Squashpicker's Produce



3.08.02 Second semester has been tougher than first, but I'm hanging in and still loving college. Still keeping up the webpage for Women in Science, and now that we have webspace, Isuru and i are working on a site for the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Club. And, while i'm linking things, check my plan for more frequent updates. Big news for now: I'll be here at Amherst for the summer doing Biology research with Prof. Poccia on sperm. Jewsusalia and The Hilarious Memoirs of Trey and Rachel coming later, probably this summer. email me with suggestions/comments/declarations of love/death threats/random thoughts on life.

Recipes - cooking is fun! especially when chocolate and a friend are involved.
Essays - original works and submissions from others for your leisure or research
Poems- a mix of original, well-known, and submissions. submit to me! your poems, that is. :)
Birding - one of my hobbies...info and links that will teach you how to identify those tricky not-robins
Travel - the nifty places i've been and would like to go
Duke a chronicle of meaningful summer adventures, still in progress
Amherst - A newly created page of pictures of my life at college

****Special Feature****

(look for a new and exciting special feature at random intervals! And don't worry about missing them...visit the Special Features Archive to find Special Features of the past, listed by date.

Posted 03.08.02
Sacred Harp Shape-Note Music!

Hear some of my faves:

Religion is a Fortune


I'm on my Journey Home <bgsound src="journeyhome.mp3">

And for your meditation, a mandala. (no, it's not a manhole cover. it's a mandala)
man·da·la (mnd-l) n. Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe, used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation.
[Sanskrit maalam, circle, perhaps from Tamil mualai, ball.]

nifty sites:

Simon and Garfunkel Homepage - one of the more thorough pages i've found
The Hunger Site - Let the corporate sponsors feed the starving
Bel Air High School FBLA (|\|3//0r3'5 5uP4=l33t 5|t3)

helpful sites:

what's news?
are you sure that's what you meant to say?
when will it snow?
Google, search engine of the gods

Personal Homepages

Ravenscraft's Abode
Justin's site - yeah Hawai'i :)
David's site (Brown 201 lives!)
the guy who gave me this silly, time-consuming idea...Abhinav
Becki's site, with links to other school friends' sites

Email: respeer@amherst.edu
AIM screen name: squashpicker

Eyes...windows or mirrors?