Learning Discoveries Rosemary Boon Registered Psychologist M.A.(Psych), Grad. Dip. Ed. Studies (Sch.Counsel), Grad. Dip. Ed., B.Sc., MAPS |
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A must attend for all teachers and professionals working with children and adults with learning difficulties!
Next Course Details - click the above link for more information
Courses are held over 10 days excluding weekends
9 am-5 p.m. (Monday-Friday)VENUE:
3 Cambridge Street, Harris Park, NSW 2150
For over 20 years Rosemary Boon has been one of the most prominent psychologists dealing with learning difficulties and associated disorders. She is one of the professions' most sought after speakers, having addressed workshops and conferences in the United Kingdom and nationally.
Her methods are wholistic in approach and her teaching abilities are unparalleled.
A range of workshops designed for education and health professionals, students and parents include:
Conducted at the beginning of Year 11 to encourage better study habits and includes essay writing and diet and nutrition. Schools are advised to book early for this course as Term 1 is usually a popular time with most schools.
For education and health professionals
This seminar is designed for staff development days and covers the following topics:
Recognition of learning disabilities and ADHD; aeitology and incidence; multimodal assessment model and current tools; multimodal strategies for teachers and parents (classroom adaptations, home routines); remediating learning difficulties; drug-free interventions including diet and nutrition, neurofeedback, sound therapy, primitive reflexes).
For Learning Difficulties Support Groups/Conferences
Two hour talks on any of the following topics: ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Neurofeedback, SAMONAS Sound Therapy; Primitive Reflexes.
The relaxation and stress management classes are about crisis control – methods of restoring your sense of well being when things go wrong. Techniques to provide instant relief from tension and anxiety to help you cope better with everyday problems
This six week course is conducted on Tuesday nights from 7-9 pm.
The parenting classes are about understanding, coping and dealing with problems associated with children today. Learn to appeal to the child’s higher self and work toward harmony and a better life for yourself and your child.
For further information/bookings for workshops please contact:-
Rosemary Boon, Psychologist
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