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Shortspine Spiny Dogfish
Squalus mitsukurii.
What To Look For:
A small, dark spurdog with spines on both dorsal
fins. The first dorsal fin is high, and there are
conspicuous keels (projections) on both sides of
the tail. Caught commercially over the continental
shelf in the Northern Pacific, to depths of 750 m.
Up to 1.1 m.
Circumglobal in tropical and warm temperate waters.
Bony fish, crabs and octopus.
Gestation may last up to 2 years. Live-bearer, with up
to 9 pups usually born in the autumn.
Danger To Humans:
Care needed when handling as spines are sharp. Caught by
trawlers and kipklip longliners in considerable numbers.

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