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Celebrating a  Birthday

Rathburne's second birthday party was celebrated both on the ship with the crew during the day. Then again in the evening with family members and friends. Had A nice picture of the cake along with the MS that decorated it. However it with the missing or misplaced. The cake had the image of Oahu with the ship operating along side of it. There were two palm trees on the island representing two years old. Will scan one from the cruse book. 

 First we had a party on the ship Then er celebrated it with families

Our evening party with family members

I wish these pictures were in color to show off the Hawaiian prints which were being warn by just about everyone in attendance. Till some one submits one in color you will just have to use your imagination. Im sure if you close your eyes and think back you will see a lot of colors from Hawaii.

Control Room

The control room for the boilers was a enclosed air conditioned space. The automatic controls were broke into two main sections. The largest part for the control of the 1200 lb. steam boilers. The smaller section for control of the feed pumps supplying water to the boilers. When built all the controls were made by Hagen. But over the years some controls from different manufactures were added. If you look closely you will notice boiler 1B on line. And 1A is under a steam blanket.

Easter Services (1982).

This photo was a official navy photo. Here the squadron Chaplain is making the rounds for Easter sunday services (1982). Not sure of this is work up for deployment or actual deployment. But my guess is deployment for sure as there are not to many Easter Sundays spent at sea. it there is its not on local operations.

If you notice that a lot of the pictures appear out of order it is mainly due to my hasty at trying to publish in a hurry. Hopefully later it will be easier to revise the pages and re-post. Of coarse that will mainly be due to the help of you the viewers. When I left Hawaii all my family belongings that we were traveling with were stolen. With them were most of the ships gifts that were given to me at departing and the family scrap book of the photos I intended to share with friends and family. So I do not have a lot of the photos to build with. So if you can help please submit.