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Auto Maintenance




The purpose of this site is to help the novice learn some of the intricacies of the workings of the automobile. The site is arranged to allow easy navigation to the many different systems that make up the whole. You may choose to view any or all pages as they meet your interests. It is my desire to spark the interests of those who desire to learn all they can about the machines around them.

"For the record, this is the ONLY page that will have that annoying floating car on it!
I just want to make it known how to navigate through this site.
You can navigate this site even better by going to our SITEMAP Page.
 There you will find EVERY possible LINK within this site!"

Your vehicle probably receives less attention that it should!

There was a time when every red-blooded American boy took pride in keeping his car up, changing belts and hoses, giving the engine an annual tune-up, even tweaking his car's performance to impress the guys.
But a lot has changed since then!

Gone are the days of carburetors and timing guns.

Most automobile owners (even those who grew up tinkering and tuning up thier own vehicles) barely reconize whats under the hood today and share a common lack of understanding about their cars.

 Today, onboard computers make minute adjustments to engine performance in an instant,
adjustments that a home mechanic couldn't accomplish with a loaded toolbox and a weekend with nothing else to do.

 Many car and truck owners lack the understanding of basic maintenance because of the complexity of vehicles now a days

Neither this Website nor the most comprehensive service manual made just for your make and model will give you the power to diagnose and repair everything that could go wrong with your car.
But this Site we hope to help prevent some things from going wrong,
allowing you to troubleshoot potential rusting problems, braking problems, and start-up problems, etc
before there is even any trouble.

We hope this Website will help you avoid costly repairs. That you will learn which maintenance tasks you should do on your own,
which tasks you could do if so inclined, 
and which you should leave to a pro. 
Hopefully and most importantly, we hope this this Site will help you reduce your fear of your car by helping you give it the treatment it deserves, and helping you converse with your mechanic when the treatment your car deserves,
exceeds your abilities.

Regular maintenance checks and simple service can greatly reduce the cost of car ownership.
Your vehicle should have a thorough inspection by a qualified technician periodically.

Even though most new cars are becoming increasingly complex for the average do-it-yourselfer,
there are still many tasks that every car owner can perform. 

Basic Maintenance

At it's best,
 This site will contain information of both old and new components of vehicles.

Most of the checks and services described within this Site can be done at little or at no cost. Best of all, they are quick and easy to do and they can save time, money and inconvenience now and later.
refer to your owner's manual when performing any maintenance task on your vehicle.

This Site does not focus on or promote one particular car manufacturer.
Instead it details the major car specifications avaiable in modern cars. 

* Please note *
The information throughout this site are not directions for a repair.
Do not try to repair your vehicle by yourself if you don't know exactly how.
 Quality repair is only possible by skilled technician
or else your vehicle could be unsafe!

While we check with automobile manufacturers and their representatives to confirm the accuracy and completeness of the data, we make no guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the data on this site. All data is subject to change without notice.

Safety Warning:

Working on your own car can be dangerous.  Even quality jack stands can collapse if not positioned properly, and a floor jack can fail suddenly and without warning.  You can be seriously injured or even killed if you do not follow proper safety procedures.

The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precautions that might be indicated by the activities described herein and to avoid all potential hazards. By following the instructions herein, the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions. FUNdamentals Of Auto Mechanics Website (Angelfire/com/ia3/autorepair), nor myself shall not be liable for any special, consequential or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or in part, from the readers' use of, or reliance upon, this material.

The information throughout this site are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

No liability is assumed for use or interpretation of information contained in these documents on this web site. Any decisions or actions based on the data or information contained in this site are the responsibility of the individual user.

Some jobs are better left to a professional

There are many reasons for this. No matter how much you develop your mechanical skills some jobs can be done more accurately, and less expensively in the long run, by a professional with specialized equipment. For instance, given a compressed air system and tire mounting machines, a service station or tire shop can change a tire in a couple of minutes. Trying to do it yourself with hand tools, a rubber mallot, and sweat simply isn’t worth it, Even some jobs you could do yourself with a set of basic tools when everything goes right may not be worth sweating over if you hit a snag that only specialized tools can overcome. Replacing a muffler that has become fused to the exhaust pipe, for instance, may be an insurmountable problem unless you can find someone with an acetylene torch to cut it off (which is what most commercial muffler shops do anyway).

When you are looking for a commercial auto repair shop, sometimes it is difficult to determine ahead of time how competent the mechanics are.

The invention of the automobile is widely considered the single most important development in the history of transporttiion since the discovery of the wheel.
 The automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day by one individual.
Instead, it was the result of an evolution in technology that took place worldwide over centuries.

Many inventors dreamed of building self-propelled machines, 
and plans for motor vehicles were actually drawn up by both 
Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton!


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Established February 21, 2005

visitors so far!

The objective of this Web Page is to familiarize you with basic auto maintenance
-  in some common emergencies -
not to make you an expert in auto mechanics

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 I am in no way, shape, or form telling you to do this yourself. Your results may vary. If something goes wrong, it is not my fault!
These are just guidelines.