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Larry Howe is currently the drummer for Vicious Rumors. He's been playing drums with Vicious Rumors since 1985. He's a very talented drummer. I had the pleasure of meeting Larry in 1991. It was the only time I've seen Vicious Rumors perform live. Such a long time ago. Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Larry!


1. Any person (living or dead) that you would like to meet and why?

John Bonham, because he is my reason for playing drums!!. And my grandfather who died when my dad was 9..that would be cool!

2. Who are some of your favorite musicians?

Other influences are Terry Bozzio, Ansley Dunbar, Bill Bruford, Billy Cobham...among others!

3. What's your guilty musical pleasure?

Never heard that term before! I don't do guilt. No regrets baby! anything you did was for some reason, I just try to keep em good ones!! The only thing I'm guilty of is trying to make people have a good time and forget their problems while they rock the fuck out to my drumming! And okay, sometimes music leads to things like drinking and things of a salacious nature and such...but c'mon, people wanna have fun right?

4. Who did you idolize as a child?

Charlton Heston was a man I looked up to, I loved his movies, as well as Sean Connery as James Bond, and of course, Goldie Hawn made me realize I love women at a young age! I watched Laugh-in all the time!..

5. Stranded on a deserted island, what 3 cds would you have with you?

 Physical Graffiti, Topographic Oceans (Yes) and Accept, restless and wild!

6. The difference between today's music and the music of the 80's?

Today's music is so oversaturated, everything is peaked, all levels, there's not any dynamics anymore...I love how you can crank up a Fleetwood Mac album and hear Stevie's voice so nice, as well as turn the volume ALL the way up for "Hole in the sky"...(sorry dad for blowing out yer speakers!)..but the digital age has not been kind to the true feel of music..

7. Favorite place to perform?

I love playing outdoor festivals, the hype is just so intense, your adrenaline is pumping, you really feel the energy of the crowd and ya just can't give enough.. its awesome! This for me has really only happened in the big European festivals..

8. What makes a good song?

A good beat, good guitar playing, a good melody, and something cool to talk about!

9. What are your hobbies?

 Well, since I don't really make a living at playing drums, (real musicians have day jobs) I would say drumming is my "glorified Hobby"! It's an expensive one as well! The stuff I like to use is made by companies who don't give a shit about musicians so I will not be telling you what equipment I play!!

10. Favorite food to eat on the road?

Well there are 2 rules to rock touring, Eat when you can and ALWAYS take the money! So we basically just eat what we're given! Which sometimes isn't really all that good but we get through! I do love to have a traditional Bratwurst in Germany now and then! But we're all waiting for Europeans to fall in love with Mexican food because that's what we Californians live on and there really isn't any across the pond!! It's a real problem, I start having Avocado and cilantro withdrawals! ... I did find one Mexican place in Amsterdam once...Yay! But I usually avoid Mcdonalds here at home because I know in Europe I'm gonna have to stop there a lot!

11. The first concert you ever went to?

New Years Eve, 1975 at Winterland in San Francisco, I was 14 and saw the Greg Kihn band open for "Earthquake" then came "Yesterday and Today", then came one of my heroes at the time, "Montrose" with Sammy Hagar , Bill Church, and Denny Carmasi, Between him and Leonard Haze, I was hooked on power drumming! ..then in 77 I saw Zep !!

12. Who's the best person you've met on the road?

I've had the pleasure of meeting many many rock stars in my career! I guess the most special was meeting Dio the few times I shared the stage with him! He was a sweetheart, He told me and my guitarist Geoff Thorpe to, "Take what I do, and make it BETTER" (echo now..better, better, better, better..!! ) But I've also been a force to be reckoned with for others! Lars' called the cops on me when I stole his stereo after they trashed my car in 1981/82?..Of course, he said Paul Bailoff did it and he just wanted his tape player back, and that I could keep the amp cuz it belonged to Dave Mustaine and they just kicked him out of the band!!, then there was the time Mickey Dee and I were yuckin' it up at a bar in London with King Diamond, and Lemmy was playing video games and yelled at me when I was being a bit loud, he said, "Hey, save it for the stage mate, you're obnoxious!"..Then there was a time on tour with Accept that I was being a bit too ~in yer face~ with Udo, (I love him ya know) and I spilled beer on his Camo vest.. (Oops, sorry) and they told Geoff to "Keep that drummer away from them"..!! Oh yeah, and when "Steppenwolf" turned the power off on us cuz the crowd was diggin' us too much er something, I wouldn't stop! I started doing a drum solo! I don't need no fucking amplifiers!! People were screaming!! They dragged me off after awhile!!

13. Any current projects?

Vicious Rumors have had a new release every year for 3 years now, our new cd "Electric Punishment" will be out late April with a 5 week Euro-tour to follow in May. We're on board for a few festivals like HOA in Germany this summer, and others, and a trip to Japan is looming as well, and even a possible States tour! (Been awhile) the dates are still coming in! In 2011, we did 92 shows in Europe within a year! So we plan to keep up the pace till the end, whenever that may be!! This year I'm also on a release by Masoleum rcrds with a band called "Taunted" I may do some dates with them as well!



© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



"Music is spiritual. The music business is not."

~Van Morrison