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Good News
Monday, 22 April 2013
Calling On Jesus in the Midst of Trouble!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Spiritual Warefare! Psalm 50:14-15
Topic: Testimonies That Free!
Psalm 50:14 Offer to God thanksgiving; and pay your vows to the most High: 15 And call on me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 4:10 PM EDT
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Saturday, 6 October 2012
The Signature Of God.....
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Louie Giglio - Laminin (short version)
Topic: Anointed Ministry!

Every artist leaves a signature...even when they do not "sign" something they leave a signature of their persona... Jesus leave a unique one in every cell of our bodies! Watch and be amazed...knowing You can know the Great Creator is not about is "Only" about relationship with Him! Ask Him today! He is waiting!


Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 10:02 PM EDT
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Monday, 6 August 2012
The Two Biggest Lies!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Rick Warren
Topic: Wise Christian Quotes!
“Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s life style, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.” - Rick Warren

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 5:33 PM EDT
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Sunday, 10 June 2012
Today By Jadon Lavik
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: This is the question we must all ask for ourselves!
Topic: Anointed Music Videos!
 More things to buy more clothes to wear
The perfect job the perfect wife
A new color for the hair
Take a look around the way we're living
It's no secret we think that just a little more
Just a little bit further then we're there
but time asks no questions it moves on in spite of me
it's not about my style of life my own prosperity
it's time we open up our eyes to find there's so much more
and all I'm asking is what you're living for today
he say the hurts saw the pain and knew our needs
cured the sick healed the lame and made the
blind man see
a life laid down the perfect gift for you and me
loves greatest sacrifice a picture of how
it ought to be , how it ought to be
but time asks no questions it moves on in spite of me
it's not about my style of life my own prosperity
it' time we open up our eyes to find there's so much more
and all I'm asking is what you're living for today ,(oh today)
so take a look around go find a brother and help him stand
take the risk to love another with an outstretched hand
'cause time asks no questions it moves on in spite of me
it's not about my style of life my own prosperity
it's time we open up our eyes to find there's so much more
so much more,
and all I'm asking is what you're living for
and all I'm asking is what you're living for
and all I'm asking is what you're living for, today
what you're living for, what you're living for

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 2:55 PM EDT
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Monday, 7 May 2012
Song of Solomon Pick-Up lines....
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Hmmm maybe I should try these...NOT! :D
Topic: On The Lighter Side!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 2:38 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Now Playing: Hilarious Christian Humor by Tim Hawkins
Topic: On The Lighter Side!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 4:22 AM EDT
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Saturday, 7 April 2012
Here I am to Worship (worship video w/ lyrics)
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Matt Redman
Topic: Anointed Music Videos!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 6:19 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love." // Psalm 103:8
Topic: Anointed Music Videos!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 3:42 AM EDT
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The Broken
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Anointed Music Videos!

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 3:40 AM EDT
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Friday, 9 March 2012
The Human Touch - A Repost and Update!
Now Playing: The Greatest of these is Love- The Apostle Paul
Topic: Life Lessons

I had been having  a rough I pulled off from the shop to grab a cup of I was leaving I saw an old friend...a client I worked around when I worked with mentally challenged adults...I stopped and looked at her and as she looked up at me (not knowing if she would or could remember me) I asked...Do You remember me? She smiled a near toothless smile and said softly Tiiiiim! Then she sprang up and gave me a warm hug but back straightening...I was glad to see her and she was well cared for....I was and am blessed. That work was not a career but a calling!

I had not seen her for I guess maybe 6 or seven years, and as I rode the escalator down to the bottom floor back to work, I felt my eyes welling up with gratitude to God to have made a difference in her life, and she in mine! I looked for my old blog posting of years ago, and here is the story of the previous time I saw her, and my insights....

The Human Touch - A Repost

This was an old blog posting of an encounter I had just before retiring from social work to pursue my art!

The Human Touch!

I had a lesson in humanity today. As I was going about my current job, in a public place, I heard a familiar voice call my name. Tiiiiiiiimmmmm! I had not heard that voice in years, but its familiarity was imbedded in my psyche. It was a client from a program I was employed with years back. I had worked with these very special people for many years. I stopped my brisk pace to see the old friend.

I remember first meeting her as I was on my first day at that job, and she came in my office area to empty the trash. Hi I’m Genn (Name Changed) who are you? I told her and introduced myself thus starting an attachment that has lasted some nearly twelve years. Many times when I showed up for work and when she arrived, she would come to the table I was sitting at and stand by me. Sometimes I was too preoccupied to give ear to her, but most times like a child she would hang there till she got and gave a hug. The human touch. I must admit those years were some of the toughest of my life, fraught with many life lesson mistakes. Those hugs sometimes brought me back down to earth, and I thought today how much we as humans yearn for that touch from those we love, and go without. How many times others have yearned for an affirming touch from us and we stayed self absorbed and missed the moment.

She was a rotund, pint sized woman with a young child’s mind and emotions. She wore her heart on her sleeve, and it was so big that her love and care for others would fill the room. She had this big toothy grin that mirrored the joy in her heart. Her laugh was a giggle of great glee. When she was down, her sadness could fill a room also. Though sometimes she could severely get on your nerves you could not help but love her. She would sometimes come to me and proudly say “ Tim I lost fifty pounds and I would look and see no change from before, but agreed none the less, much to her joy from approval . She having a young child’s mindset, was not unlike like a grown woman in wanting approval for weight loss.

We staffers were family, just as close or closer to her than her own family. She as the other clients did not realize it was a job that we were paid for. For me, and most of us it transcended the minimal pay we received. Then one day after many years working there I left to move on in life, leaving them physically but ever being with them in spirit so to say. I still manage to drop in and see those that I know there, to catch up on things (family you know). I guess it is sort of like a homecoming.

So here I am today seeing this old friend who immediately wanted a hug, much like a child that had been away for the day at school, missing their parents. My friend was now much more aged in a different program and less toothy in her smile, hugging me again, Again once more hugging me as I was turning to leave after we talked. I had a feeling it might be the last time I may see her. I looked over at her care givers who were smiling because she was being who she was, and thought what fine people for the work they do.

I write this tonight as a statement of my thankfulness for those years, and with the hope that those who may read it, be touched to reach out to touch those around them in a positive manner. Do not miss the moment! To Those who have family members in care programs, know that those who do the work, care far more than the minimal wages they are paid. They do that work out of love for those they are hired to serve!
Thanks for dropping by and letting me share!


Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 10:57 PM EST
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