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Shown (left to right) are Dr. Dean Burk, head of the Cytochemistry section of the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Krebs Jr, and Dr. Hans Nieper, famous cancer specialist from Hanover, Germany. Dr's Burk and Neiper are among the many prominent supporters of Dr. Krebs and Laetrile. 


Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura (left) was the senior laboratory researcher at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute. 
He reported that, in his experiments with mice, Laetrile was more effective in the control of cancer than any substance he had ever tested. 
This was not acceptable to his superiors. Instead of being pleased at the possibility of a breakthrough, they brought in other researchers to duplicate Sugiura's 
experiments and to prove they were faulty. Instead, the follow-up studies confirmed Sugiura. 
Undaunted, his superiors called for new experiments over and over again, following procedures designed to make the tests fail. 
Eventually they did fail and it was that failure that was announced to the world. 
Ralph Moss was the Assistant Director of Public Affairs at Sloan-Kettering at the time of the Laetrile tests. When he was ordered by his superiors to release false information about the results of those tests, he resigned in protest.  (Click here to read about 
Ralph Moss on Chemotherapy, Laetrile, Coley's Toxins, Burzynski, & Cancer Politics - Laura Lee radio show, 1994) 
Dr. Dale Danner, a terminal cancer victim himself, at first had no faith in Laetrile. On the brink of death he self administered a massive dose as a last resort and was amazed to experience a release from pain and a return of appetite. Three months later he was able to return to work. 
Alicia Buttons, wife of actor-comedian Red Buttons, had been given up as hopeless by practitioners of orthodox medicine. After a few months of Laetrile therapy, however, her cancer had completely disappeared. Here seen in 1973, Alicia was still going strong 23 years later. 
In 1967, cancer victim Joanne Wilkinson was told that it would be necessary to remove her leg. hip, bladder and one of her kidneys. When she chose Laetrile instead, her irate physicians warned her that she could not possibly live longer than 12 weeks. This photo was taken many years afterward. Mrs. Wilkinson has enjoyed a healthy and productive life. 
Bill Sykes was given up as hopeless when he developed Stage - 4 Lymphocytic Leukemia and cancerous tumors in his spleen and liver. He was told that chemotherapy might prolong his life a few months but no more. Instead, he turned to Laetrile and enzyme therapy. That was over 20 years ago. Bill is now 74 and plays racquetball twice a week. 

Photo courtesy of Dr. J. Milton Hoffman 


The Hunzakuts are world renowned for their amazing longevity and good health. There is no cancer in Hunza. The native diet contains over 200 times more vitamin B-17 than found in the average diet of industrialized societies. 

In Hunza the apricot and its seed are the most prized of all foods. 


Dr. John A Richardson, M.D., was in the forefront of the legal battle for the right of a physician to administer Laetrile to his own patients. 



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