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Polish Residents in Scotland


A Statistical  Sourcebook based on the Census of Scotland 1861-2001


Edited by

Jim Lipka




Section 3 - Occupational Distribution of Poles in Scotland
Part 2: 1901-1911




Occupations of Russian Foreigners (including Russian Poles), 1901.

  Orders Male Female
1 General or Local Government 0 0
2 Defence of the Country 0 0
3 Professional Occupations 56 14
4 Domestic Offices or Services 1 62
5 Commercial Occupations 221 11
6 Conveyance of Men, Goods, Messages 221 13
7 Agriculture 4 0
8 Fishing 1 0
9 Mining & Quarrying; Dealing in the Products 1164 0
10 Metals, Machines, Implements & Conveyances 750 0
11 Precious Metals, Jewels, Watches, Instruments 48 2
12 Building & construction 167 0
13 Wood, Furniture, Decorations 214 1
14 Brick, Cement, Pottery, Glass 35 0
15 Chemicals, Oil, Grease, Soap, etc. 64 8
16 Skin, Leather, Hair, Feathers 18 2
17 Paper, Printing, Books, Stationary 20 4
18 Textile Fabrics 60 31
19 Dress 624 231
20 Food, Tobacco, Drink, Lodging 373 175
21 Gas, Water, Electricity, Sewage 1 0
22 General & Undefined Workers & Dealers 413 26
23 No Specified Occupation 474 2100

1901 Census of Scotland: Occupations of Foreigners in Scotland, p. 762.




Occupations of Polish Foreigners in Scotland, 1911.

  Orders Male Female
1 General or Local Government
2 Defence of the Country
3 Professional Occupations and their Subordinate Services
  Ministers, Clergymen, Priests, &c 4
  Nuns, Sisters of Charity 1
  Midwives, Sick Nurses, &c 1
  Others in Medical Service 1
  Schoolmasters, Teachers, Professors, Lecturers 4
  Photographers 1
  Musicians, Music Masters, Singers (not Street) 1
  Art, Music, Theatre - Service 1
4 Domestic Offices or Services
  Domestic Indoor Servants 30
  College, Club, Institution - Service 1
  Charwoman 1
  Laundry Workers, Manglers, &c 1
5 Commercial Occupations
  Commercial Travellers 43 2
  Auctioneers, Appraisers, Valuers, House Agents, Brokers 4
  Officers of Commercial Guilds, Societies &c 2
  Commercial or Business Clerks 2 1
6 Conveyance of Men, Goods, Messages
  Merchant Seamen - Navigating 3
  Merchant Seamen - Engineering 1
  Messengers, Porters, Watchmen (not Railway or Governement0 1
7 Agriculture
8 Fishing
9 Mining & Quarrying
  Coal and Shale Mine - Managers, Workers &c 2009
  Stone, Slate Mine and Quarry - Managers, Workers &c 1
  Other Mine and Quarry Service 8
  Coal, Coke - Merchants, Dealers 1
10 Metal, Machines, Implement and Conveyance Manufacture
  Iron, Steel Manufacture; Tube Manufacture 361
  Ironfounders 47
  Blacksmiths, Strikers 2
  Erectors, Fitters, Turners 1
  Labourers in engineering Works 6
  Other Workers in Engine or Machine Making 1
  Workers in Miscellaneous Metals 5
  Motor Car, Cycle -Makers 1
  Ironmongers; Dealers in Metals, Hardware, Machines &c 5
11 Precious Metals, Jewels, Watches, Instruments
  Goldsmiths, Watchmakers, Jewellers 7
12 Building & construction
  Builders, Masons, Bricklayers 1
  Builders, Masons, Bricklayers - Labourers 3
  Carpenters, Joiners and their Labourers 4
  Locksmiths, Bellhangers 1
  Navvies, Minesinkers, Railway and Contractors' Labourers 2
13 Wood, Furniture, Decorations
  Cabinet Makers, French Polishers, Upholsterers 27
  Furniture, Fittings and Decorations - Other Workers 4
  Furniture &c - Dealers 3
14 Brick, Cement, Pottery, Glass
  Brick, Plain Tile, Terra Cotta Makers 6
  Earthenware, China, Porcelain Manufacture 1
  Glass, Glass Bottle Manufacture 1
15 Chemicals, Oil, Grease, Soap, etc.
  Manufacturing Chemists 4
  India Rubber Workers, Waterproof Goods Makers 4
16 Skin, Leather, Hair, Feathers
  Furriers, Skinners 1
  Tanners, Curriers 1
  Leather Goods, Portmanteau, Bag, Strap &c Makers 1
  Brush, Broom Makers; Hair, Bristle Workers1 1
  Skins, Leather, Hair and Feathers -Dealers 1
17 Paper, Printing, Books, Stationary
  Paper Manufacture 1
  Printers, Lithographers 3
  Publishers, Booksellers, Newspaper Publishers, Agents 2
18 Textile Fabrics
  Hemp, Jute Manufacture 1 55
  Thread Manufacture 6
  Carpet, Rug, Felt Manufacture 1
  Other Textile Fabrics Manufacture 1
  Drapers and Other Dealers in Textile Fabrics 7 1
19 Dress
  Milliners; Hat, Cap Makers 4
  Other Hat Manufacture, Cap Manufacture 1
  Tailors, Clothiers 134 37
  Dressmakers 14
  Shirtmakers, Seamstresses 1
  Boot, Shoe, Patten, Clog - Makers and Dealers 26 2
  Other Workers and Dealers in Dress 1
  Wig Makers, Hairdressers 5
20 Food, Tobacco, Drink, Lodging
  Milksellers, Dairymen 1
  Butchers, Slaughterers, Meat Salesmen 1
  Fishmongers, Poulterers, Game Dealers 1
  Bread, Biscuit, Cake %c - Makers, Dealers 21 4
  Jam, Preserve, Sweet, Chocolate - Makers 3 1
  Greengrocers, Fruiterers 3 2
  Others Engaged in Food Manufacture 1
  Tobacco Manufacture, Tobacconists 10 3
  Waitresses (not Domestic) 1
21 Gas, Water, Electricity, Sewage
22 General & Undefined Workers & Dealers
  General or Unclassified Shopkeepers, Pawnbrokers 7  
  Hawkers, Street Sellers 15 1
  Other Specified Occupations 3 10
23 No Specified occupation    
  Retired From Business 13  
  Private Means 2 6
  Others (Including Children) 231 1620

1911 Census of Scotland: Vol. 3, Table V - males
1911 Census of Scotland: Vol. 3, Table VI - females







Section 1 -  Regional Distribution of Poles in Scotland

Part 1: 1871 - 1931

Part 2: 1951 - 2001


Section 2 - Age and Marital Status of Poles in Scotland



Section 3 - Occupational Distribution of Poles in Scotland

Part 1: 1881 - 1891

Part 2: 1901 - 1911

Part 3: 1921 - 1931

Part 4: 1951 - 1961