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Joke of the Week

Ok, folks, every week, I am gonna change the joke. I'm probably gonna do it every Sunday night. So, don't forget to check it out. If you have any suggestions, or any jokes you want me to use, send 'em to me, and be sure to include your name and e-mail address so that I can credit you for the joke. Thanks!

OK, this is an old one but oh well. Before computers....

•An application was for employment.
•A program was a TV show.
•A cursor used profanity.
•A keyboard was a piano.
•Memory was something lost with age.
•A CD was a bank account.
•If you had a 3 1/2" floppy, you hoped nobody found out.
•Hard drive was a long trip on the road.
•A mouse pad was where a mouse lived.
•A backup happened to the toilet.
•Cut you did with a knife.
•Paste you did with glue.
•A web was a spiders home.
•And a virus was the the flu.

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| Jokes | The Cold Within (poem) | Moonlight Ride (poem) | Special High Intensity Training |
| Oxy-morons | Death of an Innocent (poem) | My OFFSPRING Page | Redneck Jokes |
| Only in the U.S.A. | Joke-of-the-week | Quote-of-the-Week | (-: Internet Smileys :-) |
| Public Service Announcement | Self-Motivation Page | Blonde Jokes |
| Rejected Gadzooks! t-shirt Slogans. | My Dating Advice | Gender Langage Translation |
| Ways to Annoy People |

E-Mail me by clicking the mail box above