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Old Commercials From 1989! [Page 5]

I found these on an old tape my Art History teacher, Mrs. Warren let me borrow because there was an ode Van Gough movie called "Lust For Life" on it. Well, I never got the movie, but I did make these screen caps of the old commercials she had!  I have some commentary on some of the ads too. (put your mouse over the images too)

Dristan ad with um know that mean coach guy? 

I think this is the only ad on the tape that I really remember. I think this was a time where I really loved the Pink Panther


Kibbles And Bits And Bits And Bits And Bits ad

My dog Spot (god rest her soul) once threw up that long red stuff before...too much info.

Caps I couldn't do commentary on (assorted ones at the bottom of every page:
This was part of a 2 part series of annoying ads. Think of a russian bride constantly misunderstanding her Ameican husband....that's bascailly the gist of the ads I wish I could find one of those watches at the thrift store


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