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Ben Huggins

Galactic Cowboys

Ben Huggins is best known as the lead singer of Galactic Cowboys. I had the pleasure of meeting Ben when he first started touring with Galactic Cowboys. Ben is a really cool guy. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing him.


1.How did you come up with the name of your band?

We played a couple times around Houston before we became GC. The first time we called ourselves Hall of Souls. It just didn't fit our attitude or our sense of humor. The second time I think we played as the Houston Astros. Between the four of us and Sam Taylor, we made a list. When we looked down the list Galactic Cowboys stood out. We took a vote and it became our name. The rumor is, it had been a Dallas biker gang in the 60s. I have never looked into it to find out if there was any truth to that. I suppose I could try to Google it....

2.Who are some of your favorite musicians?

I grew up in the 70's. My first introduction to real rock was on Texas FM radio. Back in the 70's it was unformatted. So, the DJs could play whatever they wanted, they had no one to tell them what to play. It was merely based on the popularity of the DJ. If the DJ got a good response they let him do what he wanted for the most part. So, I pretty much was an all around rock fan: Led Zeppelin, the Who, ZZ Top, UFO, Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush, Frank Zappa, Thin Lizzy, Queen, Van Halen and Kansas.... I was also a huge fan of Elton John (I know, hard to believe, eh?) and Cat Stevens!

It wasn't till the late 80s when I met Monty Colvin that I was introduced to thrash. The aggressiveness grew on me pretty quickly. Before I knew it I was listening to Anthrax, Metallica & Pantera.

But, I'm a very melodic sort of guy. When it comes to music I really like songs I can sing along with. Anything that engages me melodically. So, I tend to lean toward the Beatles and Tom Petty when it comes to song structure.

3. What's your guilty musical pleasure?

I really really like that stupid Taylor Swift song! Yes, I want to kick my own butt, because I thought I'd never ever ever like her!

4. Who did you idolize as a child?

That's a tough one. I carried an article about the death of Boris Karloff in my wallet for years after his death. He was one of my all time faves. Steve Martin was the first person that made me believe there was hope for a goofy weirdo like myself. So he's right up there. Billy Gibbons was also a huge influence. But, the first time I heard the early U2 records and Bono's passionate voice, I wanted to be able to do the same thing. That wasn't really early in my life. I didn't hear my first U2 record till 84, I think. I was already married with kids. I know this is all coming as a shock. I'm supposed to answer, Bruce Dickinson, right? I never even heard Iron Maiden till I was in my 30's.

5. Stranded on a deserted island, what 3 cds would you have with you?

That's a tough one. I always go back to my first few records. And when I say "records", I mean LPs. But, I'd have to say: ZZ Top's first album, U2's October & the Beatles, Sergeant Pepper's if given a 4th I'd add Frank Zappa's Apostrophe.

6. The difference between today's music and the music of the 80's?

I don't know. It's all just people with some level of talent trying to get their music out in the world for people to hear it. I would hope that they all have the patience to wait around for a break. Well, at least if they are making good music. Let the bad stuff fall away into oblivion for all I care.

7. Favorite place to perform?

I always enjoyed playing the Houses of Blueses. Wherever we played those venues they always treated you right.

8. What makes a good song?

A memorable hook that doesn't become an ear worm. Something that gets the listener emotionally involved in the song.

9. What are your hobbies?

I work all the time now. I have no time for hobbies.

10. Favorite food to eat on the road?

I always enjoyed a good slice when in NYC, crabs in Baltimore, seafood in Boston & Mexican (texmex) in Houston..

11. The first concert you ever went to?

 Van Halen at the reunion arena, Dallas Texas, 1980

12. Who's the best person you've met on the road?

The best? By that do you mean the most famous? Because the fans were always the best. I met Chris Cornell twice and he gave me the cold shoulder twice and condescended to me twice. He is also very tall. I met Robbie Robertson of The Band. He was a wealth of stories & seemed to be a nice guy. Mike Portnoy is probably one of the coolest guys in the business. And of course, it was always great to tour with our friends from King's X. We also got to sing the national anthem at an Orlando magic game. We got to meet Larry Bird, Doctor J, Bo Outlaw & others.

13. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you want to meet and why?

I'd like to meet the Cohen Brothers. They make some of the greatest movies I've ever seen. There are a lot of people I'm afraid of meeting because I don't want them to fall short of my expectations. It's better to think highly of someone than to meet them and be let down.

14.Any current projects?

The last musical project I did was Gristle. It can be found on iTunes or Amazon. It was a project I did with Dane's brother, Len. He used to play in the Sonnier Brother's Band and with a band called Atomic Opera who used to be another Wilde Silas band. My son, Shane, also played bass on the recording.

Currently I am not involved in anything musically.



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"Art is making something out of nothing then selling it!"

~Frank Zappa