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Phase Diagram of water
In details

  • The structure of the Phase Diagram is completely Different in big details depending on the kind of substances.
  • There is only one kind of place where all of the three phases of a pure substance turn into equilibrium. This is mentioned as the triple point [POINT A on the diagram].
  • The liquid or vapor equilibrium curve ends at a temperature and pressure where as gases as well as liquids become very different and cant be told appart. This is said to be the critical point [POINT B on the diagram] and therefore has a high temperature and a critical pressure.
  • At POINT C and POINT D on the diagram, two phases are in equilibrium and are off the line entirely,there is only one stable phase of this substance
  • Comparison between diagrams. Water(a) and Dry Ice(b)

    Liquids can be fleeting...

    • Liquid water exists with its vapor at 1 atm pressure liquid CO2 only exists above the pressure of 5.11 atm.
    • In the lab (1 atm) we see that solid CO2 directly dissociates into gaseous CO2 without making a liquid at all.
    • Liquid CO2 is found in most CO2 fire extinguishers, but only at a temperature below 31.1 oC, (88 F), where the liquid becomes inditinguishible from the gas.
    • Liquid water persists to much higher temperatures, over 300 oC, but only at great pressure (100's of atm).
    • Only water has a liquid / solid equibrium curve that has a negative slope, i.e. it melts when you squeeze it. Water is unique in its highly structured liquid phase (which is why life grows in water)

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    This site was created by George Pai and Sherwin Darlou