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Polish Residents in Scotland


A Statistical  Sourcebook based on the Census of Scotland 1861-2001


Edited by

Jim Lipka




Section 3 - Occupational Distribution of Poles in Scotland
Part 4: 1951-1961




Polish Born Aliens in Scotland, Occupational Distribution 1951

  Male Female
  Employed 7610 (95%) 399 (35%)
  Not employed 373 (5%) 726 (65%)
  Occupational Group Male Female
1 Fishermen 38 0
2 Agriculture, horticulture and forestry 1408 8
  farmers, farm managers 54 0
  market gardens, nurserymen, seedmen, flower growers 25 0
  other gardeners 69 0
  tending cattle, dairying 90 3
  in charge of horses 38 0
  other agricultural workers 945 2
  agricultural machinery owners, supervisors, operators 50 0
  other ancillary agricultural occupations 5 0
  foresters and woodmen 119 0
3 Mining and quarrying 1229 0
  overmen, deputies, examiners, foremen, etc. 1 0
  coal cutting and power loading machine men 219 0
  hewers and getters by hand and powered hand tools 150 0
  conveying material to shaft 112 0
  developing underground workings in rock 425 0
  repairing and maintaining roads 67 0
  other workers below ground 67 0
  other workers above ground 33 0
  other mines, quarries, workings, brine and oil wells 152 0
4 Treatment on non-metalliferrous mining products 48 0
5 Coal ,gas, coke, chemicals and allied trades 20 0
6 Metal manufacture, engineering, and allied trades 740 0
  foremen, overlookers 5 0
  furnacemen (not annealing or foundry) 1 0
  rolling and tube mill workers, wire drawers 3 0
  foundry workers (not pattern makers) 83 0
  smiths, forgemen 37 0
  coppersmiths, sheet metal workers, metal spinners 13 0
  platers, riveters, shipwrights 12 0
  metal machinists 21 0
  fitters, machine erectors 223 0
  metal finishers 15 0
  plumbers, pipe fitters, etc. 27 0
  vehicle makers and repairers (nes) 3 0
  watch, clock and scientific instrument makers (nes) 113 0
  workers in precious metals, gem setters 2 0
  electrical apparatus makers and fitters, electricians 91 0
  inspectors viewers, testers 8 0
  other skilled workers 83 0
7 Textiles 315 66
  carders, combers, skilled preparing room workers 0 6
  spinners, piercers 78 6
  winders, reelers 0 22
  weavers (not carpets) 63 9
  hosiery frame tenters and knitters 0 6
  lookers, examiners, burlers, menders 0 7
  other workers in bleaching, dying, finishing 0 4
8 Tanners, leather goods, fur dressers 114 1
  boot and shoe makers, repairers (not factory) 61 0
9 Textile goods , articles of dress 226 56
  tailors 153 11
  dressmakers and other light clothing 0 26
  machinists 0 7
  upholsterers, coach trimmers, etc 33 0
10 Makers of food,  drink, tobacco 84 3
  bakers and pastry cooks 43 0
11 Workers in wood, cane, cork 145 0
  cabinet makers 48 0
  carpenters, joiners 43 0
  sewers, wood turners, wood cutting machinists 29 0
12 Paper and paperboard, bookbinding, printing 35 0
13 Makers of products not specified elsewhere 91 0
14 Workers in building and construction 608 0
  foremen, gangers 4 0
  builders' labourers 105 0
  bricklayers 19 0
  bricklayers' labourers 21 0
  platelayers 6 0
  other workers mainly navvies 391 0
15 Painters and decorators 49 0
16 Administrators, directors, managers (nse) 18 3
  engineering and allied trades 2 0
  production of textiles and leather goods 7 0
  other industrial undertakings 6 0
17 Workers in transport and communications 195 2
  porters including lampmen 9 0
  drivers of busses and coaches 4 0
  drivers of other passenger vehicles 16 0
  drivers of goods vehicles 73 0
  bus and tram conductors 2 2
  navigating officers and pilots 2 0
  engineering officers, electricians, on ships, boats, etc. 4 0
  petty officers, seamen, deckhands 18 0
  firemen, trimmers, greasers, donkeymen 6 0
  pursers, stewards and domestic staff 9 0
  dock labourers 6 0
18 Commerce, finance, insurance (not clerical) 197 14
  proprietors, managers of wholesale businesses 7 0
  commercial travellers, canvassers (not insurance) 18 0
  proprietors managers of retail businesses
  grocery, provisions 7 0
  confectionary, tobacco, newspapers 9 0
  general and mixed business 7 0
  other non-food goods 33 0
  salesmen, shop assistants
  grocery, provisions 6 2
  meat 19 2
  other non-food goods 19 3
  costermongers and other hawkers 11 0
19 Professional and technical (excluding clerical) 250 46
  Roman Catholic priests, monks, nuns, etc. 5 0
  physicians, surgeons, registered medical practitioners 22 4
  trained nurses, midwives 36 18
  assistant nurses 0 3
  student nurses 0 5
  other teachers 32 9
  civil, structural, municipal engineers 9 0
  mechanical engineers 7 0
  draughtsmen 25 0
  qualified accountants 2 0
20 Defence services 33 0
  army - commissioned officers 20 0
  army - other ranks 5 0
  air force - other ranks 3 0
  police - other ranks 1 0
  watchmen 2 0
21 Professional entertainers, sportsmen 15 0
22 Personal service, institutions, clubs, hotels  647 154
  proprietors and managers of restaurants 23 2
  lodging and boarding house keepers 0 9
  proprietors and managers of hotels 12 1
  bar staff 15 1
  waiters, waitresses, still room hands 68 3
  restaurant or refreshment room counter hands 0 1
  matrons (not hospital), stewardesses 0 1
  hospital ward orderlies, attendants 56 4
  barbers, hairdressers, manicurists 39
  charwomen, office cleaners 0 2
  laundry workers 0 17
  chefs, cooks 166 24
  kitchen hands 71 7
  chambermaids, house or parlour maids 0 35
  other domestic servants (indoor) 36 35
  others in personal service 31 4
23 Clerks, typists, etc 90 11
  clerks, clerkesses 50 3
  shorthand typists, secretaries  0 4
  typists 0 4
  costing and accounting clerks, book-keepers 38 0
24 Warehousemen, storekeepers, packers, bottlers 74 3
  warehousemen 6 0
  store keepers 24 0
25 Stationary engine drivers, cranes, tractors, stokers 100 1
  crane drivers 18 0
  drivers of civil engineering plant 28 0
  slingers and riggers 4 0
  boiler firemen and stokers 29 0
26 Unskilled occupations (nse) 838 21
  machine minders in engineering and allied trades 14 0
  making of bricks, tiles, pottery 117 0
  chemical and allied trades 26 0
  coke ovens and gas works 14 0
  metal working, engineering, electrical and allied trades 158 0
  textiles (not textile goods) 60 0
27 Other and undefined workers 3 9
28 Retired or not gainfully employed 373 726
  students in educational institutions 182 29
  occupation outside the United Kingdom 21 0
  retired from previous gainful employment 92 8
  no gainful employment stated 78 689

1951 Census of Scotland: Vol. 4, Table 11





Polish Born Aliens in Scotland
Occupational Distribution Compared with Total Scottish Workforce,1951


    Males   Females  
  Order All Poles All Poles
  0% 0% 0% 0%
1 Fishermen 0.65 0.50 0.00 0.00
2 Agriculture, horticulture and forestry 9.10 18.50 2.10 2.01
3 Mining and quarrying 5.30 16.10 0.05 0.00
4 Treatment of non-metalliferous mining products 0.30 0.65 0.20 0.00
5 Coal ,gas, coke, chemicals and allied trades 0.55 0.25 0.35 0.00
6 Metal manufacture, engineering, allied trades 16.20 9.70 1.50 0.00
7 Textiles 1.40 4.15 7.80 16.58
8 Tanners, leather goods, fur dressers 0.55 1.50 0.35 0.25
9 Textile goods , articles of dress 0.65 3.00 5.40 14.07
10 Makers of food,  drink, tobacco 1.65 1.10 1.90 0.75
11 Workers in wood, cane, cork 3.70 1.90 0.20 0.00
12 Paper and paperboard, bookbinding, printing 1.05 0.45 1.75 0.00
13 Makers of products not specified elsewhere 0.55 1.20 0.45 0.00
14 Workers in building and construction 6.40 8.00 0.05 0.00
15 Painters and decorators 1.75 0.65 0.30 0.00
16 Administrators, directors, managers (nse) 1.90 0.25 0.40 0.75
17 Workers in transport and communications 10.40 2.50 2.70 0.50
18 Occupations in commerce, finance, insurance 8.80 2.60 14.35 3.52
19 Professional and technical (excluding clerical) 4.70 3.30 9.45 11.56
20 Defence services 3.25 0.45 0.25 0.00
21 Professional entertainers, sportsmen 0.50 0.20 0.20 0.00
22 Personal service occupations 2.90 8.50 21.20 38.69
23 Clerks, typists, etc 4.40 1.20 20.20 2.76
24 Warehousemen, storekeepers, packers, bottlers 1.95 1.00 2.55 0.75
25 Stationary engine drivers, cranes, tractors, stokers 1.85 1.30 0.05 0.25
26 Unskilled occupations (nse) 8.40 11.00 5.35 5.28
27 Other and undefined workers 1.15 0.05 0.90 2.26

1951 Census of Scotland: Vol. 4, Table 11 - Polish aliens
1951 Census of Scotland: Vol. 4, Table 16 - total workforce






Occupational Distribution of Polish  Born Residents in Scotland, 1961 (10% sample)

  Order Male Female
1 Farming, Forestry, Fishing 33 0
2 Mining, Quarrying 86 0
3 Gas Coke, Chemicals 7 0
4 Glass, Ceramics 11 0
5 Furnaces, Forges, Foundries, Rolling Mills 6 0
6 Electric & Electronics 13 0
7 Engineering & Allied Trades  58 1
8 Wood Workers 10 0
9 Leather Workers 11 1
10 Textiles 27 4
11 Clothing 12 4
12 Food, Drink, Tobacco 12 1
13 Paper & Printing 2 0
14 Other Products  5 3
15 Construction 19 0
16 Painting & Decorating 7 0
17 Drivers of Stationary Engines 11 0
18 Labourers  51 0
19 Transport & Communications 29 0
20 Warehouses, Stores, Packing, Bottling 11 0
21 Clerical Work 5 3
22 Sales 35 4
23 Services, Sport, Recreation 59 7
24 Administration & Management 7 0
25 Professional, Technical, Artistic 30 5
26 Armed Forces 0 0
27 Inadequately Described 3 0

1961 Census of Scotland: Vol. 6 - Part 1, Table 30





Occupational Distribution of Polish Born Males with UK Nationality
and Polish Born Males of Alien Nationality - 1961 (10% sample)

    UK Poles Alien Poles
  Order % %
1 Farming , Forestry, Fishing 3.4 7.5
2 Mining, Quarrying 15.3 15.5
3 Gas Coke, Chemicals 1.9 0.9
4 Glass, Ceramics 1.5 2.3
5 Furnaces, Foundries, Steel 1.5 0.9
6 Electric & Electronics 3.4 1.2
7 Engineering & Allied Trades  9.1 11.2
8 Wood Workers 2.9 1.2
9 Leather Workers 2.9 1.5
10 Textiles 4.3 5.2
11 Clothing 1.9 2.3
12 Food, Drink, Tobacco 0.5 3.2
13 Paper & Printing 0.0 0.6
14 Other Products 0.0 1.5
15 Construction 1.5 4.6
16 Painting & Decorating 2.4 0.6
17 Drivers of Stationary Engines 3.4 1.2
18 Labourers 4.3 12.0
19 Transport & Communications 6.2 4.6
20 Warehouses, Stores, Packing, Bottling 3.4 1.2
21 Clerical Work 1.0 0.9
22 Sales 9.1 4.6
23 Services, Sport, Recreation 8.2 12.0
24 Administration & Management 2.9 0.3
25 Professional, Technical, Artistic 9.1 3.2
26 Armed Forces 0.0 0.0
27 Inadequately Described 0.5 0.5

1961 Census of Scotland: Vol. 6 - Part 1, Table 30





Industrial Distribution of Polish Born Males with UK Nationality
and Polish Born Males of Alien Nationality - 1961 (10% sample)

  Industry UK Nat Aliens
I Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 8 26
001 agriculture and horticulture 5 19
002 forestry   6
003 fishing 1  
004 land and estate management 2 1
II Mining and Quarrying 36 48
101 coal mining 35 44
102 stone and slate quarrying and mining   2
103 chalk, clay, sand and gravel extraction   2
109 other mining and quarrying 1  
III Food Drink and Tobacco 2 13
211 grain milling   1
212 bread and flour confectionary 2 3
213 biscuits   2
214 bacon curing, meat and fish products   1
219 animal and poultry foods   1
231 brewing and malting   5
IV Chemicals and Allied Industries 2 7
262 mineral oil refining 2 1
271 chemicals and dyes   5
272 pharmaceutical and toilet preparations   1
273 explosives and fireworks 1  
V Metal Manufacture 3 3
311 iron and steel   1
313 iron castings , &c. 3 2
VI Engineering and Electrical Goods 8 19
331 agricultural machinery 1 1
333 engineers' small tools and gauges 1  
335 textile machinery and accessories   1
336 contractors' plant and quarrying equipment   1
338 office machinery 2 3
339 other machinery 2 4
349 other mechanical engineering 1 1
351 scientific, surgical and photographic instruments   1
352 watches and clocks   1
361 electrical machinery   1
364 radio and other electrical apparatus   1
365 domestic electrical appliances   2
369 other domestic goods 1 2
VII Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering 3 1
370 shipbuilding and marine engineering 3 1
VIII Vehicles 3 1
381 motor vehicle manufacturing 3  
389 railway carriages, wagons, trams   1
IX Metal Goods (not elsewhere specified) 2 8
394 wire and wire manufactures   1
399 metal industries (n.e.s.) 2 7
X Textiles 13 24
412 spinning & doubling of cotton, flax, man made fibres 1 1
413 weaving of cotton, flax, manmade fibres 2 2
414 woolens and worsteds 2 5
415 jute 3 10
416 rope, twine and net   1
417 hosiery and other knitted goods 2  
419 carpets 1 2
423 textile finishing 1 2
429 other textile industries 1 1
XI Leather, Leather Goods and Fur 3 2
432 leather goods 3 2
XII Clothing and Footware 2 3
442 men's and boys' tailored outwear 1 1
443 women's and girls tailored outwear   2
445 dresses, lingerie, infants wear, &c 1  
XIII Bricks, Pottery, Glass, Cement, &c. 4 10
461 bricks, fireclay, refractory goods 1 8
462 pottery   2
463 glass 3  
XIV Timber, Furniture, &c. 8 7
471 timber 4 2
472 furniture and upholstery 3 4
473 bedding   1
479 miscellaneous wood and cork manufacture 1  
XV Paper, Printing and Publishing 6 4
481 paper and board 4 3
483 manufacture of paper and board n.s.e. 1  
489 other printing, publishing, bookbinding, engraving &c. 1 1
XVI Other Manufacturing Industries 2 12
491 rubber 1 2
492 linoleum, leather cloth, &c.   9
493 brushes and brooms 1  
494 toys, games and sports equipment   1
XVII Construction 19 36
500 construction    
XVIII Gas, Electricity and Water   4
601 Gas   2
602 Electricity   2
XIX Transport and Communication 14 8
701 railways 7 6
702 road passenger transport 5 1
703 road haulage contracting   1
705 port and inland water transport 1  
707 postal services and telecommunications 1  
XX Distributive Trades 27 25
810 wholesale distribution 5  
820 retail distribution 22 23
832 dealing other industrial goods and machinery   2
XXI Insurance Banking and Finance    
XXII Professional and Scientific Services 15 8
872 educational services 7 1
874 medical and dental services 7 5
875 religious organisations 1 1
879 other professional and scientific services   1
XXIII Miscellaneous Services 24 55
881 cinemas, theatre, radio &c.   1
882 sport and other recreations   1
884 catering, hotels, &c. 8 19
885 laundries 1 9
886 dry cleaning, job dying, carpet beating, &c. 1 2
887 motor repairers, distributors, garages and filling stations 6 8
889 repair of boots and shoes 3 3
889 hairdressing and manicure 3 4
891 private domestic service 1 1
899 other services 1 7
XXIV Public Administration and Defence 1 3
906 local government service 1 3
  Inadequately Described   1
  Place of Work Outside UK   2

1961 Census of Scotland: Vol. 6 - Part 2, Table 11, pp. 120-125.







Section 1 -  Regional Distribution of Poles in Scotland

Part 1: 1871 - 1931

Part 2: 1951 - 2001


Section 2 - Age and Marital Status of Poles in Scotland



Section 3 - Occupational Distribution of Poles in Scotland

Part 1: 1881 - 1891

Part 2: 1901 - 1911

Part 3: 1921 - 1931

Part 4: 1951 - 1961