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The Dream & Shadow Huntsman Group is a music project I've been working on in my spare time for about a decade. At one time there were other members, but it's mostly been just me playing all the instruments (and "Group" stayed in the name just because), and it's always been me writing all of it.

It's unusual music. Fearless music for adventurous ears. The arrangements are sort of orchestral; rather than a single central melody with backup, every song is an intricate filigree of distinct melodies that interweave with each other. It's dense, because I like dense. The structures are non-standard, because I feel a need to avoid standard. It has magic in it, and also sometimes banjos.

I like Baroque music, and Bluegrass, and Delta blues, and prog rock, and folk music, and Nick Drake, and Tom Waits, and Donovan, and Captain Beefheart, and it all shows. I wear my influences on my sleeve, so if you like those things then you'll probably find something to like here.

If you want to support my music, consider backing my Patreon campaign. The way it works is you pledge an amount, and you get billed that amount every time I release a new song (you can set a maximum contribution per month, if you are concerned about going over budget). My Patreon backers get exclusive access to new music as I make it, as well as various rewards for backing (as you'll see at the Patreon page). New releases will be starting in early September 2013.

I have been hired by Ron Edwards to make music for him to offer as a backer reward for his S/Lay w/Me Google Hangout app Kickstarter. It's excellent music, prog as fuck and loaded with early '70s phantasmagoric fantasy/sword 'n sorcery vibes. Over here you can read logs that I'm writing about the process. The Kickstarter goes live in September, and will be the only way to get these specific versions of these compositions for a good long while, and S/Lay w/Me is an excellent game, so you should consider backing.

Download MP3s
I have songs you can download freely from my Google Drive over here.

My friend Eric Webb shot these videos of me playing about six years ago.

More lyrics to come as I get around to it.

American Wizards
Don't Fear the Lions

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Copyright 2013 D. Marshall Burns