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Trigun & Bebop

Origins, X-2, & FFXI


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My Dream Guy Description

.Hack//Sign & Infection

Are You FF Obsessed

Escaflowne and Kyo

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Here's a picture of what I MIGHT look like....

I'm an average teenage girl, you know the type; Shopping at the mall all day, painting nails at sleepovers, sunbathing,(or tanning in the winter) giggling about boys and watching reality shows all summer long.

Ok if you bought any of that I authorize the closest person (or if no one's around, you can be the one to do this) to bash you over the head with a blunt object. I'm completely opposite of that...and most likely glad. I'm kind of abnormal but like I said, it's totally ok with me. I obsess over drawing, video games, and anime. My friends Maggie, Mandy and Courtney have shared a great intrest & passion for video games ever since we became friends and I infected them all. *evil grin*

It's been about 4 or 5 years since this fellowship of gaming has been going on, but we never really had a name for it or thought too much of our weekly gaming partys.....until now. A fairly large joke we have created, the 4 of us have found that it's fun being a nerd and thought it'd be funny if we had shirts. So, we made some shirts...makes sense. I should find some pictures/ take some and post asap so you guys can see what I mean. They're so rad.
At school, some people in the halls point and name the character on our shirts, laughing and commending us. It's interesting to know who knows what's on your shirt and who doesn't.

Anyway.....About games. My favorite Characters are as follows:
*Cloud Sephiroth Vincent Aeris (FF7)
*Ansem Riku Kiari and Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
*Kuja Beatrix Frejya (FF9)
*Auron and Lulu (FF10)
*Melfice and Ryudo (Grandia II)
*Vahn Noa and Gala (Legend of Legaia, *sniffles* my first rpg...)
*Roy and Marth (Super Smash Melee...obviously Fire Emblem is not in the States...or I'd have it.)

And I have seem to have a permanent blockage of brain goo and can't think of any more atm.
O well,....Yes I mostly play RPG's or anything Square feeds me. I don't always play the FF games though, I also love the companies Working Designs and Nintendo.

I watch a LOT of anime. My favorites are very random, I don't have an ultimate genre or series, because there's just too many to choose from. But to give you an idea, here's what floast my boat. (*'s mean I've watch it all, no *'s mean I'm in the middle of it.):
-Fruits Basket*
-Kyo Samurai Deeper*
-Angel Sanctuary
-Ranma 1/2 seasons 1-3
-Cowboy Bebop, and the movie*
-Love Hina
-Outlaw Star*
-Samauri X
-X the movie*
-Escaflowne and the movie*
-Princess Mononoke*
-Mobile Suit Gundam Wing*
-The Tenchi series
***and more I probably can't think of right now***

A List of games I need to complete:

1) Legend of Legaia II (Just because we can, and the first game ruled)

2) FF8. Yes, it's horrible we know-but the fact that we didn't beat it (got to like.......end of disk 3...) is pretty pathetic.

3) THE CHRONOS. Trigger and Cross baby. must have.

4) Xenosaga. need i say more? in fact if this was in order, it'd be first.)

5) Skies of Arcadia Legends. It's for gamecube, so that'll mean it'll have to be over here all the time....but it is so awesome i've been watching bill play it.

6) Legend of Zelda, the Wind Waker. (the new one for gamecube) Cell-shaded characters. How much cooler can it get..

7) Lunar 2. Anime cut-scenes. *claps* such as Chrono Trigger. Plus the pink 'dragon' kitty Ruby, she's so awesome.

8) (again this is not in order) Final Fantasy Origins. BECAUSE ITS FINAL FANTASY THATS WHY. *hard glare and non-FF'rs)

9) .Hack//Infection. Because the anime was awesome, so the game must be as well. Or so I hope.
The start of this section