing it or likely intending it. It’s an excellent essay except none can argue with it; it doesn’t promote creative thinking or discussion or problem solving because it satisfies the reader with the truth with which one can only agree. Yet, it serves Evil’s purposes perfectly because it doesn’t actually give the key to unlocking the power of one’s words; the essay assumes that by having faith and speaking clearly the reader will know everything each needs to know to unleash the sincerely tremendous power of one’s words. That is one of the evils of vanity; the author wants agreement and “witness” rather than the opportunity to communicate and brainstorm and invent the tools we need to keep our words after we speak them the first time.
Yes, words are extremely powerful, especially when a mind is unconscious or semi-conscious and it certainly does take a great deal of “faith” or “intention” to use one’s words wisely; yet even the miracle of a single encouraging word cannot exist in the Universe without the correct actions and responses and actual interaction between those speaking.
There’s no mention of tone of voice or gesture which are the minimum actions required to impart the speaker’s meanings to those specific words. I can see how those things might seem like general knowledge, however, it’s a disservice to place so much emphasis on a partial truth so that it seems like that part is enough for everyone reading and anything left unmentioned is permissible to ignore.
My suggestion is to quit thinking other people listen to you because your words are important to them; your words are only as important as your actions behind them make them and then it takes consistent actions over a long period of time to prove your words and show others you meant them the first time you spoke.
Folks haven’t treated me well since I’ve told them they’ve got to get out of their chairs and do something besides bitch about what I or someone else needs to do to make their miserable lives feel happier for them. Oh, but if I really loved them I would pamper them and protect them from making the same errors I made so they won’t need to do as much to have all their dreams fulfilled. Just as soon as I tell them the big secret and let them go find their “real” soul mate(s), and hurry up would I; they haven’t got all day. People don’t listen to a word I say unless they already knew the brutal truth and thought they might like to do something similar about it as I might in their shoes with their talents and resources. The reality is that we can say all the right words and believe we mean what we say utterly; but if we don’t practice our beliefs every waking moment how will our loved ones know how to respond when something outside of anyone’s control happens? As a writer, my words are only important to me and maybe one of the six people who read my blog, and the only real way my words have any power or influence with others is because I’ve worked my ass off for years both seeking and earning their trust on a deeper level than just because one of us said so and the other is supposed to “respect” that. I’m willing to suffer the consequences that expressing my words provokes in others and I don’t have the patience or motivation to pat others on the back for remembering the “universal” truths we’ve learned from television characters and someone else’s ideals of behavior.
It’s one comforting thing to focus on the positives and hope for the best; but unless you use all your strengths and talents every moment of the night and day to practice your beliefs and uphold your promises with **absolutely everyone** against all Evil and in spite of those who would rather lie down and die than follow your example, then regardless whether you are “good” or “evil” in the eyes of the rest of your society, you betray your own human spirit and prevent yourself from evolving by your own vanity to hear your own precious words echoing in the vast Universe where you left them and life moved on without you.
I’m a writer and there’s nothing more pleasing to me than the things I write for myself; however, as deep as my self-interest springs, I know that there are a million and a half people in my city who couldn’t care less about me if I slapped them in the face with a wet fish. I’m too old and damaged by past life threatening experiences to have much interest in what folks are “supposed” to do with their lives too; especially when the whole reason we lead “alternative” lifestyles from one another is because we cannot survive in this vast Universe any other way.
The murdering actions my elected government takes against women and children (regardless of their citizenship) is terrible, but there are zero “governments” that are without corruption so, while still inexcusable, it’s no more terrible than any other kind of predator that threatens a variety within its own species; my government is only one shark already born in its mother’s belly fighting for its survival. If our words are so powerful why aren’t our actions working? Because it takes more than self-esteem and just saying "No" to influence “evil” predators into living their lives differently. You are satisfied with the partial truth that we will all live happily just as soon as the rest of the world gets with the program and lives like you’re all told to live by government controlled “news” media and devised, fiction television programming.
Why does it take two or more “incomes” to support the average American family and who is expected to keep the parent’s “family values” for them while they’re away working double shifts and hustling clients and striking deals and things in the “real” world; the television and hired help? And then our government sends those motherless children to distant shores all fresh faced and eager to kill more women and children, oh and any man standing in their way too, because a bad man on the other side of the globe said some words and broke some promises and pissed old Daddy Bush off.
I know when my sister lies to me and there are times she can get away with it because I sincerely don’t need to know some things and it’s not worth mentioning for the misunderstanding it might cause. But it’s unkind of her to lie to me at all when she and I have years ago worked out “good” ways of not communicating the things we choose not to share of ourselves for whatever reasons. So, she’s one of the people I keep more at arm’s length recently because as much as I might love someone I can still only trust her words as far as I do her actions with me. My sister and I know each other well, and this is not nearly the “end” of our relationship from my perspective, however, it’s certainly true I’m taking a risk with my actions because it shows I’m taking the steps to ease out of her life altogether as I said would happen if she continued lying to me when she has every right to keep secrets with her husband or girlfriends or anyone else in her life if she pleased. Yes, it’s the principle of the matter, just don’t tell me the information at all and gently change the topic; what’s so difficult about respecting me as a person? If I tell my children I don’t tolerate lying well, but do nothing when someone I love lies to me (because I love them and want them to feel happy all the time); then all my words become lies to my children too. In that case, the only thing anyone learns from me is how I well I actually do tolerate lying and I’m not as interested in protecting myself (or anyone else) from the evils of dishonesty or any other evils in the world as I might believe.
And I distance myself from others for many reasons; but mainly because I’m already an invisible and forgotten crazy woman to them; until their shit hits the fan, then all of a sudden I’m the Bitch Mother of the Universe again and my wisdom is supreme and TSO was never so much fun… for about a week, till they hook up with old “Sims” and the drama cycle begins again. Yeah, y’all have fun with that; I’m happy with fucking myself in Sims1 if all I do in TSO is count poofers and waste simoleons screwing with my lots all alone anyway…DJs doing a half assed job when they show up at all after too many headaches to schedule the “party” for international Sim-friends … Yes, I want to play with my friends very much differently than that and no one needs to agree; just don’t expect me to give you more trust than you’ve earned or go out of my way to be available to your needs while I remain your “Genie in a bottle” kind of friend.
I believe the “power of words” is an evil illusion intended to keep the slaves of our society in their humble places, invisible and without thought of escape because they believe they are doing all that they can do to improve their lives. And what actions are recommended, you might ask? We’re told our most effective actions are to petition elected officials (who somehow never receive their messages) and vote for ones we most agree during the vicious frenzy that is Election Year just about the time we think we can recover from the last one and which means utterly zero since the Electoral College elects the President, not the popular vote…ever. So, really, those actions are already seducing us into anything except the Truth, which seems pretty Evil to me, wouldn’t you say? And the Evil grows from there because the next step, when enough of our government’s slaves feel dissatisfied and frustrated to the verge of violence, what are we prompted to do then? Yes, we’re told to “peacefully demonstrate” in the city streets…but only if someone has a permit and there’s a lot of armed riot control police handy…otherwise, if someone feels frustrated to the verge of violence but chooses to express oneself in words to the ones in real power instead, the government can step into any neighborhood they choose and persecute the shit out of her and her family and terrorize everyone else while they’re at it too.
We were taught “ritual” and “sacrifice” and “consent” for very good purposes and we can argue the meanings of those words till the day we die and we’d have served Evil perfectly. There are many things in life that require specific actions along with the plans and the will to succeed and “ritual” has taught us that. There are many times in life where the consequences of ones actions feel uncomfortable but to “sacrifice” a little more of oneself, whether one is ignored or appreciated in the meantime, to provide the whole truth or an opportunity to someone else is what actually empowers ones words. Yet, even with your most Holy Words and sincerest devotions and an entire lifetime of sacrifice in the name of your God(s), Evil feeds on your fear and frustration and urges you to look forward to something “greater” when your body finally sets you free from the temptations of the world where you can find peace and rest at last; and then you lock your “old enough” child in the house with the television for two hours before getting off to school across town with the neighbor kids and come home to a disaster area and you’re lucky anyone remembers to pray through all the rest of the things we’re all expected to do as “good” adults in this society. Which brings us to what we’re missing along with being led to taking ineffective actions; consent.
The powerful words like “prayer” and “promise” which are more action (if correctly accomplished) than simply motivated things to say, cannot possibly have any influence in the physical universe without at least one other being consciously consenting and acting toward those goals oppositely to you. You will only find Truth or defeat Evil or whatever your ultimate goal by using your every talent and skill and power of persuasion to fully solve a situation from absolutely every perspective. If even a little part is ignored without mention then there’s enough evil in your life to thwart your best laid plans and your highest hopes no matter how long you live and “earn” your Afterlife rewards. For example, my willingness to “sacrifice” friendships and relationships in my life which prove more harmful than neutral (if not actually allied) to my most basic human needs in life means that I might feel unhappy for myself right now but my life is improved in the long run because I am now freed to invest my energies and work my ass off with folks who not only consented to treat me respectfully whatever our relationship, but whom will also, by their very presence in my life, influence me and provide an opportunity for us to further evolve and give me a chance to love others as they each were created by God and the Universe to be loved whatever evil befalls us or enslaves us in life.
I think taking different actions like arresting some congress people and let Justice plow forward from there (rather than marching in the streets and petitioning the criminals to change their corrupt ways) might be more effective than all the praying and mutual encouragement seems to do. What do we need to do as a society to hold our government to its highest ideals and preserve the women and children of this generation if my generation is truly lost? If I knew what that was I would have done that instead of writing and getting my brains beat in for expressing my words without proper “visibility” or permit to act; however I will continue to write and ask questions because I’m promised that if I unite with others of my kind and take calculated risks and persevere in showing my best example in every situation I face, the human species will evolve and survive the next big shit to hit our cosmic fan whomever is to be blamed for it later, if we’re not all extinct first.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 18:34 PDT
Updated: Thursday, 11 May 2006 18:47 PDT
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