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THE ¿Whats New? Page

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Whats New you ask???

(04/25/03) I got around to posting some pics, look for them at the top of Ender's room (thats me) and the link at the bottem too. I've got more comics ^-^ and updated My anime video and DVD list.

(03/14/03) I fixed a link error with the "Valkyrie Yuuki". The old addy isn't good since she had server problems and had to change servers and addy. More comics, and Spring Break is just about here!!!!

(02/28/03) Its been a while sinces I posted, over a month. I still have a comic each week, and just added a link to the college newspaper site in my link section. I spend about 5-6 hours every thruesday getting that site update. My hits seem to have really slipped this month, hope that improves soon.

(01/10/03) MORE COMICS, up to about 22 now, hope everyones break when well. I'm now webmaster for the SOSU newspaper "The Southeastern". My hits really dropped durning the break but maybe all the college students when home durning the break and said "hey mom,dad,bro,sis check this great comic you can read online!" (boy am I dreaming) Look for some new links to webcomics coming soon!

(12/13/02) MORE COMICS, up to 18 now, and best of all I've finish another seamster of classes. Keep coming back for more BS Pizzeria, even over the break!

(11/8/02) I've been posting more comics, ever week, on fridays. Spend sometime today fixing small errors in the comic archives. I'm up to 12!!! comics now, though I still don't see any real change in hits since starting the comic. This is sad as My addy is now in print, of 1000 plus paper flying all over the camps of thousands of students all having access to the internet. If any one knows how to get more hits on the site (that I don't have to spend money, I'm a poor college student, no really I am) please Email Me at

(10/12/02) Even thought I haven't added to the whats new page, I've been adding lots of stuff to the site. First and most important is the BS Pizza coimc, I shall post weekly. I am doing this comic for the college paper, so I have real deadlines to meet. That is good news for you as I will have a new comic every week(updated on fridays). I've just added a new pic to the sketch book, and as always trying to improve on the over all performants(sp) of the site. Getting close to 4 months since I've added the hit counter, and I thank every one that has come by. Looks like an average about 75 a month or about 2 1/2 people a day. I hope now with the weekly comic to get even more then that.

(9/03/02) Oops I did some changes to the page like get rid of the anoying start page asking you if you want frames or no frames, but I forgot that many people may have linked straight to the frame.html page, and so My site wouldn't come up for them. So I put it back up but if you want to make a new book mark to the site with just it looks cleaner. It as been about 2 and ahalf months since I've added the hit counter and THANK YOU for every one that has come to the site 175 as of right now. I'm work hard on getting My first manga up, and hope to give you all a reason to keep coming back. (p.s. new recipes)

(6/28/02) Another update, I'm on a roll here. I got links up to My Girlfriends site!! Please check it out ^_^. Also I finaly put up a Hit Counter,I've been putting it off becuase I didn't really want to know how few hits I get. 3 days so far and is pretty sad, becuase I've put halve the hits on it, just checking My hit count.

(6/24/02) Small update, adding a link (check it out) and fixing a problem with the data I had shown. I was waiting for a certain person to see it, but she never did, so she can just see this msg ._.!

(5/14/02) The update is going well, I have some of my comic up, as well as 2 of my programs from class. I final got the links up for my brohter's site, please check that out as well.

(5/13/02) Finally getting around to another update, should be doing it week, New pic in gallery!

(10/22/01) I've made some small ajustments and added another recipe to the Kitchen, INJOY ^-^!

(05/26/01) I've moved the site to Angelfire, and I should now have all the links working for the new location, I've ajusted some colors , not that you could tell ;), and added an recipe to the kitchen.

(04/23/00) There is two new pics up on Ender's Sketch Book as will as a new USER INTERFACE, hehehe sounds cool doesn't it.