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Polish Residents in Scotland


A Statistical  Sourcebook based on the Census of Scotland 1861-2001


Edited by

Jim Lipka




Section 3 - Occupational Distribution of Poles in Scotland
Part 1: 1881-1891



Occupations of Polish Foreigners in Scotland, 1881 & 1891

    Males   Females
  Classes 1881 1891 1881 1891
1 Professional 6 10 2 1
2 Domestic 0 0 0 4
3 Commercial 27 29 0 0
4 Agricultural 0 1 0 1
5 Industrial 150 261 16 19
6 Unoccupied 17 22 93 128
  Males   Females
  Orders 1881 1891 1881 1891
1 Government 0 0 0 0
2 Army & Navy 0 0 0 0
3 Professional Occupations 6 10 2 1
  minister, priest, missionary, preacher 1 3  
  physician, surgeon, dentist 2 1  
  teacher, professor, lecturer, tutor 2 3 2 1
  student 1 1  
  musician   1  
  photographer   1  
4 Domestic Officers or Servants 0 0 0 4
  domestic indoor servant     4
5 Commercial Occupations 24 27 0 0
  auctioneer, house agent 1 1  
  commercial traveller 20 24  
  commercial clerk, book-keeper 3 2  
  barker   1  
6 Conveyance 3 2 0 0
  merchant service pilot, boatman   1  
  seaman 1    
  harbour, dock worker 1    
  porter, watchman 1 1  
7 Agriculture 0 1 0 1
  farmer, grazier     1
  agricultural labourer   1  
9 Books, Prints, Maps 0 2 0 0
  publisher, bookseller, librarian   1  
  printer   1  
10 Machinery & Implements 5 4 0 0
  watch & clock maker 5 4  
11 Houses, Furniture, Decorations 25 13 1 2
  carpenter, joiner 2 2  
  painter, paperhanger, glazier 6 1  
  carver & gilder 9 2  
  art dealer 6 8 1 2
  figure, image maker, dealer 2    
12 Carriages & Harness 1 0 0 0
  coachmaker 1    
13 Ships & Boats 0 0 0 0
14 Chemicals & Compounds 0 0 0 0
15 Tobacco & Pipes 1 0 0 2
  tobacco manufacturer, tobacconist 2   2
16 Food & Lodging 3 3 0 0
  provision curer      
  butcher 1 1  
  baker 2 1  
  wine & spirit merchant   1  
17 Textile Fabrics 4 5 1 2
  draper, mercer   5  
  silk, satin, velvet manufacturer 1    
  factory hand (textiles)     1  
  fancy goods (textiles) 3    
  other textile worker     2
18 Dress 62 76 14 8
  mens' cap maker 1   1
  straw hat maker   2  
  tailor 59 65 12 6
  milliner, dressmaker, staymaker     1 1
  shoe, boot, clog maker 1 5  
  hair dresser, wigmaker 1 4  
19 Animal Substances 0 6 0 0
  skinner, furrier   1  
  currier, leather goods maker, dealer   3  
  other   2  
20 Vegetable Substances 5 21 0 2
  india rubber, waterproof goods 4 21 2
  timber, wood merchant, sawyer 1    
21 Mineral Substances 6 69 0 0
  coal miner   8  
  other miner   1  
  stone quarrier, cutter, dresser   2  
  earthenware, china, porcelain, glass   2  
  goldsmith, silversmith, jeweller 6 16  
  iron manufacture   36  
  steel manufacture   2  
  blacksmith, whitesmith   1  
  ironmonger, hardware dealer   1  
22 General Commodities 37 62 0 3
  general, shopkeeper, dealer 6 11 2
  hawker, peddler, street seller 28 19 1
  contractor, manager   1  
  general labourer 3 31
23 Refuse Matters 0 0 0 0
24 No Stated Occupation 2 0 81 109
25 Scholars & Children 15 22 12 19

1891 Census of Scotland: Table XV, pp. 524-527.
1881 Census of Scotland: Table XV, pp. 902-905.






Section 1 -  Regional Distribution of Poles in Scotland

Part 1: 1871 - 1931

Part 2: 1951 - 2001


Section 2 - Age and Marital Status of Poles in Scotland



Section 3 - Occupational Distribution of Poles in Scotland

Part 1: 1881 - 1891

Part 2: 1901 - 1911

Part 3: 1921 - 1931

Part 4: 1951 - 1961