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England and Wales, 2006

Part 2

Told you there would be more pics of The Eye in Part 2.



Bad pic, but good story. We walked in to get tickets for The Eye, and this young woman
came up to Mark and said "I know you. You're from Melbourne. You order Pad Thai a lot."
She used to be one of the waitresses at "Balas," one of the great Asian restaurants in St. Kilda.
We travel a gazillion miles to London, and on the first day we meet someone we know from home.



The Thames and Charing Cross Station from The Eye.



In The Eye, no acrophobia here for da boys.



Looking North, but we think you know that.



North by Northeast.



Looking South(ish) to Parliament.



Now we have moved to the conference (the reason we went to England). Mark was a
Keynote speaker at the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, so he got his ticket paid.
Here we have Professor Kolt from New Zealand with an Irish friend drinking Spanish beer.



Another bloody Kiwi!
You can't go anywhere without running into one. Dr. Tod (Mark's former student)
was presenting at the conference too (more with Toddy in Wales later).
Superman Armstrong looks happy to see him.



The irrepressible Dan Bishop, some swarthy guy, and the DK. These conference pictures
seem to all be in bars with libation imbibing going on. Yup, that's what we do. And you
thought it was all about science and truth and knowledge. Dopey you.



The handsome Herr Doktor Lindwall, The gorgeous Dr. Ailsa Anderson, and some obvious interloper.



Dr. Dork and the soon to be Dr. Dan.



Ailsa, Jeffrey, David, Greg Kolt, Magnus, and the DK at a great Indian restaurant.



At the conference dinner. Love is in the air (also a lot of wine)



The DK, another swarthy guy, and Mark, one of Toddy's colleagues.



The Band.



Dr. Kolt again, and I have no idea who else.



Dr. Chris Beedie and some babe.



Dr. Andy Lane (standing). He was the one responsible for getting Mark the Keynote gig.



Mark's dance partner (on the left).



Andy Lane again.


Konference Kid, Kalvin, takes you home.

Part 1

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9