WELCOME to my home and Life Now Centre!
Enjoy every moment to the fullest!
Various rooms reveal encounters along my path that continue to reveal how to enjoy every moment to the fullest. May you reap some of the joys, too, as you travel through Life Now Centre.
Recently, I had to move several sites from one server to another. If you find any dead links, please let me know so I can make necessary corrections. Dusty
I am grateful for the encouragement and compliments on my rose drawings and for those who have considered them worthy of purchase.
For the busy person who is looking for a special gift for special friends! Handsome notecards with prints of the roses I draw are available. Check here for further details: Rose Notecards You can also opt to buy my original drawings. Some are available at
Others are also at
DUSTY'S ROSE GARDEN Check both "Artist" and "Gallery".
A new friend, Pamela Pantuso, has set up a new site for Art work: Brush With Reality
You can find some of my articles posted in my column at Go60
The PATHWAY ANNEX shares material available through Life Now. SPECIAL OFFER: Rates, as given within the parenthesis beside each book title, will be increasing in the near future. If you care to order any of the books - you can click on the buttons that will show excerpts. These prices are for books as available at this time.
WHOPPING discounts on stock of original books at Life Now Book Discounts
Some of my journaling is available at THO'TS INN from our home, ham lihtan - "house of enlightenment."
The LIVING ROOM is now full of affirmations.
The EMAIL ROOM holds "Expansion Encounters," our monthly online newsletter. Also Archives.
If you care to receive this little newsletter monthly via email, click here and let us know! Send it! We will add you to our list!
Oh, and you might be interested in a bit of the Life Now philosophy in my
And you can find out a bit more about my writing history in LEUKOS NICHE
You may care to check out some yummy recipes from "Country Cooking," a recipe book I compiled with over 300 recipes from good cooks all across the USA. They are in the KITCHEN. Enjoy!
While you are here, come on in and meet MY FAMILY
Shawn enjoys being in his
His interest is Science Fiction and Fantasy stories.
And, hubby, Bill, has set up his RECORD ALBUM shop.
My Sister-In-Spirit lives not far away via email and she welcomes your visit at MS SUNSHINE'S GARDEN. You can also opt to purchase Sunny's artwork at Sunny's New Collection
Step into the fresh OUTDOORS and take some quiet time on the meditation path.
Meet linking friends in the GREAT ROOM
If you are an EBAY fan, check this out! To see what Dusty has available at ebay, check out Dusty's Items for Sale at EBay
Enjoy your journey!
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