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1.  According to the American Cancer society, 1.3 million new cases of cancer were  diagnosed in 1996 and more than 555,000 died from it.

2.  One out of three of us will develop cancer in our lifetime.  That is eigthty-eight million people in the United States alone.

3.  With billions of dollars spent each year in research, with additional billions taken from the cancer-related sale of drugs, and with vote-hungry politicians promising ever -increasing government programs, we find that, today, there are more people making a living from cancer than dying from it.

4.  Laetrile has been available in Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Costa Rica, England, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Peru, The Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, the U.S.S.R., Venezuela, and Vietnam --but it is not allowed in the "land of the free"

5.  There have been thousands of proposed non-toxic alternatives for cancer treatments, but the majority of them have been promoted for a short time and then abandoned.  Laetrile has survived for more than 70 years, since it was prepared in an injectable form by Dr. Ernest T, Krebs Sr., around 1920.  

6.  Vitamin B-17 is one of the main sources of food in cultures such as the Navajo indians, the Hunza, the Abkasians, and many more.  Within these tribes there has never been a reported case of cancer.
7.  In spite of the availability of FDA approved treatments, more than 600,000 cancer patients die every year in the USA.  Conventional therapy is failing.  An alternative must be offered.  Thousands of people today are testifying that when conventional programs told them to go home and die, they sough out alternatives and  because of them, they are alive and well today.  Utilizing chemotherapy as the only option is not only exploiting human suffering for profit, it is also inflicting unjustified pain and suffering.

8.  Genesis 1:29 - Then God said "I give you every-seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth, and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food".

9.  Edgar Cayce indicated that, as a food, almonds contain elements vital to a healthy metabolism, supplying phosphorus and iron in a combination that is more easily assimilated than other nuts.  Almonds contain potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and sulfur.  They are rich in protein and unsaturated fat and are the most alkaline of all edible nuts.  The best known references to almonds deal with the prevention of cancer.  Three individuals were told that eating one to three almonds a day would guard them against cancer, as a vitamin in the almonds would increase the body's resistance to all forms of the disease.  (See apricot seeds)  

10.  AMYGDALIN (or Laetrile) as an antineoplastic agent is no longer a dream to be proven, but rather, a demonstrated reality with scientific evidence confirmed each time that it is prescribed.  (See Monographic Summary)  

11.  1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer.  Every 3 minutes a woman is diagnosed as having breast cancer.  Every 2 minutes, a woman dies of breast cancer in the U.S.

12.  According to a congressional study, doctors in the U.S. are killing 154,000 people a year with prescription medicines.

13.  An estimated 50,000 people die each year in the U.S. due to unnecessary surgery.  That is only 1% of all unnecessary surgeries conducted in the U.S. per year.  This means that an estimated 5,000,000 unnecessary surgeries are conducted in the U.S. each year.   

14.  UCLA school of medicine now requires doctors to attend a course where they are taught to feel compassion toward their patients.

15.  An estimated 56,000 Americans died in the Vietnam War.  Every year, nearly 1,000,000 Americans die of cancer.

16.  Presently there are 76,000,000 (seventy six million) people with cancer in the US.  It is not a projection that one out of three people will get cancer;  it is a fact.

17.  In a study conducted on 1,000 oncologists (cancer specialists) who died of cancer, it was found that not one of these doctors agreed to undergo the same treatments they recommended to their patients.

(New facts and statistics added weekly)
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[ Objective of metabolic therapy ] [ Statistics ] [ The ultimate cancer conspiracy ]
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