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1. What is your favorite item that you have from Anton? (My favorite thing is an autographed Yamaha Drums Poster that he signed at his MarsMusic appearances.)

2. Do people think you are a stalker? (Although radio jocks love to play with that notion, I think that most folks out there know I am doing this "all in good fun". Anton is  cool with what I am doing. Besides, I really am having fun after all.  Hopefully I have established myself as a non-giddy fan. I take spreading the word about his CD, "Figments" very seriously.


3. Why haven't the two of you met?
(Perhaps the stars and planets in our astrological charts haven't merged yet.)

4. Does Anton know about your audition for VH1? Will he be on the show too?
(So I have been told, yes he does know. We are just waiting to see if anything comes of it. I really don't know if he can or would like to be on the show, but I certainly wouldn't mind at all if he was.)

5.  What turned you on to Anton? What is your favorite moment aside from the bird incident?
(I get asked this question a lot from radio jocks.
Quite simply, I always liked his style, When he first joined the LS, I became very smitten by the many comedy sketches that he does from time to time and the fantastic drumming. One of my most memorable moments has to be around the holidays (at NBC). Dave had given the band very nice watches as presents, and there is a shot of Anton playing with a deck of cards that supposedly was his gift, since he had not been with the band that long at the time. Anton attempted to do some annoying stuff on his drums till Dave gave up the watch to him..HAHA. It was stuff like that that made me an instant fan of his and the show. Plus I think he's got one sexy accent! HA!

6. Are you nervous when you do the radio shows?
(Yes, but that quickly fades. I found that radio is very unpredictable, and most producers just tell me to "go with it". I always get great feedback from the radio people)

7. Can you get me tickets to the show or a CD from Anton?
Strangely enough, I do occasionally get asked for tickets and CD's. Sorry, I cannot help you out. Please visit or for details. I do not work for either.) Some people have asked me if there is a cassette version of Figments, which to the best of my knowledge, there is not.

8.  Does the Late Show know about you? I think you would be a great guest! (Thanks.  I would love to be a guest! I suppose anything is possible.....)


9. Is there something that you would still like to get from Anton that you don't have yet? (three words....BERET AND DRUMSTICKS!) I have tried several times to get his Vic Firth Signature stick in this area, and every time I go to the music stores, they are totally sold out. I was told as a matter of a few days ago by one store employee, that Anton's sticks are extremely popular there. The beret is a bigger challenge...but I'm up for it! LOL.

10.   If you could visit the set of the Late Show, what would  you like to do? (If I could just sit where Anton does and "take it all in", that would be too cool for words! Also, I would like to toss stuff off the roof of the Ed Sullivan Theater, and do the viewer mail bit like "Monty". Yes, Dave can dress me up any way he wants)


PORTAGE, Ind. (Wireless Flash)--Some people don't give a flying-fig about anything, but Marsha Moore is not one of those people.

For the past 17 years, Moore--a single mom with two kids from Portage, Indiana--has been trying to meet her hero Anton Fig, drummer for "The Late Show with David Letterman". Despite her best efforts, Moore says she's been foiled every time.

When she went to New York in 1992 to see a taping of "The Late Show", the show was on hiatus. Even a few months ago, she tried to make it to the taping of a TV show called "Anton Fig's Drum Clinic" In Palatine, Illinois, but had to cancel her trip due to illness. However, she says Fig sent her a video greeting wishing her well.

Moore has started a media campaign "Project Figments" via her website to drum up support for the drummer's CD, "Figments".

But there's an ulterior motive. She hopes that Fig will hear about her plight, and introduce himself in person.

In 1988, there was an episode on Late Night with David Letterman, on which Anton bit the head off a fake bird. There were some upset folks so I sent a letter of support to him. About two weeks later I received an autographed picture and a very nice thank-you note. I continued to write and receive more autographed pictures and letters from Anton and the band.  After 1996 I lost contact. I mean, it was very hard to get anything to him through the Late Show. In May of 2002 I found his website by accident. I left him an email wondering if he would remember me. That same day he emailed me back saying hello and that the band was doing just fine.  

This fan site is more than just about Anton, it's also about his ultimate fan (me) who has taken on this massive campaign of spreading awareness about  Anton's incredible talent and music to the masses. 

People say what I am doing is ground-breaking work, (Because I'm a regular person, and  not someone who already works in the music industry.) but I see it as simply someone who is returning the generosity and kindness of an artist to a fan, and really dig's the music too!

This site was last updated 04/05/04