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I have the very cool task of putting  together a 'street team' and here's how you can help:

Picture from HometownAnton is about to promote yet another song from his CD "Figments" entitled "Tears" this instrumental song  has a "smooth jazz" groove to it. You can check out a clip of the song at, or at on the Anton Fig page.

We will need a 'street team' to write nice notes to some smooth jazz radio stations in the coming weeks.  It'll be for them to play TEARS featuring Chris Botti and Andy Snitzer.

If you are interested if helping out, please send me an email and I will send you all the details.

Indie projects such as Anton's rely on a 'grassroots movement" of sorts. He does not have the heavy machinery of the big record labels to promote "Figments", so this really is a 'word of mouth' operation. plus, Anton works extremely hard between his commitments at the Letterman show and his other demands doing radio and TV appearances.

Anton sincerely appreciates all the efforts of the fans who can spread the word, and I am hoping to find other fans who will want to join the 'Black Beret Street Team'.

Here are some other things that I have in mind for the 'street team'

bulletArrange chats a couple times a month to meet fellow fans.
bulletToss around ideas for this website (I want this to be a fan-based group thing) This could be in the form of sharing graphics, photos, etc.
bulletOther fans can create their own web-page (does not have to be as elaborate as mine) We could create a web-ring of Anton-related fan sites.)
bulletLet me (street team leader) know of any radio stations that you think would be interested in playing Figments. Right now we are focusing on 'smooth jazz' stations as discussed above.
bulletNETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK! Get involved in indie music discussion boards and chats, and spread the word (without spamming, of course!)

star_tip_hat_md_blk.gifEMAIL ME!star_tip_hat_md_blk.gif