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Terry Ilous

Great White/XYZ

Terry Ilous is best known for his sexy, soulful, bluesy vocals for both XYZ & Great White. I had the pleasure of meeting Terry many times when he first started touring with XYZ. Terry was always a favorite of mine! He's a really good guy. Along with being extremely talented. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing him.


1. Any person (living or dead) that you would like to meet and why?

I would like to have met a young Adolf Hitler in order help him be a better man, and hopefully prevent all the suffering of those innocent lives. Sometimes that's all it takes. Most kids don't have a mentor or role model so they end up doing stupid things, not because they are bad, but because no one showed them right from wrong.

2. Who are some of your favorite musicians?

There are so many: Ian Gillan, Ray Charles, Tina Turner, Sam Cook, Marvin Gaye. Bono as I love the way Bono has used his celebrity status to help others. He is indeed my role model. I love his music but most of all I love his humanitarianism.

3. What's your guilty musical pleasure?

Great artists that make you feel alive, that inspire you. I also enjoy World Music as it allows me to imbue other cultures through music.

4. Who did you idolize as a child?

Bruce Lee and Sylvester Stallone as they both overcame serious handicaps. At a time when Hollywood was very prejudice and sectarian Bruce Lee broke the barrier and opened the road for many ethnic actors. Stallone was not the first choice for the movie Rocky because he has a speech impediment. They wanted to replace him with a better, clean looking actor yet he proved them wrong. I relate to those 2 actors as I was never the first, or obvious choice in many situations. Yet here I am today!

5. Stranded on a deserted island, what 3 cds would you have with you?

Best of James Taylor, Heaven and Hell - Black Sabbath, and Physical Graffiti - Led Zeppelin.

6. The difference between today's music and the music of the 80's?

A new artists does not need to be on a major label or spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to record a cd. Today via youtube and Facebook one can get lots of publicity. The downfall is with so much information available today, an artist doesn't stay on top for very long. Here today, gone tomorrow! The days of mega superstars like The Beatles or Led Zeppelin are over. Nowadays one will sell a few thousand copies of a CD and that's it! So artists should be aware of this and wear many different hats, e.g. production, songwriting, acting etc.

7. Favorite place to perform?

Any place that welcomes me as I have seen the world and can honestly say that there is no better place than the place that welcomes you. You invite me? I'll be there!

8. What makes a good song?

A great catchy melody, a groove, and lyrics with a great hook! A song that stirs up emotions is a good song Any song will do as long as it makes you feel something.

9. What are your hobbies?

Martial Arts, for sure; singing; and being a good family man.

10. Favorite food to eat on the road?

Organic, and healthy. I do like Asian food, real Japanese food not just sushi! I also love Thai food. No processed corporate food like Burger King or McDonald's etc.

11. The first concert you ever went to?

 I don't recall, but I recall the one that made a big impression - James Brown! Damn! What a performer and singer, amazing!

12. Who's the best person you've met on the road?

I have met a lot of great people. Some had very interesting stories. Back in the wary days of my career, an "interesting" person would have been a naughty girl with great intentions toward me! Ahah. Today, an interesting person is someone that has a great story, is sincere, and down to earth. I love to briefly meet people, our paths cross it is amazing!

13. Any current projects?

Lots of charity shows. It's important to help others. It helps me be a better man. I am also working on an Acoustic CD, and a Rock CD. I started working on them a few years ago. But I've been on the road with Great White non-stop since 2010 so I'll finish those 2 CD's whenever I can. I'm always keen on doing charity work. I always say, giving is receiving!


© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."

~Bob Marley