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Letters to Bill Gates
by Andrei Vartic

“More information - less correct decisions”

A. Vartic says:
Endow IHW -Information High Way with DHW - Decisions High Way

Bill Gates said:
"A computer on every desk in every home"

A. Vartic says:
Every Building make a shadow that influence the people who live in the Building

Bill Gates said:
"A document should be like a movie or like a song"

A. Vartic says:
A powerful memory can be only if the forgetfulness is the same powerful

Bill Gates said:
"The Internet will change education as fundamentally as it changed with printed books."

© Copyright 2002-2009
Other resources: Letters to Bill Gates | Basarabia Virtual Art Gallery | The Mystery of the Ezerovo Ring | Dacia and Dacians | Basarabia | Anothersite | Geometrical Revolution | Ancient | Dava International | Andrei Vartic Books |

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Letters to Bill Gates
The First
The Second
The Third
The Fourth