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Are you FF Obsessive?
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Trigun & Bebop

Origins, X-2, & FFXI


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.Hack//Sign & Infection

Escaflowne and Kyo

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IF you check half, you're obsessive. If you check all of them, see a doctor.

When to know you need help.

1) You talk back to the characters in the game from your living room, often arguing and telling them what they should do. (Such as a conversation Sephy and I once had, dealing with the death of Aeris.)

2) You've cried at least once during a cut scene

3) Felt depressed or 'empty' inside when you beat it after hours of preparations for the final boss

4) Return to your last save point after the game to collect EVERY item you missed, and re-work up your characters, so you can totally BLOW the final boss that was such a pain in the butt to kingdom come....

5)Travel to Africa so you can ride an ostrich, just because it reminds you of a Chocobo

6) While casually talking, you slip and call money, 'Gil' quite often, without noticing.(your friends sometimes correcting you)

7) Start to worship your favorite characters by giving them embarassing 'pet' names such as , 'Sephy'.

8) When your parents ask you what you're doing while you're playing FF and you reply with an intensified glint in your eye, "I'M SAVING THE PLANET!!!! WHAT'S IT LOOK LIKE I'M DOING?!!?!!"

9)You and your friends fight over hot characters, so you can umm...'marry' them. (*cough* I don't do that! *cough*)

10) Download countless amounts of re-mixes to the theme songs and opening tunes to ALL the Final Fantasys,..reguardless if you have played all of them or not.

11) When you're done putting ALL your FF songs onto Cds, you make pretty covers for them in photoshop with snippets of screen shots and character profiles

12) Buy Cloud's Buster Sword at (to look at.....not to touch. It must not* be tainted.)

13) Home-made a costume of a Final Fantasy character for Halloween (You're EXTRA obsessed when you got your friends to do it, and walked around strutting your stuff at a party-without realizing, nobody really does know you who are, but hey, YOU thought you were cool....)

14) Had nightmares about Sephiroth spearing YOU in the belly

15) Doodle characters constantly on your papers at school

16) Reserve a night each week to play FF with all your closest friends, and create t-shirts to show everyone how much you love FF

17) Never thought of a hot-dog without thinking of Zell

18) Wish YOU could own a long black trench coat, freakishly long katana,have silver/white hair,and have people tremble as you walk by.

19) When getting excited, shout, 'KUPO!' or, 'KEEWAH!'

20) Snarl at the boy behind you every time he says long hair is nasty on DARE he insult Sephy and Kuja!

21) Tried to catch the white materia during the cutscene (FF7)

22) You can relate more to the FF characters than actual human beings

23) You Wish you* had a limit break, then make up what it would be

24) You sweat/heart races while fighting a hard boss and you become irritable and snappy when people so much as talk to you during this time

25) You salute to every Squaresoft logo you see

26)Had a sudden urge to go out frog catching after watching Quina do it (FF9)

27)Tried to play blitzball in your pool

28) Attempted OR succeded in molding your hair like Cloud's or other gravity-defying hair doos

29)Accused someone of belonging to Shinra for littering

30)While bored in school/in public you pick out people who remind you of a FF character(I saw someone who looked like Tidus the other day...)

31)Tell Uncle Sam you'll join the army if he renames it Soilder

32)Name your husky 'Nanaki' or 'RedXIII' and attempt to dye his fur red-orange

33)Wonder if you* were made in some twisted scientific experiment by a scientist named Hojo

34)Wish your school would fly (FF8)

35)Wish you had the power to control summans/guardians at will like Yuna

36)Wish all guys could look AS good in leather as Sephiroth can, or, that good in general

37) Wish exciting things in FF happend to you

38)Write a letter to your state, begging them to create a real Goldsaucer intsead of Valleyfair or Sixflags

More coming....
~Anyone else got any?