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Au Contraire Speaks
Saturday, 20 May 2006
I told you so...
Mood:  bright
Topic: Dear Diary
I’m one of the few folks I know who actually listened to the president’s special address to the nation last Monday, I think it was. Then I searched for two days on the internet for a transcript till a friend of mine found it in Boston for me: .

I know I’d listened carefully when I saw the president’s address on the television at my friend’s house; but I’d sat in shock for part of the time and I wanted to be sure I understood the points clearly.
Now that I’ve had a chance to read through it a few times, all I can think is how excited I am that things are turning ugly just at the time I told you all they would. I bounced in my chair like a little kid talking to my friends and discovered (so far) none of them even watched the speech the first time, several told me they changed the channel as soon as they saw the president’s face. I feel a little deflated now, but I won’t let that prevent me from saying, “I told you so.”
I did too tell you so; I began talking “crazy” last November and haven’t stopped yet. And there are a few folks in this world who know nearly as much as I do about my visions and feelings; I told them more so I can point to them and demand they make me visible in their lives again; but I won’t. I just feel so…right, I can hardly stand myself, but, of course, I’ll survive my arrogance, I’m sure. If those few thought I was terribly wrong they would have ignored me altogether rather than seeing the signs and taking actions on their own plans “B” and generally listening to their gut instincts as I recommended. However, there are simply times when the world seems like a place where it is better I’m in ignorance and invisibility from some of my closest friends; for their protection, I’m told. So, I won’t demand or even hope for a thing from my friends; I feel I’m beyond virtually everyone’s reach. It’s exciting really, even the negative aspects of life are fitting into place along with everything else visible and invisible in the physical realm too; I’m more clear than ever of my place in this Universe, if not actually how well I will wind up playing my role in the closing act.
What I can tell you now, smack in the middle of our final dress rehearsal before the big opening night, is that we have already died in the reviews and our performance couldn’t suck harder if we kahooted together and sand-sacked the fat lady ourselves. Except, how many “final dress rehearsals” do we mere humans actually get in life? As a species and as individual humans, we get only one; and I believe Christ might feel that his “performance” seemed a lot like the real thing to him; not that I’m suddenly Christian or anything, just putting myself in his perspective for a brief moment. If that’s true and life has been rolling right along at least the past two thousand years minimum, then I can see how the Bab and Badi and any martyred since Christ might feel frustrated with humanity’s conditioning to kill everything that thinks we could grow in a positive direction if we only put a little effort into acting kindly to everyone, not only the rare few who love us for our truest persons. I can tell you from experience, your actions make a difference whether you’re invisible or living on the fringes or altogether dead and responding to stimulus in the environment. Your actions build up over time and practice until even you don’t know what’s real or what sheer playacting is; in either your own mind or the world around you without sincere focus and determination.
One friend I talked to about the president’s special address told me he doesn’t pay attention because Bush will be out of office eventually and the new guy gets to deal with the mess. He kept asking me to just tell him what the “evil plan” was and what to do about it and he’ll go do that and I can stop nagging him to wake up and pay attention to all these ugly details he would rather pretend exists for those who deserve it and none others. And I’d love to save him and the rest of the world from Evil, but I can see why Evil might feel he has been given dominion of the Earth Herself by God -- it has already been Written (in the blood of the Martyrs) for a few centuries now; who slipped in like a thief in the night and ruined your life? So, you’re going to respond like you see in the new Fabio commercial and let the Evil One suck the life out of your women and seduce her too and just stand there in shock he’d be so brazen in your kitchen? Put your goodies down, take your woman by the hair, run to the neighbor’s and call the police; there’s a fucking vampire in your home; have the bastard arrested! It doesn’t matter that he got your wife to invite him in; he’s Evil and you’re protected by God until you are big enough to handle him yourself for a reason. If you forget God’s first rule and invite Evil in you can’t expect him to act like a civilized guest; Evil is still Evil and will prey upon you by invitation just as easily as without it.
Go to the link and read the “evil plan” from Bush’s lips yourself, you might have no choice but be led around by the nose right now, but you’re expected to know how to fend for yourself in the big bad world when you’re liberated; you might want to start preparing “for real” now. You’re late because you let Evil waste your time with nonsense, and your kids are coming home from school even as you stand there thinking you feel shocked and Evil is all in your imagination like the monsters under your children’s beds.
And what can you do about the “evil plan,” you might (again) ask? Don’t worry about it, if you can’t stick with God’s commands which have been written in stone for you to remember, then what makes you think you will do anything whether living or dead except serve Evil perfectly? If your actions speak louder than words and you’re not bothering to pay attention to your only direct source of information then what are you attempting to tell me?
I just laugh because I see myself like in a cartoon, “Never fear, Underdog is here!” Grow up people, God has answered your pleas and your prayers and tells you the absolute whole truth whether you ask for it or not. Evil was controlled by the Laws of God to also tell the Truth so that humanity could possess the power of Free Will and Consent to do either God’s or Evil’s will as the individual chose. However, humans don’t listen well and they believed Evil could lie like they did (but only to protect others, for their own goods) and taught Evil no one wanted to hear the whole truth and that gave Evil the power to simply sit back and let folks bash their brains in attempting to piece the Truth together from race memory and ash. Meanwhile, Evil’s prime minions like many in the Bush Administration are plowing forward full steam ahead and millions of people believe that monkey-puppet president is the second coming of God on Earth.
Well, I know it’s a tough pickle, but that’s why we have scientists and political critics and folks who have been doing the best they can with their government resources too, they claim. Follow God’s commandments and abide in His Laws…that’s all you need to do to protect yourself from Evil. If you want to actually defeat Evil and live in any kind of peace you will need to get up and work your ass off and risk your life and loved ones too. This is the real thing and you don’t have to be on stage, in fact, there’s not enough room up here for anyone who didn’t study and audition for even the smallest role in the first place, just go home to bed and snore if you’re only going to sleep through the exciting parts anyway.
I have better things to do with my time, like warning my friends (with smoke signals if I must) that the new immigration policies will legalize the centuries old and established slave trade routes into the arms of eager (predominantly white, Christian) “American” men… so, whose borders and young, brown women are going to be “encouraged” to live in their nation of birth and “work” on our city streets? Wake up, peoples; you’re already enslaved. Wet dreams to you, you should probably save your strength if you’ve nothing else to do at the moment. You can’t say I didn’t warn you and this is just the beginning of ugly…the things I saw in the glimpses I have pieced back together from my non-consensual electroshock therapy…ugly through and through.

Posted by Mz Au Contraire(MV) at 10:21 PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 12:11 PDT
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